Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Buy now: spend the recession inside!,

    f#kme if there isn't some geekspeak going on in this thread! (heh heh). My technophobia started by whatever came after CD's. They were easy, just plug the player into the back of the amp, place a disc on the tray, and press play. That's how easy I want my 'tech stuff'.

    I bought an HDD a year ago and it was so sweet I bought another on Boxing Day. Big mistake. The first one was a Sony and sooo simple to use/program/operate. The second one was a Philips and was the complete opposite. Luckily it also had a fault so I bought it back and got a refund.

    So I'm gun shy now. I want Freeview but which box? I just want to know that what I buy will work as intended. Oh yeah, and I want it do some 'tricks' like MySky or my HDD does. Thus far the Freeview boxes just seem like a basic signal decoder. And they're expensive. So I'll wait a bit longer.

    Besides, I'm really getting into Internet Video lately. They come in such handy 6-9 minute clips I can watch and work (or so I tell myself) at the same time. I've just watched the whole series of this over the past few days:

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Leaving the bunker,

    and density is probably why auckland lacks it!

    I've lived here most of my adult life Che, and I can assure that most of us Aucklanders are pretty dense.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unhappy Birthday,

    Why would a 25yr old Sgt & father want to join another gang?

    Yeah, I wondered the same thing. I can only presume that if War is Hell and you find yourself a long way from home, staring into the Gates of Hell, you might want some back up. If the guys you bond with are Crips, then you might be susceptible to joining the gang. It may well seem appropriate at the time.

    Even in 'peacetime' people join gangs because it gives them a sense of belonging, a sense of family that may be lacking otherwise. I'd imagine being stuck in a War That Makes No Sense might recreate those same conditions.

    And if i was in Iraq and my unit found one of those million dollar bundles of cash, I might just join the gang to ensure I get my cut too ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A business most feral,

    I just replied with likewise language to prove my point like Professor International Observer. old racist.

    __Like yourself Jeremy, I've been unable to get back into this thread until now....__

    Wow - so you're calling me racist! Careful you don't compare me to Hitler or someone might call "Theatre!" Sorry comrade, but that's not a label that can be applied to me. I wonder if you misread my comment or chose to misread my comment

    I don't think it's a big thing, and everyone can tell IO was making up an example to point out the other one. I just think there's ways to make your point without it. And given that the point was about not making stereotypes because they're not fair...

    When Kyle said the above I felt he was still missing my point. I made the "Maori Party/beer and cigarettes" comment simply by cutting and pasting your original "ACT/pool cleaning" comment and making substitutions. I did so because if a "Maori Party/beer and cigarettes" comment had appeared on a right-wing blog (or anywhere for that matter) PAS readers would have been all over it. But when you made your "ACT/pool cleaning" comment Craig was the only one to call you on it.

    I think it's silly to try to portray Epsom ACT voters the way you did, just as it would be silly to claim Labour supporters were all Chardonnay sipping Socialists, or Green party member were all ...

    Well, here's 2 drafts that didn't make the cut when I made my original comment on Page 4:

    Why are we still dealing with a Green party? Do the people of Coromandel still feel victimized so much they need their own party? Has the price of marijuanna gone up recently? Maybe we should have a telethon for them?

    Why are we still dealing with a NZ First party? Do the people of Tauranga still feel victimized so much they need their own party? Has the price of retirement vilages gone up recently? Maybe we should have a telethon for them?

    I think you'll agree they don't have the same impact as the comment I posted. BTW - I'm fascinated that some have felt my comments were racist or had racist undertones. Maybe RB does need to bit the bullet and introduce those emoticons to PAS. And maybe alongside those </just kiddin'!> </grrrr!> </sarcasm> and </wink!> emoticons he can have one unique to PAS: </someofmybestfriendsareMaori>

    Seems I could use the latter ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A business most feral,

    BTW, I gather from his strange outburst on Radio Live this afternoon ("wanker", "worst commentator", etc) , that Bill Ralston is planning some utu on me in his next column.

    Weird. I thought I was reading all the comments, but somehow I skipped that comment.

    So what was he barking on about?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A business most feral,

    ".... Russell Brown, that half-wit ....

    As heard on Radio Live at 4.45pm this afternoon. Not sure exactly what host Bill Ralston was on about as I was texting a mate at the time, whilst giving an errant child in the back seat a clip 'round the ear for pointing out that the light we were running was orange.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unhappy Birthday,

    Markets don't work without demand.

    Yes, but I think it's been established that the diamond market is controlled by a few players who buy up all the diamonds, stockpile them, and only dribble out enough to keep the price high. The same thing is done by OPEC (oil). Imagine if the same thing was done by food producers? Oh, right ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unhappy Birthday,

    Bush is oil money so he brings his corp cronnies into an unwinnerble war to raise oil revenue. The war is paid for by US taxes & Iraqi blood.
    In so doing destroys the US/World economy and can buy up great swathes of Industry it at bargin prices to dominate the world economy even further.

    Yeah, sounds far-fetched doesn't it? But why do I have a gnawing feeling in my gut?

    That Blood Diamond is a real bumout.

    Yup. I realise in hindsight that the Diamond Industry PR team did a great job in diluting any positive buzz for the film when it came out. Of course it had a bit of 'sugar' but that's because it's a mainstream Hollywood picture. Better that a LOT of people see it because it's got some action and adventure and Leo in it than a few people see it cos it's a 'worthy' expose/lecture on the inequity of the diamond trade. But as I recall, when the film came out there were many column inches devoted to lauding how the industry had already changed, Leo had a crap accent (not too bad actually since his character was a global traveller), Africa doesn't need Hollywood to fight for it's rights, the filmakers were patronising etc etc.

    My wife has always had an__ If-I-Win-Lotto__-type aspiration to own a big-ass diamond ring. As the end credits rolled on this film she said "shit, I don't want a diamond anymore..."

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unhappy Birthday,

    Okay, but seriously, and back on topic:

    As I've said for many years ... the fiasco in Iraq is so bad I'm convinced it has to be by design. So it's been 5 years so far, so what? Republican nominee McCain has made it clear that it aint gonna be over anytime soon if he's elected. Bushco were given plenty of advice prior to invading Iraq that it would be a quagmire, yet they went in anyway. And it became a quagmire. And now in order to extricate themselves from that quagmire some think invading Iran (via an air/missile war) is the solution. And top military brass who disagree are finding themselves taking early retirement.

    It took decades before the real truths emerged about US interventions in South America - I wonder how long before we learn of the real reason they invaded Iraq? Some would say we already know why - oil. But does 'America' benefit from this intervention or do the multi-national oil companies (and oil producers)?? I would suggest it's the latter, but paid for by the taxpayers of the former.

    I just watched Blood Diamond on the weekend, which puts forward the idea that the wars/conflicts in Africa are financed and run for the benefit of the multi-nationals who derrive their income from the resources (oil, gas, diamonds) those countries contain. It seems spooky to think that a country as big as the USA could also be led by the nose by those global interests, because if I believe that then maybe I'm going to have to also accept the idea of wearing a tinfoil hat. Yikes!!

    But tell me again ...
    who did Cheney work for, before becoming VP ...???

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unhappy Birthday,

    Link-whoring. Am I the only person who can't see the word "link-whoring" without immediately thinking .... golf??

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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