Posts by rodgerd

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  • Island Life: I am not a quitter,

    I define murder as intentional and wrongful killing of another person.

    Should I pick on this for being weasel fors, or a circular definition. It's both really.

    I wonder whether it indicates a genuine confusion of thought or a lack of honesty in debate?

    In any case, I'l cheerfully ad that I think that murder can and should include deaths that result from deliberate actions that could reasonably be forseen to result in death(s), even if the intent to kill anyone isn't there. I think everyone involved in the decision not to fix the Ford Pinto, for example, ought to have been banged up.

    So, guess what, I don't agree, either.

    and you ought to know that at various times in the British Isles the poorest people have had neither work, nor charity, nor food, nor any prospect but starvation while the rich ate.

    How's that quote on the immigrants section of Te Papa go - the 19th century Englishman arriving in New Zealand and describing as "A place where an honest man need not steal to live"?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Cracker: Fillerup,

    Interesting article, John, thanks. I'll probably revise to looking for ECE approved helmets - the main issue I have here is that it mostly seems to be a choice between DOT or DOT & Snell approved, and given that DOT approval is basically just awarding yourself a sticker if you make helmets... well, let's just say I'd prefer a third party checking the validity of that sticker.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Cracker: Fillerup,

    Now all I need to do is find a better quality full face helmet that doesn't bend my glasses out of shape. Anyone got any recommendations?

    I find my Suomi Dark Metal really good on that front, although it fogs up at night a bit easily, and I'll probably make sure I get a Snell rated one when I buy the next helmet (which is due about now, actually). My wife's found her HJC good, and it is Snell rated, so that's probably what I'll be looking at.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Cracker: Fillerup,

    Biting through both your lips is not fun and you look like an idiot for MONTHS.

    My "always wear a full-face" came via helping a guy who'd come off his bike on a back road. He was OK, but the chin bar of his full-face helmet was mostly worn through from skating face first down the road at probably over 100 km/h (initially).

    It that had been his chin... I shudder to think.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Cracker: Fillerup,

    boots with the steel toe caps

    I hear negative opinions about steel caps - mostly from people who've seen poorly anchord caps detach from the sole and leave you with a chunk of metal that helps the car or road amputate a few bits of foot more effectively. Certainly all the riding boots I've ever tried either use plastic caps or a steel shank in the base to preserve their structural integrity.

    On the other hand, my only disagreement with a car (which part of "learner driver in a Legacy GT wagon doing a u-turn on a blind corner" seemed like a good idea?) I was wearing steel cap boots. You could see the rather large dent on the side of the car where my foot impacted, and the boot is missing a small chunk of leather down to the cap, but said cap remained in place (and so did my unbroken toes).

    god knows what would happen when you kiss tarmac

    A web page I've since lost suggested that people who are reluctant to wear gloves et al should be encouraged to walk down the footpath dragging their knuckles on the concrete, the try the same thing running, and then asked if they still think they don't need gear at 50 km/h.

    and they flounce down to the basement in their summer dresses, jam on a crap hat and toot! toot! they're away.

    A common affliction of scooteristas (and, for that matter, cyclists) is the delusion that, in an impact at 40 or 50 km/h, the damage will somehow be magically mitigated because one is not on a motorbike.

    Ladies: your nice arse may look better in a summer skirt than padded trousers, but I assure you it will look a lot less nice with gouges carved out by gravel rash.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Cracker: Fillerup,

    I learnt that driving rain is even more aptly named when you're driving into it with your face exposed,

    You might appreciate a full-face helmet more when you inevitably arse off. But perhaps that's just me.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Tragedy into Crisis?,

    AFAIC, a good start would be actually enforcing the licensing laws we already have on the books.

    Well, the police try, but apparently the courts disagree with them when they suggest that, e.g. serving spirits by the tray could constitute a breach of the licence by promoting irresponsible drinking.

    Similarly HANZ are ready to heap abuse on any attempts at enforcement. And, as Russell has noted in the past, are happy to offer ample backing to at least one MP who likes to pitch himself as a key coalition partner for would-be governments.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Tragedy into Crisis?,

    We complain about all of those things right here.

    This is arguments. Complaints is down the hall.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Tragedy into Crisis?,

    If Supermarkets were allowed to sell liquor,

    Uh what? Supermarkets do sell liquor.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Tragedy into Crisis?,

    We don't need police shooting each other.

    We also don't need to go the route of an armed police force that cheerfully pump 50 bullets into a guy on his stag night because they're amped up with twitchy fingers. I would prefer people who like the sound of that move to New ork, rather than bring it here.

    The police generally do best when they're measured in their response. It's when they charge in gung-ho that the wheels are most likely to come off.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

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