Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Looking for Monsters,


    But that thing at 1.29? That's a monster. A big one.

    A friend of a friend of mine worked on the film. Although it's SciFi, it's set in the near future. That monster running amok in NYC is Rudy Giuliani, engorged by the rage of a million disappointed Republicans ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",


    When settlers first came to this country there were, I think, active agendas that can now be understood as racist – the belief that, by getting Maori off the land and teaching them to work to generate capital for the state, we would be “civilising” them; that by giving them Christianity we would be saving their immortal souls.

    It fascinates me how Maori have intertwined Maoritanga with JudeoChristian values, and vice versa. To me it's an indictment on both sides that they have been so 'accommodating' to eachother. Christian religion and Maori both seem to have cherry picked what suits them and turned a blind eye to the bits that don't.

    Did God create Heaven and Earth, or did Rangi and Papa??

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meet the New Bob,

    </off topic>

    His respect for the rule of law is 'I can break it by scratching SUVs'

    Funny how more damage is done to the environment by the bottled water industry than the SUV's. Why pick on SUV's when they're only marginally worse (in the greater scheme of things) than most other popular automobiles?

    Wanna save the environment? Keep a small cup in your handbag and pour yourself a drink from the tap, instead of lugging a plastic water bottle around.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Singing g against the E chord,

    "No fists", he said, which might have been slightly reassuring were he not holding a doubled over length of wharf rope and his mate's forearm was in a cast.

    So what was he proposing instead - a knife fight or a skipping contest?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meet the New Bob,

    Who Would Tim Finn Thank?"

    er ... Neil?

    Wellingtonista-Public Address Christmas Party at Welington's Mighty Mighty on Thursday, December 6

    anything planned for Auckland? I'll have to wear a mask of course ... (or maybe just Snake Pilsen's eye patch)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fake Fiona Rae,

    you can take my story about how I got the cops to work for me how you like. Feel bitter on them and never use their services, or lighten up, help them out, and get sorted.


    I'm going to finish now Ben, cos we're obviously on opposite sides of the same planet. But ...

    You seem to think that we the public need to do more for the Police than just report a crime, and give them the make and rego of the car that hit us. Look, I can agree that maybe we could also go to the Postshop, pay $2.50 and get the owners name (from the plate number) and then pass that detail on to the Police as well (although don't they have their own computers that can do that?) but I draw the line at asking the Cop how his day is, would he like a hug, can I get him a cup of tea, maybe a muffin?

    When I report a crime I'm polite and courteous - I don't bang my fist on the counter and demand a Squad Car get round to the perps house RIGHT NOW!! But I do expect them to do their job and follow thru on my complaint, not bin it into the 'Farkov File'.

    We could sit around all day complaining about the cops. Or we can take advice about how to get them to work for us. Your choice.

    So you're saying we should tip the hairdresser, right? I thought that's what we were paying our taxes for, but clearly the Police Service is going the way of the Health Service. Next time I'm sideswiped I'll call the Headhunters.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    As I understand it he and a bunch of mates wandered up to the top of the island and set off smoke flares for his own commercial gain. I presume neither he, nor his mates, have any ability in controlled pyrotechnics and fire safety.

    d'oh! You're right but what I meant was that it is ridiculous for some people to ask why Ellis wasn't wire-tapped and the AOS weren't tailing him, as if this is proof of some Police conspiracy to protect Whitey and attack Brownie.
    Ellis should be charged if he broke any laws/by-laws (and if he didn't does this mean the House needs to spring into action to pass a law with urgency?) (and if they don't is this further prove that the conspiracy extends all the way to Parliament?) and going by the 20/20 item, I think Ellis expected to be charged too. I'm sure his PR team were hoping for it too.
    But you've actually hit upon a subject close to my heart.
    If a kid paints a mural on a wall (and no, I'm not talking about tagging, which is just pissing on a lamp-post) the Council is along quick smart to paint it out.
    But if the Listener want to affix rubber advertising mats to the footpath at various points around Queen Street (and other companies have done it too) the ads stay there for months and no-one is punished (unlike the kid caught with a spray can). Ditto for the guy stencilling 'Bring Back Mello-Yello' on footpaths across the city with impunity, a month before <surprise!> CocaColaCorp bring back MelloYello in response to consumer demand! (And which channel was it who ran a 3 minute piece on the weekend news about the return of the Grapefruit FruJu in response to some guy who started an online petition which got a 100 votes? Yeah, right. Slow news day was it? Was their PR BS Detector on the fritz?

    And he's still an idiot.

    I think his PR people prefer 'Larrikin' or 'Good Honest Kiwi Bloke'.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fake Fiona Rae,

    I'm down with the karma thing too Ben but have a closer look at what you've written. The cop wasn't interested in helping you (which is his job, no?) until he felt stink because you'd done something nice for him. And he then admits it only took about 10 minutes work to resolve this 'problem'?? I say again:

    Your anecdote really only tells us that the cops could catch the crims if they could be arsed, but they can't.

    But even I'll concede it's a sweeping judgement based on only one anecdote. But perhaps it's the way of the world. My friend in London was complaining that now she not only has to pay €80 for a haircut, she also has to tip the hairdresser €20 or she gets a bad cut!!

    I had to laugh because when I suggested she get a new hairdresser she was mortified: "Oh no, I can't do that - she's really brilliant when I tip her". Evidently all the hairdressers expect tips now. I wonder how long before we'll be expected to tip the McWageslave in the drive thru??

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Family First, Blowjob Later,

    Clearly "ordinary parents" are innocent victims of Family First's web of deceit.

    Which is why Labour is pushing through this bill ("but it's not even finished yet - we've made some changes - why are you protesting?") -- so that the innocent, naive, and simple of mind can be spared the danger of having a political pamphlet stuffed through their letter box.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Mouth off all you want to, that is a true mark of democracy.

    Yup, I can agree with that.

    I do believe that as long as it is acting/theatrical as opposed to Action/Harm then this also is a mark of democracy

    Yup, I can agree with that too. And this also gets Mark Ellis off too (despite what that letter writer in this morning's Herald thought)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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