Posts by DexterX

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  • Legal Beagle: D-Day for Dunne (updated),

    Ironic that the Minister of Stupidity will vote in support of changes to the GCSB act that allows them to spy on NZers, but his activities are to be private.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: D-Day for Dunne (updated), in reply to BenWilson,

    That's a risky strategy. National may not get in.

    As I said just my guess - which is all one is left with when the “the info" is not disclosed.

    The stupid that lead Dunny to become born again as the bank bench leader of a political non party will, likely, out in course of time.

    Would be deserved if “the info” revealed a scandal - I have always felt he is two faced weasel wormrider.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: D-Day for Dunne (updated),


    A situation where I feel the chicken that crossed the road should have done so to die alone in the rain - I am proved wrong - again - as is the custom.

    Taking care of number ones - I feel it in my bones – that although Dunny didn't disclose “the info” to the GCSB leak inquiry, that when Winnie got onto "it" Dunny and Keysie would have had a wee chat.

    Dunny would have disclosed to Keysie the full extent of his stupidity - from that point a damage control policy kicks in the bones of which are Dunny resigns as Minster, and becomes the pretty absurd bank bench leader of a political non party.

    In exchange for the resignation it is likely Dunny will help the seat pass to National and Dunny following the next election will get the cushy appointment of his choosing.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: D-Day for Dunne (updated),

    Peter Dunne - "United Future" should have been called "Peter First" -
    I would have been comfortable if he had done the “honourable thing” rather than resign. He has been consistent in his unwavering support of the expansion of gambling and the proliferation of alcohol – it is a pity he has not gone entirely from the house.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: A plea for sanity on the…,

    My concerns are the manner in which things are likely to happen - particularly with an emphasis on Mixed, Terraced and Apartment Housing

    The standard of “building and design” needs to markedly improve.

    Presently in the area I live, the Mt Albert Eden Ward, a significant proportion of recent developments – over the alst 15 years - of this nature have required re-cladding – the original construction not complying with the building code despite being given code compliance certs.

    IMHO – having walked around and looked at things – There now exists the situation where, to my mind, many of the re-claddings that have gone what I imagine is compliance - yet the detailed aspect of the construction particularly wall junctions, and flashing details do not comply with code.

    The building inspectorate (Auckland City) and the Department of Building and Housing need to be mindful of these aspects – and avert the leaky home/building crisis becoming (a revolving) ongoing crisis.

    I don’t feel the knowledge or skills exists at many levels to get this aspect right.

    With the plan the driver is accommodating future growth (and change) there is a need to more recognise the community focus and role of existing utilities and community resources like school, pools, play grounds and recreational areas – so that rather than have a planning approach where the existing utilities and community resources are closed and/or relocated (in favour of mixed housing) that they are strengthened where they currently are to enable the existing community/residents to transition more readily and easily through the change/growth into the “new community”.

    An example is the location of the Mount Eden Normal Primary School and the nearby pool are shown on the Map as a mixed housing area – whereas this location rather than being a mixed housing model should be perhaps special use or community focused areas.

    The same factors are likely present in other local board areas – there to my mind needs to be a focus in preserving the core of an existing community and the resources that lie within it for the purpose of enabling the change to transition more humanely.

    With any approach the emphasis needs to ensure the right thing needs to happen the right way.

    For what it was worth this was the basis of my submission on the draft plan.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Enter Audioculture,

    Most excellent - A fair share of eargasims and fond reminiscence to be found - for sure.

    One that springs to mind was a barman at the "Westward Ho" organising a petition; signatures in support of commercial/rock radio playing NZ Music – he delivered it to Hauraki and ZM – he specifically wanted to hear on air the Dance Exponents' “Victoria”.

    The “Westward Ho” being the first place I heard “Victoria” as a result of the petition/barman. The barman was more than a fan of NZ Music. A NZ Music enthusist and passionate advocate.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: A plea for sanity on the…,

    Thanks for the post and links. I needed to look at it all.

    The current furor is over the opportunity provided to have input into a process about planning to create a plan for the future growth of Auckland City.

    I attribute the “heart” of the irrational opposition to the "plan to create a plan" is – “we don’t want “them” as neighbors – living in their “apartment homes”. Who are the “them” and what and where are those “apartment homes”? – Well that doesn’t seem to matter “they” just don’t want “them” in their neighborhoods.

    Asked myself does Government have any plans to accommodate the population growth pressure- say for instance the growth in school age population?
    The answer is “No”.

    I am going to take the time to provide feedback on the draft plan

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: What Andrew Geddis Said, But…, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    Hate certainlly gets around.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: What Andrew Geddis Said, But…, in reply to Sacha,

    I'd welcome any journo drilling in to why Ryall has fought this so hard and so long.

    There is something lurking deep at the seat of all this evil.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: SpinCity, in reply to Angus Robertson,

    Pretty much hitting the nail on the head - IMO

    Whoope-de-do. The new convention centre will be bland dreary shite, supported by the casino monopoly granted to Skycity.

    As long as no political party is talking about stripping the monopoly from Skycity, it is all political BS.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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