Posts by Don Christie

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  • Cracker: Stoopid,

    A guy I know (yeah, one of those) who works in aviation says that there is a secondary latch behind/underneath the pivot point that allows the armrests to go all the way up.

    No way! How cheated and dumb do I now feel. You can't imagine how pleased I was with myself for having a row of empty seats... Then I had 13 hours battling those arm rests and all I needed to do was RTFM.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: Stoopid,

    peeves are the bozo who took all the seats with back support out of the 777s

    Worse, those bozos replaced them with seats whose armrest don't go right up. Lucky enough to get a row of seats to stretch out on? traveling with children? forget any chance of rest and comfort, you only paid for a small patch so that's all you get.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Those Men Again,

    as the law is written (apologies Don)


    I have no problem with the fact that the authors of those sites should become known. Having been around the internet for a while I have definitely come to the conclusion that posting under pseudonyms is probably not the right way to go anyway. Best to use your own name and curtail your writing accordingly.

    That aside, the principle of being upfront about who you are when pushing a political agenda is really important and I would hope those "The Standard" people agree.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Speaker: Moving Right Along,

    One of the plans for expanding the Super 12 seems to have been the principle "more of a good thing is bloody excellent". We aren't convinced this was sound thinking.

    Damn straight. Is anyone else sick of the self serving media types that claimed the crowds and audience figures for this year's S14 were down because Henry decided to cotton wool a few All Blacks. What crap. They were down because, as many many people pointed out beforehand, the tournament was drawn out, for the most part meaningless and lacked focus.

    All they needed to do was split it into 2 pools of 7, have fewer games and a playoff series. But no, the money grabbers wanted to fleece us fans for more and more. And there was still no room for PI teams.

    Now of course, the S14 failure and the ABs RWC failure are being linked in a way that suggests Murdoch and all the media organisations that feed off the circus learned nothing.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Those Men Again,

    Angus - so we agree on the polling effect of the smacking legislation. Good.

    We disagree on the possible impact of the EFB. However, I may be wrong on that outcome.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Those Men Again,

    Angus - I doubt it. The thing about the smacking debate was that everybody has been a child and no doubt felt they way *they* were brung up was the best way.

    Most people don't campaign during election times. I suspect most would rather there was less than more.

    Still, YMMV.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Those Men Again,

    Craig and Graeme. I was not commenting about your political leanings but about some of the more outrageous opposition to the EFB. I don't think there is much disagreement about the fact it has flaws. However, there are some that would have been screeching "my freedom has been curtailed" no matter what it contained or how perfect / imperfect it was.

    It's a bit like the smacking debate. There was reasonable concern but all too often this with reasonable concerns aligned themselves with some real wild eyed loonies. The Hollow Men example was a bit of a case in point, I would suggest.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Those Men Again,

    The point is, Craig, there are some many "one interpretation" made by folks such as a gentleman called "Whaleoil" that have nothing to do with reality and heaps to do with a certain political agenda.

    I understand the problems and disappointments with the EFB but to suggest The Hollow Men or yet another book about Richard Prebble's life, handily published at election time, would breach the act is pretty far out there.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Those Men Again,

    The (only) thing I admire about the Destiny political party is their honesty and full participation in the democratic process. It least you know who they are and what they stand for.

    The hypocrisy of the the EBs, their hidden agendas, secrecy and, ultimately, refusal to vote is stomach churning. Their willingness to character assassinate all who oppose them whilst comparing themselves to persecuted Jews if anyone dares criticise is beyond the pale.

    At least one available interpretation of the bill as drafted will require The Hollow Men to be withdrawn from sale next year...

    And that, of course, would be a bullshit interpretation.

    The sort of advertising that might fall under it would be this effort that appeared in yesterdays NZHerald: Whilst "not associated with any political party" it and the web soite go to great pains to criticise Labour and Helen Clark.

    No doubt the "Foundation for Economic Growth" will be squealing about their freedoms in the run up to an election.

    I am always somewhat bemused by this libertarian approach to "freedom". It seems that the equivalent of curtailing their rights to own slaves, or, if you read Redbaiter, to seize power at the point of a gun is a bad thing.

    That's not what freedom is about. It is about the freedom of society not to be subject to powerful and self interested forces in an undue manner.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    I should probably have added a smiley to my last post.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

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