Posts by Richard Irvine

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  • Field Theory: Hey, no gang signs,

    Here's how you celebrate:

    'The fridge has opened'. Heh.

    I'd come out to Tomorrow Never Knows.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Every guy does it,

    If a bunch of linebackers and tight ends and what have you ever get hold of the oppositions' kicker, don't the beat the shit out them?

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Every guy does it,

    There's not much sport on at the moment, is there? Luckily what there is (Aussie Open, Aus v SA cricket) is at very civilised viewing times...

    It was nice to meet you ! Here's my disgraceful Moustache effort from 2007's Movember. I came under heavy pressure @ work to do it again this november, but I don't really want to set a precedent and spend 1/12th of of life with a hairy top lip. My Mo = itchy. Grey. Yuck.

    Spurs. Sheesh.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    We've been analysing whether we can still afford SKY on one income - as we're around home a lot more with a small baby, it's our entertainment, basically, and $63 a month isn't toooo much to pay for that I reckon. It would only take one or two trips to the pub to equal $63 a month. (we get Sport only, no movies).

    That and the fact that Rugby replays aside (that often finish in the wee small hours), the sport I'm interested in is pretty much exclusively on SKY, ie Cricket, Football, Cycling.

    They've got us by the balls, basically.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    This is my fav cricket vid, non-musical as it is:

    Yes, the 'getting permission to watch cricket, that game that goes for hours and can wind up a DRAW!?!' conundrum is a toughy. Thankfully, my beloved thinks cricket's great as 'background noise', ie we often have it on while cooking, reading etc, so I can keep a sneaky eye on it without totally burning all my sport watching tickets.

    She likes watching rugby though (and haz Eden Park season ticket). I love her.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Cracker: If You Are Interesting Please Inside*,

    I just googled Angkor Wat - love the minimalist google map on the front page.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: My first cricket match,

    Did anyone see Duminy's scoop six in last night's 20/20? He is going to score a LOT Of runs in all forms.

    And - can anyone explain to me again how embed youtube videos?

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: My first cricket match,

    Rather than pause on his trot in with the bowler he just kept on going, running upright, reached down with one hand as he met the ball and threw with the next stride.

    I did a similar delayed-reation catch playing club cricket in Ireland one time, but that was more to do with a paralysing hangover than any languid style of mine.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Cricket: a live account,

    Woah - Adidas access and cricket freebies... you're making me think my blog needs to be less crap.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Contains reference to cricket,

    You picked the wrong test match to get interested :)

    IOB is being cross-posted to Cricinfo too, but he's still going on his blogspot account too. It's not clear what the 'approval' process is - apparantly the Black Caps' manager was reading his blogs before publiciation in Australia.

    I think he's avoided the 'PR team' treatment so far.

    I was listening to O'Brien getting the hell bounced out of him that day and thinking,wow, can't wait to read his blog about this.

    It adds a whole new dimension, eh? I'd love to read more players' blogs. For Twitterers, Lance Armstrong is a definite follow.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

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