Posts by Heather W.

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  • Random Play: Hi-ho hi-ho it's off to…,

    Since P Holmes has been mentioned in this thread, I'll mention the flyer that came with the NZ Herald today. Front has 'olmes picture and the following words

    Taking the P out of Paul Holmes to take the P out of New Zealand

    (all in uppercase). It's to be a celebrity roast with the usual suspects. Prices start at $290 +gst a seat.

    Is there still anyone out there willing to pay that sort of money for that group of well basically old [insert phrase of choice here] and wouldn't a donation direct to the Stellar Trust be better?

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Up Front: Also, The Rain Isn't Gone,

    They shouldn't be shaking their heads around like that. We did too much of that in the 80's. I'm convinced that's why I have horrid vertigo from time to time. You never read about shaken head syndrome, do you?

    There have been studies. It's been in the British Medical Journal, according to Cosmos Magazine

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Up Front: Also, The Rain Isn't Gone,

    I've wanted glasses since my late teens when I realised I looked far more sophisticated and intelligent when trying on my friend's goggles.

    Michael, you could get them anyway, it is possible to get glasses with non-corrective lenses. Apparently wearing glasses is in.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Random Play: Hi-ho hi-ho it's off to…,

    It's not that Holmes' piece is outrageous - it's that we are no longer outraged.

    Last century I used to watch TV1 for the facts, TV3 for the story and read newspapers for the background and visit the internet for different angles (it was interesting seeing the same story given slightly different treatments - definite differences between NZ and Australia).

    Now most news is delivered by presenters and celebrity rules. The same item is presented the same way in many platforms, facts seem to be a sidebar and research, journalism and judgement are lacking. We were not outraged because the changes have been insidious, changes were made to compete with other media and now mainstream media all looks alike and it's not so good.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Field Theory: He's the voice,

    LL's ex-boyfriend reportedly wanted his money back for the 'enhancements' and the clothes not removed for the 'streak' were sold on TradeMe. That would make interesting accounting entries.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    Speaking of juries; I see that 7 of the 12 elected jurors have excused themselves from the Field trial.
    Can’t blame them at all; I couldn’t think of a worse jury to be on. But that is a real weakness in the system.

    This still sounds odd. The original notice says how long the trial is expected to take and this is repeated as the ballot process begins and you get several chances to excuse yourself from jury service.

    Why does the legal process in a trial take sooo long anyway?

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Tweets and Twats,

    Just how big a [insert your pet abusive term here] IS Michael Lawhs? Grant Robertson's tweet this morning:
    took life into hands and rang Michael Laws.he is on about UN conference on racism, but early decided to have a go about my civil union, sigh

    How does Michael giving his congratulations on Grant's marriage (yes he should have said civil union) become having a go?

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Field Theory: He's the voice,

    Why did we eat out the moa! The possibilities!

    Something like the osturducken?

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    History may be now but it sometimes gives the impression of repeating.

    The US has decided to boycott the UN racism conference

    They also boycotted the 2001 conference when under the Bush rule.

    Israel again being the alleged catalyst.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    The smears have been continuing.

    In breaking news, V. has been rescued again.

    North Shore • Since Nov 2008 • 189 posts Report

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