Posts by Joanna

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  • Cracker: Bye Wellington,

    You're leaving? Who can we follow around now?

    Most importantly, I hope to still be able to continue my duties as the reigning Wellingtonista Best Dub-dub-dubber.

    Sorry Damian, between leaving, those topless photos surfacing and that video of you trying to explain why Americans can't find Iraq on a map, I guess you're going to have to hand back your crown.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: They don't make 'em like they…,

    Seriously. Get out more dude. There's a whole world out there waiting for you.

    Was it Amy Hoy or Kathy Sierra who had a slide with a tshirt that said "I went outside once. The graphics weren't that good"?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: Networking takes a back seat,

    I love the way you can go right up to the young male tiger

    In San Francisco, tiger comes right up to you!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: A thing that rarely ends well,

    Not Consul for Morrocco, Joanna.

    Ummm errr umm it's not that I can't read, just I was of course referring to the dark seedy underbelly of Monaco. Why do you think Grace Kelly drove off that cliff, after all?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: A thing that rarely ends well,

    <em>Richard Worth is the Consul for Monaco, to New Zealand (and he used to be Consul for Colombia).</em>

    Which was the more glamorous?

    That would depend on whether you're in the hashish or the coke camp, right? Errr, not to put across blatant stereotypes that I know are not accurate and do not describe either country very favourably or anything...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: Recreations,

    Are you checking out my bulges? Are you mocking me?

    (Actually the phrase came from something I said to a guy at a wedding in December 2001, that I was told never to say again by my friend in January 2002) - it was all about how you should take a compliment at face value and not display poor self esteem, but I think it's more fun to turn it around and mess with people's heads. My Oma once wrote me a cheque when she thought she'd insulted me. I felt terrible. But took the money anyway.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: Recreations,

    Goodness, I don't know which is more offensive: To make a badly timed plane crash joke, or to not know why it might be offensive.

    Anyone who has heard any of my terrible favouritest jokes would realise that I'm rather hard to offend, but sometimes it's fun to pretend to be offended. See also: "are you calling me fat?"

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: Recreations,

    Not being up with the local news (for obvious reasons; thanks Evan),
    I'd read that as meaning that there hasn't been a safe season yet;
    i.e. wait until the airport can be re-sited (after the next quake).

    Oh no, I just wanted to make a reference to the fact that AIDs is officially funny now, and everyone loves a good Princess Diana joke, but plane crash humour needs at least another week.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: Recreations,

    But I rate the drive down there as about 100 times more dangerous.

    I'm no statismathmagician or anything, but I'm pretty sure that the death rate of like what, 500 people a year on the roads > the handful of people who die in plane crashes in NZ, very very few of which are commercial flights, so I think you might be on to something there.

    Is it the actual horror, or just the excuse to grab the nearest guy which is the big turn on?

    The actual horror.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Children come first, except…,

    At Webstock, Liz Danzico showed a fabulous slide of a New York Subway sign that had been tagged - if you've ever ridden the subways there, you'll know that they're not always the easiest things to understand, so on a sign that said " 'C' and 'E' trains" someone had very helpfully added "Downtown". I like the idea of tagging functioning like that, as a way of making environments better. Likewise, I loved the people who doctored the pedestrian figures on the very not-pedestrian friendly Karo drive. They were reclaiming their own space.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

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