Posts by Joanna

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  • Radiation: New season,

    But what about something called the romance collection with Love Actually, Wimbledon, and Bridget Jones's Diary?

    R for Romance?
    H or G for Hugh Grant (ignoring Wimbledon)

    I've just had a look at my DVDs, and I've put The Breakfast Club, 16 Candles and Weird Science under 'M' for 'Molly Ringwald'. Because Weird Science sucks!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Radiation: New season,

    Exactly! If I was organised enough to file my DVDs alphabetically rather than just jamming them every which way into a drawer and then piling them around the TV when I ran out of room... This would give me considerable issues!

    Everything else in my life might be in a huge jumble of crazy, and I might keep all my clothes on the floor (which makes it very hard to find things when I have so damn many black clothes) but my books, CDs and DVDs are all in perfect order on their shelves, and I get very cross if people borrow things and don't put them back in place.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Island Life: Get over it,

    Here's a question for Wellington cyclists or would-be cyclists: where are the bottlenecks, gaps and deathtraps in what one might exaggeratedly call our "cycle network"? Are there some suburbs with frustrated pools of cyclists who could be unleashed given a small stretch of cycle lane or an improved intersection?

    I live in Newtown, and I take the bus every day, but if there was a cycle lane all the way in to the CBD, where I wouldn't have to ride on the road at all, I'd buy a bike and ride in. But as it is, I learnt to ride my bike in Tokyo, where we rode on the pavements, and so I'm terrified at the thought of actually riding in traffic.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Radiation: New season,

    Three movies in a single dvd case just looks wrong.

    Plus, how do you file it alphabetically? Very vexing! Heh.

    I really must get around to renting Carnivale sometime, I'm sure I'll like it. But first I gotta find the time to watch My So-Called Life and see if it's still as good as when I was 15 (answer: probably not).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: All this and more,

    Stop looking so smug.

    Never! You will have to cut the smugness off my cold dead face!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Radiation: New season,

    If Campbell takes off the tie then take off the suit.

    Ooooh, I'd definitely watch that then! Oh wait, you mean he'd put on something else? Nevermind.

    And I second the Deadwood appreciation. I always missed it on TV so the DVDs were brilliant, because one hour of whores and cocksuckers a week is just not enough.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Radiation: New season,

    How would you know? You watch Shortland Street every night.


    But OMG! Did youse guys see it tonight??? Although I missed like the last second, I will still admit to shedding a wee almost-tear when (SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN TONIGHT'S) Craig found Alice.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Radiation: New season,


    You know how some black people have taken back the N-Word and I (and others) are all about the cunt? It's like the writers of TV shows are trying to steal back their characters from slash-writers by producing the slash themselves!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Radiation: New season,


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Radiation: New season,

    You mean the Amstell-Barrowman gay-off? Genius

    Yep! Robyn got me hooked on Buzzcocks by sending me season 21 because she knew that I have a Vince Noir/Noel Fielding fetish from The Mighty Boosh (also OMG *SPOILER ALERT* season three MAN PASH!!!!) and now I just can't get enough. It makes me guffaw in delight, and it also makes me giggle in glee at how much it makes my flatmates guffaw in delight too. It almost makes me want to start bittorrenting myself. But my laptop just would not be able to handle that.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

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