Posts by Richard Irvine

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  • Field Theory: Geniuses,

    Yip, I use for the stats - it keeps track of my itunes listening, so I can logon each month and get really disturbed at just how much Harry Nilsson I actually listen to.

    Re: vinyl - MP3, like everyone else, I consider my collection chocka of unique and beautiful snowflakes. I was thinking about getting one of
    these, and flogging it back on TradeMe once I was done.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Geniuses,

    Had a quick go @ the weekend - apart from not recognising the Beatles, it seems... OK. I still reckon I can make better play lists though.

    I listen to my Ipod @ work and on the bus etc, and play more CDs and vinyl @ home - I like having the time to listen to whole albums. I do too:

    BTW - has anyone found a workabel way to rip vinyl to MP3?

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Home and Away,

    Hadyn, that Covenrty kit is by Admiral - I think they're British, they do a load of football kits and the England cricket team until recently.

    And it's deep chocolate brown...

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Home and Away,

    This is going to turn into crappy uniform Friday, isn't it? Here's two football shockers from Celtic and Arsenal.

    Here's one that's widely labelled sh*t, but I reckon is actually pretty classy - Coventry away (hope those links work - I have troule with the PAS code also).

    And WHAT is going on at Canterbury, I reckon their designer should be drug tested, pronto.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Dancing in the Dark,

    Jose was outside having a smoke and Jules was in the kitchen getting a hotdog.

    There's good blog post in missing vital sports moments. I missed Mike Tyson biting Holyfield 'cos I was in the loo, for example. Hearing the excitement going on down the hall I almost had a nasty accident trying to... rush things.

    And (apologies Hadyn), the level of excitement generated over HALF TIME is a good example of why I find most US sport utterly baffling. NOTHING sporting can be made better by adding the gang from Friends.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sports and: fashion,

    Are you in a vindictive mood this afternoon RI?

    I'm a Spurs fan, it's spelt M-A-S-O-C-H-I-S-T-I-C.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sports and: fashion,

    Holy crap - that TOFFS site has an 82 All Whites shirt!

    This one is still the bizzo, though.

    1. The Bobby Moore special for some weekend beatboy action.

    I really like the away version of that - I did a version of it for one of me indoor football teams...

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sports and: fashion,

    Makes me want to cry.

    That's not even the worst - remember this? (I had one of these, ashamedly).

    The new ones are truely crap. I went on holiday to the UK a coupla years ago, fully intending to buy a new spurs shirt, but when I actually got my mitts on one, they seemed woeful and low-quality. Didn't bother in the end. I'd like to get a nice retro one, like a 81 or a 91.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sports and: fashion,

    You've missed the most iconic NZ uniform of them all - the black singlet.

    Uniforms have been slowly ruined by sponsors and marketing budgets - if you've got a whole lot of cash to spend with Nike or Adidas for a new shirt, the execs are going to want their moneys' worth, right? That Otago one is a case in point.

    English Football suffers terribly in this. take my team (and Leg Break's), Tottenham. Compare this to this.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Island Life: I can see clearly now,

    I hate Kevin Roberts for getting involved with the All Blacks, and saying most New Zealanders (he's from the North of England) would rather win the Tri-Nations than the World Cup.


    He's fun to take the piss out of, though.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

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