Posts by Heather W.

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  • Hard News: KIlling it will be the easy part,

    Does the "seabed" in this context include exploration rights to gas/oil and jurisdiction over using water/seabed for energy generation (tidal/wave generators)?

    The Crown has given itself blanket ownership of most of the minerals etc. For example - Petroleum Act of 1937 (now probably part of the Crown Minerals Act). Assume once foreshore and seabed surface layer of ownership is argued over, who owns what is under whatever would be next line in need of settlement.

    From Crown Minerals Act 1991:

    Petroleum, gold, silver, and uranium
    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act or in any Crown grant, certificate of title, lease, or other instrument of title, all petroleum, gold, silver, and uranium existing in its natural condition in land (whether or not the land has been alienated from the Crown) shall be the property of the Crown.

    (Land includes land covered by water; and also includes the foreshore and seabed to the outer limits of the territorial sea)

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Speaker: About That Telescope,

    I'm willing to forgive everything to the NZ newspaper business if they start running every day this picture (originally from this article). Then at least they will be like the proverbial clock that is right once a day.

    So what penalty can the BSA actually give? M Laws (okay Micael Lawhs) gave his statement this morning as ordered. He made a big deal about not offering an apology and he would see what BSA would do. On a quick look at the decision the BSA had not asked for an apology anyway, just a statement outlining the decision so the BSA probably can't do anything more with this particular complaint.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Up Front: The British Are Coming,

    It's apparently possible to get the pattern for Men's frock coat of Victorian era.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu and swearing,

    Before long they'll be putting motors on those bikes, then giving them four wheels and doors...

    Extra wheels and (sometimes) doors come with the Velomobile

    Or with a motor-bike, comes a real side-car

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Speaker: About That Telescope,

    the David Slack tales are usually more plausible than this.

    I think you and Haywood are competing for branding mindshare in the David space.

    Name Fail. Sorry David. Thanks Stephen.
    Must remember - name check, fact check and preview.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Speaker: About That Telescope,

    First thought on reading the story was that the David Slack tales are usually more plausible than this. (Sorry David Fisher) Then found out that the S Cook story gets worse.

    When do we get the journalists back that report the story rather than try to be the story?

    On another point - TV3 News last night had as a headline "Gunboat diplomacy". Do they have anyone older than 25 on the team as that term used to mean something more like "agree with me or else"? The story was about the rescue of a New Zealand family at sea by a ship from the French Navy. That particular story followed the latest "truth" about a certain rugby player and the formal apology from France.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another entry in the Public…,

    Found this via Arbroath

    Apparently some UK Doctors would like the legal option to pray alongside patients as part of meeting the patient's needs.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Island Life: Bye, bye, you peculiar guy.,

    I'm not sure it's even legal these days. When I saw them they had to call themselves Anderson, Wakeman, Bruford and Howe, which is a bit wordy for a referendum bumper sticker.

    Am (or am not) voting B.W.A.H. would fit, whichever meaning of bwah you wish to use.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Hard News: On the Waterfront,

    A fundraiser for CureKids does have some nice
    Auckland scenes

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,


    Yes, that head/tails competition did exist. I can remember listening to some of it. MoreFM tried it and several similar (e.g. heads = trip / tails= wedding dress destroyed) in early 2008. Not a lucky one, as most of the time result was tails. It did hit MSM at the time, but can't find references now.

    The actual coin toss is on a youtube clip.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

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