Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Sigh ... just checked in at The Standard. It appears that anyone not reading exclusively from today's bullet points -- me, Lew, Danyl are listed -- is still a lackey of the boss-classes.

    Don't worry - I'm sure Peter Jackson and Toby Emmerich will send you filthy class traitors a truly awesome swag bag.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Back on topic, the non-molestation order reality took out against Chris Trotter is in full effect:

    What NZ Actors' Equity tried to do here would scarcely have rated a mention in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland or Australia. Actors, film technicians, specialists of every kind in those countries negotiate with the big film studios all the time.

    Only recently, Irish film- makers successfully concluded an industry-wide collective agreement. Ireland, you'll recall, was identified by Sir Peter Jackson's people as one of the places to which location shooting for The Hobbit might be shifted.


    Huh, indeed. Trotter neglects to mention Irish Equity spent years successfully lobbying and building support for a law change that allowed them to do so, without breaking Irish competition law. As Russell said on Kiwi FM earlier today, something NZAE/MEAA might be a long way towards if it was minimally competent.

    And I've got to love this classic Trotter load of troll poo:

    For another thing, the designated villains of this drama - NZ Actors' Equity and the Council of Trade Unions - are tailor-made for the role of "patsy". Less than a month from now, on November 12, trade unionists will commemorate the 98th anniversary of the murder of striker Fred Evans by a gang of scabs and thugs in the little mining town of Waihi. Ever since that bloody day in 1912 the New Zealand trade union movement has been subjected to an unending campaign of vilification and persecution by a combination of extremely powerful economic and political interests.

    Someone get Trotter his life membership in Actors Equity, because I'm calling Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol... STFU, murderous scabs!

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Contrast that with the outrightly misogynistic drivel from the sewer rats directed at Helen Clark when she was in office, which was on par with anti-Obama Tea Partyism.

    Oh yeah, but "Hullen Klark" and "Liarbore" was OK, as opposed to petty and infantile? Same sauce for goose and gander alike...

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Extraordinary Powers,

    Has the SFO ever heard of the notion that you catch more birds with honey than you do with a vinegar-soaked billy club? You spend all that time teaching children that "excuse me", "please" and "thank you" are magic words and it never sticks... :)

    I'm sure we all want to see SCF get fed the whole just desert trolley -- including the NBR. But the SFO isn't doing itself any favours here.

    @Danielle: I feel much the same about Stephen Fry when watching QI. Very clever, deservedly an enormously successful and popular chap, but just once I'd like Jo Brand to snarl "patronise me again, you tubby cock-sucker, and I'll throttle you with that hideous tie".

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Could someone tell Geoff Robinson and Brent Edwards to stop saying "there was no boycott"? I expect Helen Kelly to keep spinning and rewriting history, but I also expect National Radio not to engage in editorial truthiness.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Speaking of matters financial, here's a tip: judging by what's being posted over at The Standard now, I think that the stocks of tinfoil manufacturers are looking very bullish. Apparently it's all a complicated jackup between "Jackson/Warners/Key/Brownlee" .

    I'm beginning to wonder if The Standard is actually a collective of deep cover Tory sleeper agents. I've been hearing sympathy for evil Amerikkkan multi-national media corporations, and even Darths Brownlee & Key, from the most peculiar quarters...

    It's all about the money

    Holy fucking shit -- has anyone told the press that Time Warner is a publicly held corporation with shareholders and all that stuff? Total surprise to me.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    @ Craig: Without going into tiresome details, I'm thinking of the crews who are on call during the whole of a shoot. Who might work a 12 hour day, or even longer, six days a week, rain, hail or shine.Their weekly pay packet will be substantial.

    Sure, but my point is that that those figures are "substantial"... until, perhaps, you've got to stretch it out six months until the next job comes along. And that's true whether you're gluing down Gandalf's beard in Miramar or Connemara. Kind of depressing listening to Matthew Hooten being paitently man-splained why its not particularly helpful saying "but that's over a quarter million dollars a year." You'd think a freelance spin doctor (bottom line dependent on the size of his client list) would know that better than most.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Look, let's get one thing straight. Film work pays well.

    Well, yes, I'm sure it sounds awfully impressive that I get paid $120 gross for twenty minutes work (i.e. the maximum time it takes to record my PAR pieces). Sadly, its not a $360 a hour full-time job, but I know what I signed up for and job security isn't part of the deal. (For that matter, there's no guarantee Radio Live won't dump PA Radio or NZOA decide to pull our funding, which is pretty much the same thing.)

    This has become a real problem, and I don't think it actually helps get roles for NZ Equity members. It just makes production companies think there must be easier places to work.

    It's also a little rich, considering how many Kiwi actors have been paying the bills by stealing bread out of the mouths of Australian television actors for decades. I'm also reasonable confident Melanie Lynskey, Cliff Curtis, Charles Mesure, Jermaine Clement, Martyn Coskas, Karl Urban and Lucy Lawless would take extreme umbrage at being called foreign scabs.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    lord knows how he'd have fared under more pointed questioning.

    Never thought I'd say this, but I miss Sean Plunket. There - said it - need a lie down.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Sara Wiseman attended the rally.

    So did Celia Wade-Brown. Class traitor! :)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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