Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Flying Nun Moments,

    Final Children's Hour gig - stoopendous, dark and earshattering.

    And last year's reunion demonstrated that we weren't just imagining it that way. What a powerful band.

    Bird Nest Roys with duelling Rossies. Every time.

    I'll always associate them with the Great Wine Glut of 1985. You could buy four litres of bastard red for next to nothing, and a lot of people did.

    When Pavement toured here, one of the band was chatting to one of the locals, who happened to mention Bird Nest Roys. The Pavement guy did a double take:

    "You know Bird Nest Roys!?"

    It appears that the legend lasted a lot longer and travelled a lot further than the band did. Although I feel bound to point out that if you only ever heard the records and never saw them live you didn't get the half of it.

    I saw them reunite to play Big Ross's wedding reception in 2004. It was beautiful:,

    etc and so on and so forth...but the most memorable was the final Double Happies gig - still got the poster - a blissball of an evening quickly followed by the shock of Wayne's death. Life ain't always fair.

    Got some news here. Real Groove retrieved the Doublehappys story I did for Rip It Up, based on a a very funny interview a few days before Wayne's untimely death, and Duncan Grieve has very kindly agreed to let me post it on Public Address. I'll do that tomorrow.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Flying Nun Moments,

    Possibly the only time anyone has shagged to a JPSE song... ;-)

    Anyone who can prove Johnno wrong is in contention for a prize ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Who's the real Dick, then?,

    Dude. That Coddington woman's on your ass. She has a letter in the new Listener claiming that you are the one who is "mistaken" about statistics, repeating her hilarious whoopsie about Asian crime rates like it was a burning insight and generally hatin' on you.

    Maybe we should send you a copy. There's a gripping cover story about 'The New Way to Solve Stress' according to "two Wellington psychologists". One of the shrinks says "You can have a fabulous house and a BMW, but you can still be unhappy," which is like so insightful.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Flying Nun Moments,

    I was busy worshipping Mr Knox from this ca 2-foot distance on the basis of my almost-knackered Toy Love album, but someone less idolatrous called out "Play one you just wrote this morning!" - at which Knox snickered quietly "We already have - twice."

    Goddam. I must have been there too. I don't specifically recall it being that gig at that venue, but I definitely recall that banter. I think the prelude consisted of other witty ejaculations from the crowd:

    "Play one you know!"

    "Play one you don't know!"

    "Play one you just wrote this morning!"


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Flying Nun Moments,

    Maybe it was Gutteridge?

    Sounds more likely ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Down in the Park?,

    I have to agree, Craig. It might not be so bad if the government had given at least some impression that it tried to take some firm action on sporting contacts.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Flying Nun Moments,

    I'll never forget Look Blue Go Purple, although I never saw them, the EP is great.

    They were great. And Lesley Paris was an awesome drummer. Women just play rhythm instruments differently from men.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Copywrong,

    Ben, you see that the RIAA wants artist royalties lowered,

    Heh. Beat me to it ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Copywrong,

    And just in case you were under the impression that Big Music is doing all for the artists, check this:

    On December 1 The Hollywood Reporter revealed that the RIAA is currently petitioning the panel of federal government Copyright Royalty Judges to lower the rates paid to publishers and songwriters for use of lyrics and melodies in applications like cell phone ring tones and other digital recordings. The last time the American government set the rate was in 1981, but since that time, the RIAA argues in its petition, a lot has changed.

    "While record companies and music publishers were able to agree on royalty rates during that 25-year period, the assumptions on which those decisions were based have changed beyond recognition," the RIAA brief reads.

    Wow. They love their artists so much that they want to give them an even smaller cut of the action then they get now.

    Slashdot fury here:

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Flying Nun Moments,

    I might also add that I tend to have a "moment" pretty much every time I listen to 'Point That Thing Somewhere Else".

    I also have fond memories of visiting Dunedin just after 'Pink Frost' came out. It seemed like that song was everywhere. You'd hear it wafting out windows, at people's flats and on the (student) radio. It seemed quite special.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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