Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Speaker: Singing g against the E chord,

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    If you go here you can watch the guys from the Chaser pop round to Kevin's place with a few of his Facebook friends.

    And this morning they joined Howard on his morning jog!

    I saw a few eps while in Oz, and they are funny but on occasion cross the line into cruel. But then humour (and the line) are in the eye of the beholder.

    I've stopped using Facebook because I'm sick of being told that one of my friends has left a message on my </application X>. When I click to get the message I'm asked if I want to download </application X>. Not any more thanks, now that I know by accepting </application X> I also accept their intrusion into my computerlife (as outlined by RB).

    It can't be long before we all get a message "__Russell Brown has just rented 'An@l Midget Leather Fest' from Blockbuster - would you like to reserve your copy??__"

    Disclaimer - I'm not on RB's FB list, and I'm sure if he rented that title it would be purely for blog research.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: Advance, etc,

    Heh heh, I was skeptical too Kyle ... but look at the wiki page. I'm now wondering if Mike Moore knew his political future in NZ was toast (Helen Clark was working diligently, and successfully, to position herself for just the right push at the right time) and adding 'PM' to his CV (nevermind the Time-in-Office, observe the Title!) would help his plan to propel himself onto the world stage.

    Evidently he has written many books that have been translated into many languages, y'know ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    It probably isn't very clear but it is kind of simple. Just hard to explain.

    It's very clear to me Charles! What a pity we ended up with MMP and not STV here in NZ. I mean, really, if you want to be truly democratic ...

    STV allows people to vote for the party they want, instead of voting to try and block a party they don't want. And if their chosen party is unsuccessful they can then express their preference for their second choice. I'd predict the Greens would do a lot better in NZ under STV if that were the case.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Legislating in the Twilight Zone,

    I think it comes down more to arrogance than anything else. His reply (despite his spokeswoman's spin) is essentially "f@ck you, we won, you lost, ha ha - f@ck off". And is anyone surprised since Labour have got the numbers to push this bill through? Unfortunately for Mr Carter his glib response was sent to a school boy!! (duh duh duhhhh)

    This legislation really is a sledgehammer-to-crack-a-nut response to the EB failing to put their name to a pamphlet (which wasn't illegal at the time they published it).

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: Advance, etc,

    who would want to put their career on the line by taking over a party as it begins its nosedive before an election?


    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    Now that's Bennelong, long time coming.

    Bennelong, long time

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    yup, can't argue with you there Kyle ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: Advance, etc,

    in NZ I'd see a primary problem as there not being anyone waiting in the wings who you'd say "I could see them taking over from Clark soon".

    If you take out the word 'soon' I'd say your answer was Phil Goff. Trouble is he's followed the Peter Costello route inasmuch as he's 'playing nice', biding his time, not challenging the leader. And yet all that has happened is that he and his supporters (ie those on the right) have been shunted into a corner by the left wing of the party. And quite effectively. I imagine by the time there's any discussion of a leadership change (ie only after Clarke loses an election) Goff will find himself in the same untenable position as Costello has.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    </off topic>

    There was not much liberty for the boat people

    That is such a tough issue. If you take in boat people on humanitarian grounds then you just encourage more people to spend their life savings (or more ie debt) on a seat in some shonky boat run by people smugglers who don't really care if the boat makes it or not. Australian soil is only a boat ride away from Indonesia.

    And yet we all agree that one shouldn't pay the kidnappers ransom because that only encourages more kidnappings.

    </rant over, back to topic please... >

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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