Posts by DexterX

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  • Hard News: The Base, in reply to martinb,

    The thing about Cunliffe that I like and is lacking from our current politics is the ability to take a complex issue and distill it and explain it in public discussion. It's nice to have a politician who is making decisions for us try to explain what they are doing and is actually prepared and able to debate. I've often felt like he is showing us the working, not the spin.

    Very much agree - he makes an art of it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Base,

    Cunliffe smary no - it is competence - something that one doesn't see in politics - when it is present it stands out - he also communicates well and doesn't get flustered.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: #JohnDotBanks and all, in reply to Russell Brown,

    The Herald editorial states:

    Anonymous donations should not be permitted at all but they have been allowed under strict conditions because political parties say few wealthy or corporate donors would contribute if their names had to be made public.

    Are they seriously saying that if all donations had to be declared that wealthy or corporate donors would stop seeking to exercise influence via donations on elected representatives. Isn’t this the crux of the problem?

    That is nonsense - I am sure that wealthy or corporate donors and the vote for sale political parties Labour, National, Act and NZ First would experience some discomfort if the electorate knew what the stakes were/ or what was going on. I have no problem with any of these groups feeling slightly uncomfortable with voters having the opportunity to learn of their donations behaviour.

    A full (and honest) donations disclosure regime may result in political parties needing to engage on a regular basis with and seek donations from “voters” as opposed to the wealthy or corporates. Presently they are only interested in appealing to “us’ at election time and they are well less than honest.

    A comprehensive disclosure, along with other measures, may result in the nearly one million eligible voters who did not exercise a choice at the last election actually voting.

    The behaviour of Banks, Key (and even that of Len Brown) does not engender one with the confidence that one's vote amounts to much.


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: The law may be that stupid,

    The effect and operation of this law is to keep donors anonymous - such concealment is in the interest of the donor and the donee - whereas a law that operated in the public interest, in the interest of an open democracy, would provide a degree of transparency and full disclosure of donations, donors and donees.

    The law needs to be amended in the public interest – though it is unlikely to happen – regardless of whatever government is in power.

    The problems NZ faces are largely one of a lack of quality governance and this law the Local Electoral Act is an enabler in that regard.

    Stupid Law - Stupid Me for thinking that a deceitful and dishonest practice would be an issue with any sort of consequence.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: #JohnDotBanks and all, in reply to Sacha,

    Banks as Baldrick to Key's Edmund - seems to make sense of it - A life driven by the desire to acquire turnips and harvest dung.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration,

    It is hilarious that John Banks final Act in Public Office could be his removal from office, and though I don't expect him to go directly to jail, the final outcome may be his being sentenced to Community Service, which he may end up doing along side Sir Douglas Montrose Graham.

    I just wonder if when JB and Sir Doug are doing community service - will the supervisors turn a blind eye while they both get stoned – literally – either would be good – in essence they are dopes.

    The sorry pathetic series of recent events show the quality of elected representatives “laxative” - they are a bunch of self serving fucktards – that Key has created the Pokies for Convention Centre largely of his own volition illustrates to me that he doesn’t understand the basic job description of being Prime Minister – you know representing the best interested of the nation – coming to grips with the big issues.

    The creep Peter Kwisatz Haderach Dune is deserving of scorn and his own special room in the Hell in which he believes - if solely based on the manner he has supported the proliferation of gambling and other social harms over his term in power.

    Len Brown is saying that he wants to learn more on the form of casino deal and wants more info on harm minimisation mechanisms to be put in place.

    The Mayor is more a maid in waiting – he does not possess – to my mind - a solid position on anything much - he waits for events to go over, under, past or above him – waiting to see the final form of the Pokie Convention deal may leave it too late to express an opposing view or position.

    If as a working person you find yourself wondering why you work so damn hard and nothing seems to come of it - matters don’t improve despite continuous reforms and selling stuff - you only have to look at what is going down at Local and Central govt –

    They are barking mad and largely self serving and add to that self defeating.

    Kim Dot Com deserves to be a citizen as much as First Citizen.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    Kim Dot Com should stand in Epsom as an independent – I would rather he held the balance of power than say Act, Peter Dune or the Maori Party.

    He seems more balanced and responsible – less of a prick so to speak.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration,

    An Impossible Mission Force - Act - the Final Implosion - John Key banked on Banks – John Banks is on skates as he takes down all anonymous comers skating on thin ice of his own making - the possibilities are hilarious.

    With a National government that regards governance and solid economic stewardship (in the national interests) as being for chumps and shonky dealings the order of the day; will the First Citizen’s John Keys Police Force force the issue, will John Banks stand down for a short while - say six to nine months - while the matter is investigated and the super ministry is fast tracked, will the invetigative report come back showing no intentional wrong doing, and will the law be changed retrospectively to enable John Banks to ride again.

    Should a by election in Epsom prove necessary - it remains to be seen will a resurgent cycleway and a shonky pokies for convention centre deal be part of the saving grace that keeps the Key Govt afloat.

    Kim Dot Com providing the banana skin that bought down the banana republic – First they all took his money, then they set the goon squad onto him and locked him in jail because the FBI told them to do it.

    This coalition government are beginning to appear as the self-serving phuckwits they really are, they have underestimated the extent of their own stupidity.

    Will Act, the far out far right, rise again?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reputation and remuneration, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    Meanwhile, the Colossus of Roads drones on...

    Should that not be - " Meanwhile, the Colossus of Drones railroads on and on and on..........."

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally),

    Seems like it is all gouing well.

    The roof driving off, being driven, down the road on its lonesome will be a "cute" sight. I am assuming you will be reusing it.

    Best wishes.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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