Posts by Don Christie

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  • Island Life: The Prime Minister Has Spoken,

    Nice post David. Our company earns betwee10 and 20% of revenues from overseas and we have in the last 12 months opened small outposts in Sydney and Reading (I know, I know). Some points...

    NZTE are always "interested" in helping but nothing material ever seems to happen. Despite being in their "high growth range". I suspect it is because we are not sexy. "Just" services. They also don't understand "free", rather like many others.

    How is the Government supporting us? Buggered if I know. They appear to be ensuring that the knowledge industry becomes more and more risky to participate in. Look at S92, look at ACTA, look at patenting software look at the way, as you pointed out, monopolies are allowed to screw us over in many ways. E.g. 2003 NZ was one of *the* leading nations in internet usage and also in how businesses were developing applications. De-peering by Telecom and Telstra followed by crappy crappy broadband policies has stuffed us up completely. I was talking to a Taiwanese diplomat a couple of months ago who couldn't believe how backwards we were technologically and how little is being done to address the situation.

    Meh, thanks for giving me the chance to blow off steam.

    And maybe are farmers should watch a few more of these videos.

    Inaccurate, sure, but that is what folks in their precious markets are thinking and keeping up a denialist stance won't help any.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Southerly: Lockwood Smith: "Part of Me…,

    Short version, "blame it on the Smudger".

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Just one point in it,

    I actually went to the game. Some observations:

    I don't know that it doesn't need to exist. I like thefact of the Gallaher Trophy and what it stands for

    I think it is bloody tasteless the way the NZRFU has taken the dead of WW1 and turned it into a marketing ploy for rugby. I don't believe it stands for anything those poor bastards that died in that war "stood" for, unless one counts jingoism and misplaced European Imperialism as an equally positive trait to rank commercialisation.

    I thought Donald was bad until I realised just how totally awful and swirling and unpredictable that wind and that end of the stadium was. I will withhold judgement for a bit.

    There a lots of wingers in NZ faster, fitter and smarter than Roco is right now.

    We need our forwards back. Where did they go?

    That French #11, how can a doughnut run so fast?

    The guys that beat up the French centre on Saturday night - cowards to a man.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: Driving around Mt Eden,…,

    This would be a more impressive initiative if it came at the tail end of some serious analysis about how to reduce our extraordinarily high rate of incarceration.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Speaker: A Very Simple Stroke,

    most importantly to John Flack for just laughing out loud at my 'I'll understand if you want to leave me' discussion

    Good on you John.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: On the Waterfront,

    And don't get me started on Goff.

    OMG. Is this his fault too?

    According to the anon editorial in today's DomPost, why yes "it"* is.

    * for many values of "it"

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: On the Waterfront,

    Apparently that's Wellington's job.

    Damn straight. I'm loving this thread. That Mallard man, not could even smile right. No wonder the stadium failed.

    And don't get me started on Goff.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Orcon Great Blend…,

    Russell, may I suggest this for passing your down time:

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    Apologies Craig. I seem to have mis-interpreted your earlier comment.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    s I throw around on that front -- and not be cute about it either. Not seeing a lot of moral high ground to go around,

    Ah, so you are running with the "it's Labours fault" line as well.

    We all know Slater's a cock but if there are National party folks who think that using him as a channel for their dirt (whatever happened to Wishart?) they must be mad.

    John Key sacked a minister for, presumably, good reasons. It is that minister's fault, not Labour's, not Key's - he did the right thing at the time. Right now the right thing would be to call off the attack dogs. The have managed to turn a tawdry little affair into a political shit storm.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

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