Posts by rodgerd

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  • Hard News: Travelling Gravely,

    If the police started doing that every time they had a call that a mentally ill person was being violent and threatening people, they'd rightly be ripped to shreds by the public.

    "Why did the police leave a man to die while they waited for dogs?" you mean? Completes the circle nicely...

    I'm all for tasers when they're being used in place of firearms; at least one nutter in Hawera might well be alive and getting the help he needed if the cops on the scene had a taser instead of a pistol, and I'm sure people can nominate other examples where they'd have been an excellent sub-lethal response without unduly risking the lives of the public or police offers, while not actually having to kill an offender.

    What gives me concern is the scope for their abuse, and the scope to escalate response unnecessarily (e.g. where a police officer once would have talked someone down, his gung-ho young colleague simply tases someone).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Google Trending and MGMT,

    Geoff, I, too am not down with the whole buying downloads. Call me a fogie, but it's a bit ephemeral for my taste. CDs are my backup, and also my full-quality copy for pulling into FLACs, amongst other things.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    but there are all these noises about the guys being guilty of rape.
    but no formal charges from a complainant
    however the police are investigating, is this a normal thing for police to investigate something without charges being laid?
    or do the police think they have enough information that they can lay charges themselves? so this is normal?

    Yes, the police can press charges without complaint. I'm aware of this being done in the case of domestic violence, where the police can (and do) go for convictions even without a complaint, or when a complaint is withdrawn.

    If someone is in such a state where they cannot provide consent, that's also rape in my mind.
    Even if that is a state they got themselves into.

    also why i find those alac ads disturbing.

    We have a social double-standard there, though. Triple, really. In most cases we say that the person drinking too much isn't absolved of responbsibility for their actions - in fact, it may even be considered to aggravate them (driving, for example).

    And, of course, we also have a culture when having a few to get in the mood, or going out to clubs that people go to for the xpress purpose of drinking and scoring is the norm.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    The Duke lacrosse team also threw up some interesting dynamics. University groups and academics at the school assumed the team were guilty and vilified them.

    Not just at the university. It became a bit of a cause for all sorts of groups who appeared to regard a bunch of upper class white sportsmen accused of rape not so much as a tragedy (either way) as a heaven-sent opportunity. Apparently it's all And a quick browse around would tell you that nominally-liberal Metafilter had people

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    obviously it's smart to be carefull around scumbags - but equally one shouldn't have to be carefull around scumbags

    In a perfect world, of course not. But in an imperfect world, one avoids some bars, parts of town, and people unless one enjoys time in hospital. As noted in another discussion thread, that's hardly a gender-specific problem, either.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    why the hell should young women have to consider risk when hanging with these guys? that is unacceptable

    If the Satan's Slaves invited me back to their place I don't think I'd be in a huge rush to take them up on the offer.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    I haven't noticed the media being too harsh on the girls

    No, but the English RFU were quite happy to suggest it was a "set up". Yes, because obviously here in New Zealand, home of English-hating inbreds who have nothing better in our lives than rugby, we'd dangle young seductresses in front of poor, innocent, harmless young blokes (salt of the earth, you know, pure as their shirts are white, never had a drug dealer as captain) so that the police can jack up a rape case because we all know that there's no other way the All Blacks can beat an English side.

    Excuse me, I seem to be foaming at the mouth...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Travelling Gravely,

    I'm always suspicious of any story that is along the lines of "I was just minding my own business when, out of the blue, a complete stranger did something horrible to me, totally unprovoked."

    Happens all the time. Last time it happened to me I was having a quiet drink with a mate from work in a generally decent bar, some bloke comes up to the bar and starts shouldering me in the back repeatedly. I ignored him, eventually my mate said, "Hey, do you want to cut that out", the other bloke starts abusing me and demanding i step outside with him.

    It was pretty clear he was looking for a punch-up with me for whatever reason. I sure as hell didn't know him from Adam.

    Police were called, but they weren't very interested (fair enough).

    Not fair enough at all, unless it's because your son and his makes can't actually take down a number plate and provide descriptions. i would go so far as to describe it as a bllshit attitude that was worth escalating up the police food chain.Or are the Palmie cops waiting until the thugs in question chuck together a good manslaughter or rape before they can rouse themselves to action?

    Now, do I advise him to take up boxing?? Not to walk the streets at night? The son & friends should have gone for gold while they outnumbered the two aggressors?? (That's what has been suggested by fathers of other boys and one or two male acquaintances).

    Ordinarily I'd have said giving people a good kicking is a bit much, but if the local polds aren't interested, yes, I'd be inclined to give them an absolute fucking hiding.

    I took up Judo a few years back and enjoy it, but that was more to be able to "manage" difficult people without giving them a hiding. YMMW.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Travelling Gravely,

    But might it be possible that some businesses require some parking space close at hand for delivery vehicles?

    Loading zones.

    And perhaps f the retailers value "their" parking so much "they" could pay for exclusive use of it. I pisses me off how much city parking in Wellington has been converted to 1 - 2 hour maxmimums at the behest of retailers. If people are going to commute to the city - and they are - surely it is best, from an environmental point of view and from a "building livable cities" point of view, for them to park around the edges of the interesting bits, get out of their car, and leave it there for as long as possible? Far better, it seems to me, if Mum, Dad, and the kids leave the car at 9 am, and wander around doing their thing until 2, and then go home.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Island Life: I am not a quitter,

    Murder is defined as unjustified killing. Go read a dictionary or something if you don't have anything useful to contribute.

    Your response tells me that you are, in fact, too stupid to understand what you're saying.

    Unlike Kyle, I do not feel compelled to educate you, although heaven knows you could use it, based on your display here.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

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