Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,


    Russell, you begin with an excellent summary, but miss the crucial point that Equity had a legal opinion (Simpson Grierson) that organisations of 50 or more could negotiate non-binding recommendations on behalf of a group of independent contractors.

    Russell hasn't missed that at all, but with all due respect to the fine folks at Simpson Grierson an opinion is nothing more than that. Irish Equity went out and did the hard yards of lobbying and building support for legislation, which trumps an opinion with no legal standing (and might not withstand being tested in the courts).

    I'd also assume that Simpson Grierson would very carefully frame and qualify such an opinion. I've got to assume, because AFAIK NZ Equity hasn't publicly released the full text.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Quite frankly, Fran can piss off the China.

    Sounds like the kind of stuff Stephen King wrote when he was on the beer 'n' blow diet. Just hope Fran never pisses on the china, because that's just gross.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Perhaps Equity New Zealand/MEAA should have an open casting call to replace Whipp. Choose between. --

    Why, I can smile, and murder while I smile,
    And cry, ‘Content,’ to that which grieves my heart,
    And wet my cheeks with artificial tears,
    And frame my face to all occasions.
    I’ll drown more sailors than the mermaid shall;
    I’ll slay more gazers than the basilisk;
    I’ll play the orator as well as Nestor,
    Deceive more slily than Ulysses could,
    And, like a Sinon, take another Troy.
    I can add colours to the chameleon,
    Change shapes with Proteus for advantages,
    And set the murd’rous Machiavel to school.
    Can I do this, and cannot get a crown?
    Tut! were it further off, I’ll pluck it down.

    (Henry VI Part II, Act 3, Sc. 3)


    Now is the winter of our discontent
    Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
    And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
    In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
    Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;
    Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;
    Our stern alarums chang'd to merry meetings,
    Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.
    Grim-visag'd war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front;
    And now,--instead of mounting barbed steeds
    To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,--
    He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber
    To the lascivious pleasing of a lute.
    But I,--that am not shap'd for sportive tricks,
    Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass;
    I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty
    To strut before a wanton ambling nymph;
    I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion,
    Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,
    Deform'd, unfinish'd, sent before my time
    Into this breathing world scarce half made up,
    And that so lamely and unfashionable
    That dogs bark at me as I halt by them;--
    Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace,
    Have no delight to pass away the time,
    Unless to spy my shadow in the sun,
    And descant on mine own deformity:
    And therefore,--since I cannot prove a lover,
    To entertain these fair well-spoken days,--
    I am determined to prove a villain,
    And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
    Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,
    By drunken prophecies, libels, and dreams,
    To set my brother Clarence and the king
    In deadly hate the one against the other:
    And if King Edward be as true and just
    As I am subtle, false, and treacherous,
    This day should Clarence closely be mew'd up,--
    About a prophecy which says that G
    Of Edward's heirs the murderer shall be.
    Dive, thoughts, down to my soul:--here Clarence comes.

    (Richard III, Act 1, Sc.1)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,'t-promise-no-strikes-during-world-cup

    More to the point, they bloody shouldn't. While it gives my black Tory heart the flutters to say this, if a union takes legal, properly notified industrial action then it is fucking irrelevant whether it happens during the Rugby World Cup or Jane Austen's Birthday (which is a high holy day in this house).

    Anyway, I really doubt (just taking a random example) the unions covering public transport staff would stage a walk out in Auckland the day of the final. You don't need to be a fricking genius to realise that the (inevitable) backlash is something you'd court at your peril.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Radiation: Not funny,

    It isn't. At least not the DVDs in the States. Who knows about the NZ edition, though (or any extended edition they're offering - I'm going by what I'm getting from Netflix.)

    That's a bugger - the DVDs of Sherlock have the unaired pilot version of 'A Study in Pink' in the extras. (It's a standard TV hour, and the Beeb decided to shelve and re-shoot when they decided to commission three 90-minute episodes instead and, apparently, Sreven Moffat did such heavy re-writes there was basically nothing they could re-use.)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Radiation: Not funny,

    Interesting - what series did it spin-off from?

    OK, let's try that again in coherent English. (And if someone could delete my last, my sense of shame will be your eternal bitch.)

