Posts by Richard Irvine

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  • Field Theory: Wellingtonista and Want-mas,

    I just this minute saw what I NEED: an angry mob playset.

    Either that, or anything from the Zobmbie Gift Guide from a year or so back.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: If he did it,

    In golf, an "OJ" is a total mishit that winds up on the fairway / green / in the hole after fortuitous ricochet off a tree / clubhouse / fellow golfer.

    OJ. i.e. you 'got away with it'.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Intense Uniformity,

    Kyle that penguin is CLASS.

    Re the uniforms: Adidas - if you're reading, and we know you are, how about some nice retro jerseys? Sure, we won't 'update' them every two years, but at least you'll open up that difficult-to-crack 'bah humbug' market.

    Nice access to the source, though, Hadyn.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Return,

    Could you do the Euro winners too? And Champions League? And Italian Premier League (sorry I forgot the actual name)

    I can remember all the trophies Tottenham have won between 82 and now.

    *hollow laugh*

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Return,

    In football terms, the All Blacks are like Brazil (beautiful game-style backline moves) crossed with Germany's ruthless efficiency up front.
    How come we don't win World Cups again?

    I think we should stick with it though, eh. Once we get the monkey off our backs in a WC, I reckon we'll win 5 in a row, and people will lament a devalued tournament because we always win instead of never winning.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Return,

    Yes. Ignore the fact we lost, it was all the ref's fault.

    My approach implies a certain amount of getting over it, too. If we're stil moan about Henry v Deans in 2011 god help us. lf Henry is winning Tri Nations and Grand Slams like this year, he's not going to be sacked between now and then.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Return,

    Jerseys? I still have my Chiefs one from 1996 that's still nicely, thanks.

    Those new Adidas ones are designed to go well with jeans (and possibly spew down them), it's a joint effort by Adidas and the NZRFU to get some cash off you. Don't get sucked in, team.

    On coaches, I'm pleased we stuck with Henry, I think he's great, and everyone else did too, until we were done over by Wane Barnes. Oh, and France. To me, the coach's role is overplayed, it's the blokes on the field that are out there doing it - with McCaw really coming on as a leader, we're nicely placed. My pithy approach to all this would be:

    'Support the guy we've got. Ignore sensationalist newspaper columists.'

    And read smart arse bloggers of course.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Analyse This,

    It just feels a bit flat to me. Where's the fun in going over and bullying the home nations into another grand slam - didn't we just DO one of them in 2005?

    I guess it's not our fault the home nations are a bit crap at the moment, but is the grand slam going to become another meaningless IVECO series? The brght spot was the Munster game for sure, but we all know how often international sides play provinical sides these days...

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sing when you're winning,

    The Beige Brigade's work makes NZ Cricket fans one of the best sets of fans in the world at anything. They know we're not very good, but go about supporting the team positively and with wry humour. I'm very proud they're on our side.

    It's mostly Rugby fans that bag the Black Caps mercilessly, applying the same angstyblow torch of ruthless expectation to the cricketers, who aren't in the same league as the ABs. They must get bored in the summer, I guess.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sing when you're winning,

    I was in the lunchroom this morning trying to say Kangaroos = All Blacks, ie thumping everyone all year then choking when it counts. Like in Saturday's final and 2005 TriNats final.

    I'd completely forgotten about them holding the trophy forever before that.

    I did laugh on Sunday afternoon in that AS SOON as the cricket ended, SKY filled the Cricket shaped hole in their programming with not the usual golfing fluff, but yet another World Cup Final replay! By my count that was the third that day.

    Auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 242 posts Report

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