Posts by DexterX

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  • Hard News: SpinCity, in reply to Emma Hart,


    The problem, IMHO only occurs, if the name calling takes place instead of advancing an opinion, position or argument - then it is purely a personal attack and unreasonable.

    I find the -


    closes things off as a measure of culpability and is unwarranted - however - if someone chooses to present their position while, also looking to belittle someone then that says to me more about them than any opinion, position or argument they wish to advance.

    Where someone gives one a serve it is up to one to chose to respond - and where the response is measured - I don't have a problem with it – it is human.

    The above "exchange" is mild order on the scale of namecalling - it is not as if they called each other "fuckwits".

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: SpinCity,

    There are so many things that Auckland needs more than this - odds on the Con Centre will be completed well before the Christchurch rebuild seriously makes in roads - is it the third winter out of sorts and with out a settlement or certainty for many people - a matter of priority?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: SpinCity,

    The Sky City Deal - Helping Corporates help themselves whilst bearing "their" buttocks at democracy.

    There are a lot of things that a government can do in the pursuit of economic growth, jobs and the well being of the nation - in the long run this "deal" is not one of those things.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Thatcher, in reply to Angus Robertson,

    The union movement did not flounder through the 80s, they worked very hard to achieve the election of the 4th Labour government. And then they supported it.

    I feel it is more correct to say that Unions affiliated to the Council of Trade Unions - one of he funding arms of the Labour Party - worked hard to elect the villains that were the treacherous 4th Labour Government.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Thatcher,

    and this:

    Tidal wave of guff.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Thatcher,

    Right On.

    Thatcher - where the Nats and Key get the bullocks on creating an Arsepirational Society.

    The conduct of the House - is telling in omparison to the conduct in NZ's parliment.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Up Front: Gathered Together,

    An unusual event in itself, that legislation lifts rather than creates a burden; the passing of the bill makes life easier for people. Yay.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Speaker: Not in my name, and not in his either,

    An unusual event in itself, that legislation lifts rather than creates a burden; the passing of the bill makes life easier for people.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Key Questions, in reply to Peter Graham,

    John Key seems to be repeating what the SIS has already said publicly.

    For his convenience, this still does not support the rationale for breaking then changing the law to suit; it really is just a bullshit excuse. Key, it seems to me, sees everything in his realm, the conduct of the house, the law, the management of the country, as being tailor made for bullshit.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Key Questions, in reply to Peter Graham,

    There needs to be a log kept of what Mr Key has forgotten and then subsequently, accounting for his convenience, remembers.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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