Posts by insider outsider

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  • "The Terrorism Files",

    John minto = Luke Skywalker?
    Roger Kerr = Darth vader (well he's tall enough and big money MUST be pulling the strings somewhere, surely?)
    Pita Sharples = Han Solo

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",


    Which buses were stormed? This claim was debunked

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Taiarahia Black is the guy that was on Morning Report complaining about "hysteria' and then went on to repeatedly call the police stormtroopers and saying people were labelling Tuhoe as terrorists. Of course the people who have repeatedly shouted the word terrorist loudest are those supposed supporters of the arrested.

    Re the leak, Tony Ellis a lawyer doing work for defence as an advisor rather than representing them said he had seen a copy of the document and every defence lawyer and their clients, and a range of others had copies. There are dozens of these things flying around in other words.

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",


    the point was, being under scrutiny does not necessarily deter. These guys assumed the police were watching them and still carried on. Just as everyone 'knew' what McGuinness was and he still carried on.

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",


    The Ira did carry out their activities under a lot of scrutiny. They were highly compromised by informers and they knew they were iunder observation, and so would move locations for some of their activities

    which is also exactly what the urewera people did too...

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    I don;t think anyone is claiming they were smart Shep

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",


    it is a very common thing for informants to be used and to receive lesser sentences (indeed Rob H can probably cite the part of the Commerce Act that encourages whistleblowing) but that doesn;t mean the events didn;t happen.

    different story if it was a placed informer acting as agente provocoteur

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",


    You mean a small group of people possibly with guns and explosives, who had been training to use them from a town with only one road out, and in which there had been experience with criminals accessing community facilities to try and escape.

    There's always going to be inconvenience to innocents when the AOS get called out - most don't whine about it and ask for counselling.

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",


    It said an informant was used but it appaears around other aspects rather than the training camps

    Most revealing element to me, they were worried about police informers and accused one of their own.

    Why would you be concerned about police informers if you were above board in your plans and actions?

    Do gun club members too regularly accuse their fellow members of being informers?

    Biggest question : "They picked up details of a hui at Victoria University's marae". Hmmm, wonder what that was about?

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report


    THis comes back to the whole thing about an offence being 'imminent', and 'specific target'. The way I understood it Broad said TSA was the only way they could get the intercept warrants, which I read as the potential offences were too nascent (sp?) for them to justify an intercept under the crimes act, but they were concerned enough to not want to wait and they fitted the TSA category. They couldn't use the TSA as an excuse for an intercept in a drugs case say.

    In terms of redrafting the TSA, I think they are saying it needs redrafting to achieve its intended aims. Broad said it was meant to have a lower threshold than the crimes act for action to be taken (though I/S disagrees) and they were acting under that impression and on advice from the Crown Solicitor.

    It happens occasionally with laws that when put under scrutiny they do not appear as clear as everyone thought. Changing them as a result is not sinister.

    Che - I'm sure Broad said from his press conference on day 1 that there were no international connections so I think you can ignore that angle.

    I think the issue is, why was the Crown Law advice so quickly and seemingly quite roundly dismissed by the SG? You'd have thought that first time around they would have been veeery conservative in their reading of the law and its powers. Maybe that's just me...

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

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