Posts by DexterX

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  • Hard News: Really The Blues, in reply to Matthew Littlewood,

    A player like Hose Gear makes all the difference, mind- he's able to create opportunities that just wouldn't've otherwis existed.

    Yes he is the best attacking back at the moment I hope he gets a black jersey.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Really The Blues,

    The Blues are not too far off the pace - in a game with an oval ball and dodgy ref calls they did well - they need to spend more time on the front foot - Rather.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    OK, OK - we have assets sales program - most important asset in democracy is democratic process and making up stuff like the law and other stuff in the big house - people can say that for sale - not really - I give it away for free to me "friends".

    If settle a deal - settle early - settle before the deal made even better. If people upset by this I say Big Deal loser don't be upset easy. Don't be uneasy - deal very easy. I don't have a problem - I don't have a gambling problem - I come out on top, always.

    Thanking you everybody everywhere.

    Your most beloved First Citizen John Key The First

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Did Holopac change everything?, in reply to BlairMacca,

    I see you got to it first - but I can go one step weirder,

    At 3.18 John Key makes an appearance – dig the hipster in the tie with the swinging moves man, the questions I pose are, “Is that a wig, does he have a time machine and is that virtual moon”.

    I understand John Bonham is really pissed about it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Did Holopac change everything?,

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Really The Blues, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    I saw a headline somewhere at the weekend:
    "Object thrown at Blues players"
    I suspect it was the ball....

    it was - they had trouble recognising it................and once that was solved and they had worked out yes it was the ball - they then formed a support group which held a series of high profile meetings to decide what they should do with "it" - said ball.

    The meetings produced no result - so they issued a press release to say that at least they had formed a support group and held meetings.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Really The Blues, in reply to Yamis,

    The Blues forwards are backwards - They will recover however it will be next season or the one after that.

    One has to believe in oneself and possess confidence as well as skill - in most of the games they haven't lost by that much - but passing and catching the ball and tackling will most certainly help.

    There season is at present chugging along like a badly scripted soap opera or teen tragedy - I wouldn't send Sir G Henry - I would send in the Shortland Street Team to show the Blues how to be consistent.

    Maybe they shoudl try prayer - I have heard Jesus is the answer?

    I hope the Blue's lack of a certain something does not damage Rangers and Nonu’s All Black selection chances.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: A storm in any port,

    Hello Every Body I want to address you all publicly so I go to Public Address but of course I am clever.

    First Citizen John Key the First bloging here - I sat down with it _ I so down with it - I been planking for very much ages - how cool I is, I know blogin - I overseas - I multitask super guy – I blog on smart sat phone thing - dip squad guy show me how.

    The economy - that thing - I try to kill it off - it like mould and moss - it look like it could come back - don't like - economy good mean don't have to sell your stuff – So me so really, really happy industrial dispute still going on Ports of Auckland broken – security camera everywhere, security people everywhere – see more jobs for some peoples – they happy smiling – policy working.

    Len Brown is loser he losing patience – he is so lost – he think he on warpath – he on stairway to oblivion - like a Lead Zep tune - Len a fairy that have no wand and cannot fly. I reading this and laughing at him – he a “sod” a “soap opera diva” – my joke good, yes but of course:

    Rodney Hide in Super City creation – in the beginning there was Rod he not a sod - already pull off Mayor’s fairy wings and break wand - make Councillors just a committee – a hapless coffee group – make council companies powerful and council powerless Len Browne Coffee Group Leader.

    Happy Christchurch rebuild - OK - it go slo mo - that cool - don't want that to be positive to economy I want economy to be "economoney", green and broken, then sell stuff - only answer only solution.

    Red Zone People homes – govt say land no good we bulldoze home - insurance company say land condemned but home ok you fix - people face with get less money to repair house than if they get new house - government say knock it down - but before this happens test case in court - this slows thing down. Everything on slo mo – this an ecoslomoney. No problem for me I am happy smiling guy – Big Boy Gerry sit on this – he make it go away. I spoke to Big Gerry on Sat Phone he say he sat on that too - thing rining for long time Gerry didn't hear my call but felt vibrate eventually - he thought ohh after shock coming - but I say don't worry Gerry I tell him it sat phone ringing - that Sat phone not for sitting on - problem only thing for sitting on and chair of course - Ha ha ha ha - see many jokes I make.

