Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Hard News: Yet More Hobbit,

    "Fuck off you rich pricks...

    Wonder if anyone is going to head out to OutrageousFortuneLand and say that to Sparty producer Rob Tappert? I understand his wife is a way hard bitch who could kick Cheryl West's arse. :)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Yet More Hobbit,

    ETA: Fuck it. Tom isn't worth the time and effort of a slap down.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Yet More Hobbit,

    Randolph Hurst II has thrown his toys out his Waiarapa cot and is moving the movie offshore.

    Last time I looked, that call is up to Warner Brothers and Jackson ultimately has no more say in it than Martin Campbell did about Green Lantern being moved from Sydney to New Orleans. If you want to make "Randolph Hurst" (sic - William Randolph Hearst, darling) cracks perhaps you should be directing them at Time Warner CEO Jeffrey Bewkes.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Yet More Hobbit,

    Unions. Aren't they just great?

    Being a big fan of freedom of association for everyone, trade unions aren't that high on my Unspeakable Evil league table. Incompetent and mendacious ones that seem incapable of running a gang bang in a whorehouse - slightly more problematic.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Yet More Hobbit,

    FWIW, there is no SAG advisory lifting the notice. If there was, it would be here

    My head is spinning at high speed listening to Morning Report, but did I hear Helen Kelly saying Richard Taylor should have told the "technicians" something she couldn't because of a confidentiality agreement?

    W. T. F.

    (BTW, could you imagine Kelly's reaction if a minister or employer served up this horseshit pie (h/t @LewStoddart via Twitter):

    But Council of Trade Unions president Helen Kelly said the crowd was "in a lynch-mob mood thanks to Richard Taylor, who has obviously wound them up like springs" and actors had to call the meeting off. "It was too dangerous."

    Again: W.T.F. If Ann Tolley refused to front up to a meeting because her safety was compromised by those uppity teachers "in a lynch-mob mood thanks to people like Helen Kelly", she'd be the first one to call bullshit. I also suspect 'harden the fuck up, bitch, we've got a lot to be angry about' would be muttered under a lot of people's breaths.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Yet More Hobbit,

    Helen Kelly for one, on morning report. Not a good idea to treat every issue as a battle in the class war.

    Ah yes... greedy foreign multi-national corporates and their blood-sucking leech shareholders!

    Meanwhile, I'd love someone to ask Ms. Kelly what the CTU's position would be if film production tax credits were increased while other constituent union members (in health, education etc.) are being told the public cupboard is bare? Mr Shit, can I introduce you to Ms. Fan?

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Yet More Hobbit,

    You've nailed it Idiot/Savant - and so, now, will the tide of righteous & silly indignation sweep over the current guvmint?

    FFS, Islander, if Penguin and Random House shut down their NZ operations and chose to commission and edit their Kiwi list from an office in London (incidentally putting hundreds out of work), would you regard anger from the literary community as "righteous and silly indignation"?

    I get that you wouldn't piss on Peter Jackson's head if it was on fire, but would it be that hard to acknowledge that there are a lot of people who have good reason to be pissed off?

    ETA: Something else, you might find Spartacus totally "irrelevant" from your cultural nationalistic perspective. I know people who are pretty fucking grateful the American network didn't decide to cancel the show when the lead actor's cancer recurred, because that gig is putting food on their tables (and in their kids bellies).

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Yet More Hobbit,

    Wonder if cancelling the Equity meeting in the face of advancing trades hordes was Mr Whipp's idea?

    Well, I've had a pretty angry e-mail from a friend suggesting that Ms. Ward-Lealand might want to stay out of Wellington for a while. Not entirely fair, I suspect, but damn it seems there's a lot of very unhappy people who want to get pissed at someone a lot closer to home than MEAA HQ in Redfern...

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Up Front: Oh, Cock!,

    Sorry for the thread-jack, Emma. Just have to vent in a safe space before brain-bleeding starts.


    The Department of Defense announced today that it is instructing military recruiters to accept enlistees who identify themselves as gay in order to comply with a court order to stop enforcing Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

    According to a spokeswoman, recruiters have been told to begin processing gay recruits, even if they acknowledge their sexual identity.

    But they're also being told to warn recruits that, if they say they're gay, they could still face discharge if the order ending DADT is stayed, or a judge's ruling that the policy is unconstitutional is overturned.

    Recruiters, and military personnel in general, are also still not allowed to ask about the sexual orientation of a recruit or servicemember.

    The Pentagon has also cautioned members against changing their behavior, should DADT be reinstated.

    Thanks for your indulgence, people. Resume talking about the more agreeable kind of cock-up...

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Up Front: Oh, Cock!,

    Your penis is also not the wrong size. It is, exactly and precisely, the size of your penis.

    Want to know something else: Porn lies. If nature has endowed you with a schlong that can do double duty as a draught excluder when fully erect, that's nice. Someone who has issues understanding why retching or intense rectal discomfort isn't your idea of sexy fun time, not so much.

    I'm sure Lucy will critique my methodology and unscientific sample, but I've found no correlation between penis size and being a skilled, attentive shagger. A bad fuck is a bad fuck - even if you're hung like that dildo Hori Ahipene was brandishing on Outrageous Fortune last night. (Oy... if it was Dune, that bloody thing would be an object of worship. Shai-Hulud! Shai-Hulud!)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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