Posts by David Hood
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I have to add my support to munted, for being the word for the year, not just a word in the year.
Legal Beagle: Paula's Peril; or The…, in reply to
Perhaps, as she drives away for the last time, Waitakere voters could line the avenues and give her a fitting send-off with this song?
My daughter can do "Now I only want you gone" from the Portal 2 game on ukulele, but we are at the other end of the country.
Yes, driving by on Saturday on the way to the airport there was a "The Pixies are on holiday" notice
I think the story was playing cards while trying to get the front car working
Capture: Colour is the new black, in reply to
It is a limited subset of the 'orginal' Pixietown, basically bits that were in good working condition when it came to the Early Settlers. There is a gold coin donation for restoration (or at least has been in past years, we haven't been this season yet).
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