Posts by Richard Irvine

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  • Hard News: Some cool stuff so you won't…,

    Cool stuff? Check out Chuck Klosterman's Chinese Democracy review.

    "Reviewing Chinese Democracy is not like reviewing music. It's more like reviewing a unicorn."

    "...the result is an overstuffed maelstrom that makes all the punk dolts scoff. His ambition is noble, yet wildly unrealistic. It's like if Jeff Lynne tried to make Out Of The Blue sound more like Fun House, except with jazz drumming and a girl singer from Motown."

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A vile curse on thee!,

    In the media, Stu bloody Wilson does my head in. Stems from a wedding I went to where he was MC and rambled on about himself for three hours in a clearly tired and emotional state... disgrace.

    For a 'commentator', he has NOT ONE original thing to say, and just covers up his miniscule IQ by endless riffing on 'the big boys up front reckon the fancy boys in the backs are poofs'. And that's it. My long suffering partner has to tell me to pan down whenever he pops up to ruin a game for me.

    You may be able to detect I don't like him from this lot.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A vile curse on thee!,

    I support Canterbury and Chelsea (Sorry Richard).

    Ye gods. Judging by my post above, it appears I'm no fan of spelling or correct punctuation either.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A vile curse on thee!,

    The big obvious ones for me are Arsenal and Chelsea. Fuckers. Let's put them to one side.

    Also the Australian cricket team. Blame the Waugh brothers.

    But my biggie is North Harbour. Being forced to bed down with them in the Chiefs, was bad enough, but they're a union with crap players, crap uniforms, two crap stadiums, never won anything, a 'created' team wtih no history, a sense of entitlement out of all porportion with their ability.

    There was one sheild challenge at Rugby Park in the mid ninties that sealed it, when Richard Turner said afterwards he hoped to not see the shield ever again. That, and two middle aged North Harbour fans getting in a fight with me mate in McDonalds that that night.

    The thing is, I live on the shore now, and my son was born there. Learn from my mistakes, be veeeeery careful out there, team.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: You play to win the game,

    Not shouting at kickers is classy, and something I've only experienced overseas. Feeling big stadiums like Lasnsdowne Road or Twickenham going quiet is eerie and moving. Not to mention polite.

    On the other hand, hearing Rugby Park / Waikato Stadium go absolutely nuts when Grant Fox / Carlos / etc are lining one up makes me *so* proud.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    If Palin had got in:
    *crosses fingers on the embed*
    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    you tube link

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Cracker: All In,

    Heh. Given the Siamese quality of the Labour/Progressive relationship, does it even count as a head ?

    Maybe a bollock?

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Classics Are Rubbish Too,

    I rilly enjoyed DeLillo's Underworld - it's a bit of an epic alright, I enjoyed following the undercurrents throughout. Reading this thread makes me want to read White Noise too.

    I read the Da Vinci Code, too. I thought it 'crappy book, would make a great movie', but Ron Howard made a STINKER from it. I learned that anything with Tom Hanks in a mulllet that's not Bachelor Party is crap.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Classics Are Rubbish Too,

    Has anyone tried Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace? I piked out at about 560 pages (of just over 1K). It's... kind of brilliant but yeah, really heavy on the seemingly irrelevant.

    DFW died recently and I got it out again in a feeble kind of tribute. Didn't get much further, though. I'll wait until I'm on a boring holiday or in jail before I have another crack.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Random Play: Modern Life is Rubbish,

    - 'Sunday' with its' one sided, editorialised-to-death beat-ups pedalled as 'journalism'. Doesn't help that the 'team' seems to be the smarmiest bunch I've ever seen

    - Journalists who just kind of make statements at interviewees instead of asking *actual questions*

    - Most TV sports news. Unless it's the day after a game when you get results and / or highlights, you can pretty much bet it'll be a waste of time. Footballers standing in the training grounds telling me its going to be a big game - *yawn*

    - Sitting through the news thinking 'Oh, I'll just catch the weather', and somehow finding something else to look at / listen to / think about for the five seconds that Auckland's forecast is shown. This may just be me

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

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