Posts by Russell Brown
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Stadium NZ has to be run by an elected board (not appointed by the blazer and tie brigade), and it has to be looking to book events across the spectrum - even (whisper it) arts and culture!
Which is effectively an argument against rates and taxes going into Eden Park, which will stay with a trust that benefits two sports and has nothing to do with the local community. If Eden Park loses out, they'll cash up and develop and become a client of the new stadium.
Think about what you might want from a stadium. You want to get there, watch the game, and get far away as quickly as possible.
Not really. You actually don't want to get in your car and drive home immediately - you might want a drink or a meal or a big night out (that last one tends to depend on the result). Or maybe you want to arrive earlier and enjoy a glass of wine as the sun goes down. Ask Wellingtonians how they feel about having a CBD stadium as compared to Athletic Park, and how it's changed the way they approach events.
When you are seated inside, waiting for kickoff, does it really make any difference if you're at North Harbour, or on prime harbourfront real estate with potentially beautiful views outside? Of course not. You came to watch the game.
Actually, you came for an entertainment experience. And you're assuming that the only use the stadium will be rugby. There'll be one-day cricket, conferences, cultural events - all the things that already go on in the middle of a suburb at Eden Park, but in a better setting with better transport options (including ferries) and parking. And you can add in concerts and papal visits too ...
It's difficult to keep track without being an obsessive news-junkie, but I don't seem to have heard anyone asking the hard questions about the mess Eden Park is currently in.
Well, I know some Herald reporters are reading ...
Eden Park is privately owned (by a trust fund??)---so why would the tax payer be happy to, presumably, swell the coffers of a trust? Do we know (can we know?) who the beneficiaries would be?
Basically, Auckland cricket and rugby. And it won't be their own pockets those two sports tap for the Eden Park expansion.
We elected you buggers to do stuff for us, and yet you seem incapable of making a decision without spending squillions asking us if it's ok.
As Don pointed out in the other thread, it's become clear the political capital lies in being a naysayer on this. The angry brigade has claimed the debate. It would just be nice if personalities could be put aside and the actual respective merits of the two sites looked at. But I'm not holding my breath.
TVNZ has finally provided some information about how it will fill its two new digital channels on the Freeview platform, and the government has come up with five years' funding for a largely non-commercial venture. Have they got it right? The ringing press statements are here. Absorb and opine ...
If Eden Park were upgraded, would there be times the ground would be unavailable, or major parts of the grandstand unavailable at times it was needed?
You'd lose Eden Park No.2, where most of the cricket is actually played, immediately, and you wouldn't get it back. I assume the rest of it would be managed somehow but it would be difficult.
It's not like it's even a matter of opinion - the math is wrong. If that is the basis of the article then the article should be retracted.
Damn right. Keith's analysis is an indictment of Coddington's (a) incompetence, (b) appalling bad faith, or (c) both.
This warrants an editorial apology. It will be interesting to see if there is one.
Hi, my name's Sarah and I'm the second person who bought "Lament for the Numb"--perhaps the third will show up and we can have some kind of reunion?
I didn't buy it, but I did give a full-page review in The Listener, heralding its bold new direction. I didn't really get Dave's music up till that point, but he got me there.
How odd that the week a 'Jesus Camp' torrent finally appears on the wires, Jesus Camp announces it's closing.
I have mixed feelings about the camp's enforced closure. On one hand those lunatics were perpetrating something akin to child abuse. On the other, they're closing because their compound was vandalised and they don't feel safe, and that's creepy too.
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