Posts by Mike Graham

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  • Field Theory: So what are you doing in 2011?,

    The real kick in the sensitive bits is the 9pm start time for the big games.

    and really frustrating if you have a young kid who, in the view of his parents, is only just old enough to watch a 7:30pm game live. I think that the games in question are at the weekend, so in theory the kids can sleep in, but I also struggle to keep awake past 10:30pm!

    I know that in the total scheme of things that children don't make up a huge percentage of the viewing audience, but you would hope that when the Cup is held in your country you would hope that they could watch the games live.

    I also wonder about the resource consents at Eden Park - don't events have to finish soon after 10pm?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Cracker: Titular Titilation,

    The main thing that bugs me about the titular system is that a successful businessman will get a knighthood for services to xyz industry, although really all they've been doing is their job. However, someone who spends most of their "spare" time working in the community for little or no financial reward will simply get 3 letters after their name.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Massive Fraud,

    Anyone else feel a Tui billboard coming on?

    "I was always uneasy with Stanford deal" - Pietersen
    Yeah right!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Massive Fraud,

    My hat goes off to Rich of Observation, who came up with this on 3 Nov 08 re Stanford:

    Chardonnay: so Mr Stanford, what is it you do?
    Stanford: I'm one of them billionaire businessmen
    Chardonnay: ooo, so you make a lot of money?
    Stanford: quite sufficient, thank you
    Chardonnay: like my Dazza, he makes heaps of dosh, but Kevin his manager says that if he doesn't watch it he'll be playing for Lesser Snoring next year
    Stanford: oh, I'm sure he's got a few years yet
    Chardonnay: when do you billionaire businessman have to stop playing
    Stanford: well we don't really, unless we get thrown in jail. And then we get to start again after we get out
    Chardonnay: oooo, thats nice! [moves to sit on Stanford's knee]. So you've got a few years in you yet then?

    I wonder when he will get out (if convicted).

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Field Theory: He's good, but I still…,

    Watching 'Inside Cricket' on Fox last night (I'm in Sydney) was irritating. NZ described as a 2nd or 3rd grade team, and of course the first 5 wickets to fall were because the Aussies threw their wickets away, nothing about good fielding or bowling. I could go on...

    They didn't defend Haddin, but didn't criticise him either.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reasons to be cheerful,

    riding the wrong way down the road

    yep - I've nearly hit 2 cyclists (at different times) who think it wise to ride the wrong way up the one-way street I exit an underground carpark from! I'm only looking one way, and it's not the way they are coming from!

    Lots of comments I agree with re cycling in Akl. If the Council are going to go to the effort of painting a line down the footpath to indicate a bike-lane, they could at least make sure it's safe for riding on!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reasons to be cheerful,

    anywhere with too many big trucks and buses...

    Add the bottom of Albert St to that list! I did my first 2 bike commutes this week and found that part the worst of the whole journey, although roundabouts are not great.

    The "bike-lane" along the waterfront towards Mission Bay must be on one of the most poorly maintained bits of footpath in Auckland. (I'm the one on the bike-lane - most cyclists stay on the road but I haven't ridden a bike regularly for over 30 years so still building up my confidence!)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Field Theory: My first cricket match,

    While not wanting to take anything away from Guptill, the other debutant (N. Broome) made a valuable contribution. He came in during over 45 so had to start making runs immediately, and did so in a really composed way, finishing with the best strike rate (24 off 17 balls) of the NZ team.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Field Theory: My first cricket match,

    Well put Ben - I had very similar thoughts. He did a lot better in the recent tests than I expected.

    I'm very disappointed that he won't be playing tomorrow as I'll be there! (assuming I get my thermos and water bottle past security)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Interesting Party,

    but nothing really weird.

    I'm not wanting to start an argument at this time of the year, but I thought that the first sentence or two of Steven Joyce's madien speech was a bit odd.

    Merry Christmas to all, I've enjoyed your company, and I'm really pleased to see a sporting aspect to PA.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 206 posts Report

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