    Sitting on things make them go away too - can’t be in the media for ever - some thing big happen always like disaster, death, crime or other thing that not this thing. Media annoy me I send in my police – no problem - just like have cup of tea.

    OK people say me government too free market, they say I say my Govt let market decide – I say fat joke losers.

    I make government big, I make market, I am market – I give Stephen Joyce super ministry he number two second super guy, me number one original super guy don’t forget – Stephen Joyce he be like Stalin but with a difference.

    Stephen Joyce a Stalin who believe in supreme being - I supreme being super guy – everything come to the centre - we make super centre ministry – OK if Labour do this I say they Communist Stalinist Traitors – me Govt do this I say cost imperative thing – economy on slo mo and no mo fact of life – everything I do so good – so good for you so good for me First Citizen John Key.

    Low tax, slo mo eceonomy – the answer asset sales –Govt just sell your stuff.

    Ok ok talk on Sat Phone with Bill English the bean counter guy he pick up phone quick not like Gerry – private members bill for paid parental leave – no problem we got V-toe – sorry bad idea money gone on Kim Dot Com – we help FBI – They say “spend” I say “Yes, why not”. Paid parental leave – you want - you go overseas.

    Single Party State, Single Ministry well on the way to being real and only thing – much better than a republic – people say no research no policy paper no nothing really - but who cares – if I say let it be so – it is – I am so great.

    Ok every happy body in NZ people happy and smiling everywhere remember this - I am so great you much love me - you thank me for being a prime minister supreme being super guy - how you do that - Just had Idea – “New Keyland “ - sounds good to me.

    Must go and practice planking with Sat phone.

    First Citizen John Key the First

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Very Worst,

    Where the concern is the high rate of imprisonment and the costs this involves - It would be good to see the figures for the nature of the crimes and the terms that were imposed in sentencing and then the actual terms served and the rate of re offending during and after parole.

    With the "worst of the worst', indefinite preventative detention seems the best option. I can't hold it against the Govt for passing retrospective legislation that removes Stewart Wilson's existing right to parole or eventual release.

    IMHO opinion the length of sentences for violent crime, murder, rape and the abuse of children seem ridiculously light in the context of the damage such crimes occasion

    Brad Callaghan’s sentence for the murder and dismemberment of Carmen Thomas seems incredibly insignificant to me.

    The running of prisons as regards "imprisonment" should be kept seperate from the programmes run for "correction" - to show how much is actually spent on "correction" and what the results are for the Tax dollars spend on correction.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Belief Media, in reply to Stewart,

    The YFC tactic for garnering new recruits was basically to stir up the emotions in big rallies & get the non-committed to "come forward to receive jesus christ as your personal saviour"

    Theological arguments and discussions are wasted on me I am just not that interested in them.

    The thread does take me back - my youngest brother had taken me on a Sunday to see the Jimi Hendrix Film at the Classic cinema. Afterwards, with "Hear My Train a Comin" buzzing in our brains, we waltzed down Queen Street; as we got to the Town Hall, which had all doors flung open, we heard music "peeling out" into the street – though the music was more "grating out" than "ringing out".

    We stepped inside, the place was packed; one of those YFC events was in full swing.
    The crowd of the apparently converted were standing up and clapping, and singing praise. Jesus it was weird – one half of the hall was out of time with the other half - so aurally it had the effect of waves crashing – though with none of the soothing aspects that this images normally brings to mind present – there was no rhythm and the crowd couldn’t hold a beat – the pulse of the thing was sickening - we were transfixed and nauseated in the same moment.

    We watched for a short while, taking it all in, and then were approached casually by a man seeking to engage us – we turned and ran from the event racing down the street laughing. We didn’t stop and turn around until we got to corner of Queen and Rutland.

    We discussed “it” on the bus home – and “it” had made us both appreciate the freedom in our life - we were not stuck in a rut were we felt we had to be there, at a YFC rally, or anywhere else for that matter.

    I have the remanets of Christian faith planted deep within in me but I don’t profess or practice anything - I hold nothing against people who through their interpretation of the Bible/Gospel devote their life to charity, care of the sick, doing prison visits, mentoring and teaching children – those great things the traditional churches involved themselves with. Destiny Church and new age churches just creep me out.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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