    Being Human wasn't spun off from any show. Danny Cohen, who was then controller of BBC3, commissioned four one-off hour dramas with an option to take them to series. The ratings weren't spectacular, but along with positive reviews they were good enough to secure a series order. I have no idea why every part other than George was recast though.

    It's not done that much any more, but used to be pretty common with British sitcoms. Both Porridge and Open All Hours started out as episodes in a series of plays starring Ronnie Barker. And a long-running anthology series called Comedy Playhouse was quite the incubator for Brit-coms -- not least Are You Being Served? (which got a prime time slot under ghoulish circumstances; the cancellation of scheduled Olympics coverage due to the Munich massacre) and Last of the Summer Wine (whose 31st and final series screened this year).

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Or that security is the most important thing for every worker?

    Indeed - Hell, Public Address Radio could lose its funding in the next round, or get dumped by Radio Live the day after the next management re-shuffle. Doesn't make the work any less fun.

    I must track down a simply lovely interview with Dame Judi Dench where she said she tried to talk her daughter out of being an actor -- it is a hard, shitty insecure life especially when you're a woman in that awful wasteland where you're too old to play Juliet, but too young for the Nurse. But she said actors are people who can't do anything else.

    Craig, you might want to check fulsome in the dictionary. Unless you know exactly what it means.....:))

    I do - perhaps its a function of my sheer bloody-mindedness, but on the rare occasions I do apologize for anything I do tend to over-compensate. Though always, I hope, erring on the side of "generous in amount, extent, or spirit" instead of William Congreve's in The Old Bachelor

    BELLMOUR. Who? Heartwell? Ay, but he knows better things. How now, George, where hast thou been snarling odious truths, and entertaining company, like a physician, with discourse of their diseases and infirmities? What fine lady hast thou been putting out of conceit with herself, and persuading that the face she had been making all the morning was none of her own? For I know thou art as unmannerly and as unwelcome to a woman as a looking-glass after the smallpox.

    HEARTWELL. I confess I have not been sneering fulsome lies and nauseous flattery; fawning upon a little tawdry whore, that will fawn upon me again, and entertain any puppy that comes, like a tumbler, with the same tricks over and over. For such, I guess, may have been your late employment.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Craig, you can stand by whatever you please, I post here under my own name in good faith and found your response as offensive as it was unnecessary.

    I find it damn offensive that you keep disingenuously pretending that being told you're in a "lynch mob mood" is somehow less offensive than being called a "lynch mob". It's called being wilfully obtuse -- and I know people who were on that protest who aren't gullible idiots, and certainly weren't calling for anyone to be strung up from the nearest lamp post.

    And, yeah, I make no apologies for getting pissed off at hearing people I know and respect being pissed on as members of a lynch mob "wound up" by a lying corporate tool, "useful idiots" and "trolls". As far as I'm concerned, people like Kelly, Idiot Savant and Chris Trotter shouldn't dish what they can't take back.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Radiation: Not funny,

    <i> I'm also hoping the backdoor pilot is going to be included on the DVD

    Interesting - what series did it spin-off from?</i>

    It didn't. Being Human is an example of the had a "backdoor" pilot.

    Danny Cohen, then controller of BBC3, commissioned four one-off dramas with an open-ended option to take them to series. (Actually used to be fairly common in the UK with sitcoms -- Porridge & Open All Hours can out of this series of self-contained plays starring Ronnie Barker. Comedy Playhouse was quite the incubator of British sitcoms, not least Last of the Summer Wine, whose 31st and final series wound up last month.)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    you know Craig, if I hadn't met you I might actually believe some of the shit you shovel.

    @Alan: The nice thing about being around here is that you're expected to own your words and be accountable for them. I'll stand by what I say, and I'd really love to know what I should hold Helen Kelly to a different standard than Chris Trotter -- he who not only compared critics of Winston Peters to a lynch mob (you know, white folks out to get the uppity darkie) but pack rapists.

    As Russell said, I'm willing to accept that I (slightly) misquoted Helen Kelly and fulsomely apologise. But if she doesn't like getting a negative reaction from the moody "lynch mob", she shouldn't have said it in the first place.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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