Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • "The Terrorism Files",

    I/O, you dirty, dirty man... ;)

    Now now ... it was a serious google - and I've clearly sparked off some heated discussion since my post back on page 41. What's weird is the first result the google search came up with was 'Troy Fergusson - BFM - RockNRoll Wire'. ;)

    If a male cop did perform a cavity search on a 15 year old girl then I'll be one of the first to join the protest march. What perplexes me (warning: the next bit is rude, but I'm serious) is what were the Police expecting to find there? It must have been (again I'm serious) something very important that they couldn't wait for a female officer to perform the cavity search. Which is why I don't believe it happened. [*]

    Some may construe this as heartless, but I've been around the block enough times to believe that a 15 y.o. is old enough to 'embelish' what happened to suit her political cause. And it may even have started out innocently enough. As is evidenced by this discussion, words can be taken out of context and overblown. The girl may have just told her kuia that she was patted down and searched (but over her jeans) by the cop, and then this is retold as the cop stuck his hands between her legs, which is then retold as the girl underwent a cavity search. With everyone up in arms over that I can imagine the girl may have then been too timid to speak up and say "No, what actually happened was ..."

    But lets not get ahead of ourselves. No-one knows what happened (aside from those actually involved) and we (myself included) are just making suppositions and speculating. Does it really contribute?

    [*] The only possible scenario for this cavity search to have taken place would be something Sara hinted at earlier: the cop was trying to brutalise the girl to assert his power/control over her. But I'm not yet ready to believe this is Bosnia circa 1990

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Separating a 15 year old girl from her people and a male police officer conducting a "cavity search" is extreme wickedness.


    I googled "15 year old girl cavity search" and came up with nothing. Got any more info on this? A link?

    I'm also skeptical that the Police would

    Separat[e] a 12 year old child from her people and [put] a gun against her head

    Are you suggesting they put a gun to her head? Or were they using her as a tri-pod/gun-mount?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    guns blazing

    er ... maybe 'boots and all' would have been a better turn of phrase ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Could I just ask people who have found the document not to explicitly divulge its contents? There are laws against that that I'd rather not completely flout as a publisher.

    Would it help if we all moved over to the Radiation thread and discussed whether an old episode of Mortimer's Patch did or did not screen (similar to the Captain Pugwash/Seaman Staines myth)?

    "I don't think Mortimer had any choice but to go in guns blazing - when Activist One said: ..."


    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Chaghcharan: Three Little Pigs,

    Don't introduce yourself to anyone as "Goose".

    What's Afghani for ...

    Ich Bin Ein Amerikən - Heil Busch!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: The doctor will see you now,

    I'm definitely not a fan of French coffee (the one exception being an espresso I had in McD's in Lyon - go figure) but the coffee in Italy is **OMIGOD** ... no wonder they're all Catholics. One sip and you can see Jesus ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    It won't happen overnight, but it will happen... Howard, Bush, et al.

    Bush will only be out because of term limits. Under US law you can only be President for two four year terms. Which is why they've ended up with Dynastic Politics. Bush I begat Bush II, Clinton I begets Clinton II. The only upside is that Bush II has well and truly stuffed it up for Bush III (Jeb), and Clinton III (Chelsea) surely can't/won't be old enough for a serious bid? Surely?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Chaghcharan: Three Little Pigs,

    You made a little girl cry with your camera of oppression!

    Robyn, maybe she expected to be really shot, who knows?

    Maybe they take your picture one day, and the next day someone takes you somewhere you don't want to go? Maybe not in Afghanistan, hopefully. Hopefully the kid was just freaked out.

    I'm hoping not to get ambushed, hit by a flying grenade or an exploding donkey.

    Aw, sh1t! You had to say it out loud, and worse, put it in print. Don't you watch the movies? You've just written your own epitaph buddy. Why don't you just pull out a photograph of 'your girl' and tell the locals you're gonna propose when you get home?
    I hope it's the donkey, cos that would be kinda funny

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    (which I will never apologize for calling an act of state-sponsored terrorism)

    Er ... who's asking you to apologise? Is there any dispute that it was state-sponsored terrorism? (Aside from the French?)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: The doctor will see you now,

    If you find yourself in the southwest of France, look in the markets for a friendly, smiling, Spanish-looking woman with trays full of duck.

    Heh heh

    Let me warn PAS readers that M'sieur Slack is pulling your leg. Every town/village in the southwest of France has a market. You may spend a lot of time looking for a friendly, smiling, Spanish-looking woman with trays full of duck. Indeed, every town/village in France has a market.

    My wife spent $200 (100 Euro) on a magnificent cut glass crystal at one of the (many) antique stalls. I think about $180 of the price tag was for the charming story about the stall holder's grandmother who owned the crystal all her life, since she was a small child in 1905; because the crystal looks very much like the $20 ones you can buy in the Fairy Shop on Ponsy Rd.

    (Telling my wife at the time it was tosh served no purpose. She had come to the markets in a small town in the South of France to buy an antique something so __dammit she was going to buy something!!)__

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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