Posts by Russell Brown
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Darn - I tried signing up a new account using PayPal as my currency, but it decided that the PayPal account country doesn't match the store. Also, it all looks a bit empty. The Local Sounds selection is amusing!
You mean you're seeing it? I'm not ...
Pssst, fix your link on your latest blog Russell.
Ta. Couple of stray spaces in there ...
We've snared a copy of the limited edition Flying Nun 4CD box set and we're giving it to you! Well, one of you - that being the winner of our Flying Nun Moments competition. We're asking you to share your Flying Nun Moment: be it a great gig, a special tune or that time you flatted with Shayne Carter. Be creative. And we'll toss around some Little Brother t-shirts for the runners-up. Because we're like that.
i'm probably just being naive here, but what exactly does the newmarket business association achieve by attacking the reserve bank
You're clearly unfamiliar with the press release oeuvre of Cameron Brewer. I think he's even addressed the US government before, from his lofty post. He's a bit of a dick.
Well, Russell, if Key had said what you suggest, it takes precisely zero imagination to pick the soundbite he'd be hit over the head with for the rest of his life: "...yes, I was pro-Tour."
He sort of did, in the end.
Cause we all know anyone was was pro-Tour was then, is now, and ever shall be a drooling racist don't we?
No. It's actually quite a common thing for "rugby people" who were pro-tour at the time - players, administrators, journalists - to say. The exceptions are really the holdouts like Ron Don who haven't changed their minds.
And I'm pretty sure Lockwood Smith has said he regrets voting against homosexual law reform. I certainly don't think the worse of him for saying so.
Russell, what numbers are these from? Is it based on $ sales? What are the top three? Just curious...
It came from a little birdie, and I'm actually wondering myself now. It might be more correct to say that Vodafone has become a significant player in music retail. And Telecom hasn't.
I respect his candour, but if he was the new leader of the Labour Party he'd be fucking mad to say any such thing.
I'd have been quite happy for Key to have said "Well, I was 20 years old, living in the halls of residence, drinking beer and enjoying rugby, so, yes, I was pro-Tour. But history shows I was wrong."
It was the evasiveness that I found odd.
Before we go off thinking Bill English is all that, I guess we should bear in mind this bit of gibberish about the Civil Unions Bill, pointed out to me a reader.
He's not much of a speller either - or are "defector couples" closet Russians?
What is wrong with drinking beer and keeping warm?
Students do it.
but there's something really unnerving/galling/whatever to see a guy 10 years younger than yourself swilling beer in front of a computer with a hoodie worth $60m+ USD.
Rose and Jay Adelson were both at Foo Camp this year, and they did just strike me as sort of regular guys, quite friendly, with Adelson having a bit more cool about him.
The amazing thing about Jay Adelson is that for a while he was was worth hundreds of millions in stock in the company he founded, Equinix. But he held on to his stock through the tech crash and wound up with very little - as he put it, enough for his kids' college fund. He was going to work in a cafe when Rose tapped him for Digg.
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