Posts by rodgerd

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  • Speaker: Play by Discretion,

    As far as Collingwood goes, at least he did apologise after the match. I suspect that's a damn sight more than, say, Ponting would do.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: A little understanding,

    And the alarming story of a mother called in to school to be confronted with allegations that her autistic daughter was being sexually abused -- on the evidence of a psychic …

    Fuck me. Makes me think this is even more warranted. Or, you know, a psychic-bankrupting civil suit.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Big Norms,

    you`re not in such a hurry to attack the poor legislation that led to

    What poor legislation?

    I think the main motivation for sooner rather than later is that, much like homosexual law reform (which was reported as having only 50-odd percent approval when passed, and moved to well over 70% by the time the adding non-discrimination to the HRA rolled around), given a few years in place, the bill to criminilise sadism under the guise of discipline[1] will be seen as a non-issue by most people because the world won't have ended. Just like it didn't once we stopped threating to arrest men for preferring the naked company of other men.

    [1] Hey, if proponents of the right to thump kids are allowed stupid and emotive names for legislation, so am I.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    One of the things that bugs me about media reporting around rape is the much much higher reporting of false allegations, as opposed to coverage of genuine ones.

    Because it's an exceptional event. I could complain about child-molesting stories not noting that most people aren't child molesters, too, but it's pointless for much the same reason.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    Last night this topic came up at pre-pub-quiz dinner. One person was surprised to learn that the alleged rape victim and "Angel" were two different people. He thought it was a bit strange that this woman would claim rape and sell her sex story to the tabs.

    I had the same conversation over coffee at work yesterday. It's a pretty common thing.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    Trapperazi warnings? How about telling international rugby players that we take rape seriously in this country, and that they are not above the law?

    The latter may be true, but Trapperazzi isn't as ridiculous as you (and some others) obviously think. The UK News of the World are notorious for all sorts of shady, manufactured stories; one of their signature pieces for a while was to find someone notable drinking, and have a couple of women wander over to him, wait for a photographer to get into position, get their tits out, and presto! Instant "x caught in sleeze" story.

    And that's hardly the worst of the things alleged about them. They're a rich source of nastiness.

    The irony there, of course, is that the English press are the worst shitbags, while the RFU are whining about New Zealand being hostile.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    'I wish these allegations had bee brought before the court, because as things stand there's still a cloud hanging over some of our lads and that's not fair'.

    I will be... interested... to see if any of the English players break ranks and name names. There are five players, after all, who are implied in shagging on tour. Many of the touring party have wives and girlfriends, and are probably getting a grilling about who ended up in what bed; that's even without the allegations of rape.

    It must be a powerful temptation to have a little word as an 'anonymous source' to clear your own name if you aren't one of those involved.

    (Also, Tom Rees seems to be the only English player giving interviews or writing columns who isn't a complete dickhead, so I hope he wasn't one of the four.)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Google Trending and MGMT,

    None of their schemes ever worked.

    Steam is doing pretty nicely for Valve. And there are more than a few gaming studios simply abandoning the PC gaming business in part (doing console ports when they didn't bother in the past) or in full (no longer doing PC versions) and citing poor sale:piracy ratios for doing so.

    So I don't think the game industry is the example you're looking for.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    Just like I did. And I don't believe she deserves the contempt being heaped upon her.

    Yeah, and unfortunately the major thing likely to dissuade her from making a complaint, assuming there's one to be made, is that the English press will doubtless orchestrate a smear campaign in favour of "our poor boys".

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Google Trending and MGMT,

    An evil company could do plenty bad things with that.

    You could t least have made the effort of links to search engine/mail hosting companies turning stuff over to the Chinese government. You know you want to.

    Well, they still have a whole bunch of your search data.

    It's pretty fucking spooky the way that the Google search widget in FF starts auto-populating with search terms I've never, ever entered when I start with a word, because Google are matching up the start of my phrase with other stuff I've searched for, and stuff other people have.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

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