Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: A business most feral,

    Has the price of beer and cigarettes gone up recently?

    Always good to counter one sort of I dunno, anti-rich person stereotyping, with another sort with racist undertones.

    Er, that was precisely my point.

    Jeremy made the ludicrous assertion* that the people of Epsom were motivated by a rise in the cost of pool cleaning - a ludicrous presumption that everyone in Epsom has a pool. I had originally written "Has the price of kaimoana gone up recently?" but didn't feel it had the same impact (especially since the price of seafood has gone up) (no idea about pool cleaning, sorry -- don't have one)

    [*I acknowledge he probably wasn't being serious)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unhappy Birthday,

    Am I the only person who can't see the word "Shrubbery" without immediately thinking "Neep!"???

    Tom, I think you mean "ni!"


    And for some reason, this made me think of a Verlaines song ...

    I got called Joanne seven times on Friday

    Funny how the brain works. Well, mine anyway.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unhappy Birthday,

    Cheer up Russell, you could become the new Google/Jello/Hoover (anyone but Cellotape (r) of course) in terms of becoming a generic verb rather than a brand. Imagine the news headlines
    "Protesters outside a National convention Russelled the speakers so loudly that they couldn't be heard".

    To be fair, Russell has already been honoured with his own generic verb. When he was three, at the prompting of his Hardline Marxist parents, Russell dropped his pants and bared his buttocks. Although it was meant to be a demonstration of traditional Maori protest, onlookers failed to make the connection (li'l Russ had a boney white arse afterall) and the generic verb Brown-Eye was born. In subsequent years the PC Police attempted to replace the phrase with Mihaka; however it has endured -- kept alive by boney arsed white males through successive generations.

    [now, if someone more technically proficient than myself could enter the above into __Wiki I'd be grateful. They have no entry for 'Brown Eye']__

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A business most feral,

    Why are we still dealing with an Act party? Do the people of Epsom still feel victimized so much they need their own party? Has the price of pool cleaning gone up recently? Maybe we should have a telethon for them?

    I know theatre has already been called on this side-bar but it really irked me -- and I'm no ACT supporter. In a democracy people are supposed to be allowed to vote for whomever they want. If the people of Epsom want to rally behind one political party it is their right. If you think they shouldn't have that right then who else would be denied their right to vote for the party of their choice? Why are we still dealing with a Maori party? Do the people of Northland still feel victimized so much they need their own party? Has the price of beer and cigarettes gone up recently? Maybe we should have a telethon for them?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A business most feral,

    heh heh - me so greedy - me see text for free beer so me text for free beer - me so stupid not even read the very next bit:

    (UPDATE: All gone in 25 minutes! But it looks like you'll still get a two-for-the-price-of-one offer if you text in UPDATE 2: There are still a few of the twofer deals going, but they'll probably be exhausted by 12.30pm.)

    me learn alot for only 20¢

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Geekstravaganza,

    It's weird how more women related more positively to the John kerwin advertisement campaign than men.

    Hmmmm, lemme think on that for a moment:

    there's a bloke on the telly .... in a nice white shirt .... not bad looking either -- but not too good looking .... he's talking about his feelings .... admitting he feels 'down' from time to time .... says it's okay to get help ...

    Nope, I can't imagine either why women related more positively to the John Kirwin campaign than men.


    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Geekstravaganza,

    And then sometimes, of course, I drop that 'Your Mum' tune and Jo throws her drink over me and we have a bracing argument.

    And then you both stop, mid sentence. Your eyes lock with an intensity that could melt ice. You both instinctively lean closer, your lips parting gently ...

    Or maybe not:

    And on the decks, pouring the drinks, propping up the bar and cutting some moves on the dancefloor.

    Crikey, when do you allow yourself time to make out with those hot young 18 y.o.'s standing in front of the DJ booth all night making google eyes?__

    </cue RB's millionth anecdote about his long suffering wife who whom he loves deeply>__

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Geekstravaganza,

    Dale said:

    Strange as it may seem to approval-seeking youth, Cool is something you’ll eventually abandon as pointless effort.

    and Andrew replied:

    Au contraire, it's something we eventually grow into and assume, like a mantle. Well, that's my experience anyway. And what I tell the inhouse teenager regularly.

    And I respond:
    Listen to that old geriatric geezerette Andrew - she's right! You may think you're a hip 30-something Grey Lynner (I'm projecting here, obviously) but trust me -- your inhouse teenager thinks you are a complete dinosaur and even more uncool because you think you're cool. And she says so on her other Bebo page, the one you don't know about.

    Which isn't to say that you aren't cool -- it's just your age that renders you, by definition, uncool. My 9 y.o. nephew mentioned Krumping at Xmas and to show I was down with the kids I said "so you're getting your Crunk on?" At which point my nephew rolled his eyes and said "it's Krumping!!". I decided not to school him on my coolness and get into a discussion about the music the kids are Krumping to. (FYI - I do know that "getting your Crunk on" is also slang for getting drunk, so no-one try schooling me on that point)

    It's been my experience that any kid/teen who thinks I'm cool is a nerd, or socially maladjusted. (Which means they're truly cool, cos they understand that I'm cool). And I prove my coolness by no longer breakdancing at my age. Like Bush's War on Terror the kids in my extended family have no idea what lengths I go to to keep them safe (from REAL embarrassment).

    (yeah, 'school' is my widget word of the day)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Geekstravaganza,

    he'll be clearly indicated in my next talk to public servants about "how to make social media work for your business".

    Not taking anything away from either party or your praise Che & Jo but, um, aren't they both just, well, talking to customers.

    Did we really need "social media" to (re-learn how to) talk with customers?

    I see from your paltry 5 posts Mike that you're a Newbie (unlike myself with a magnificent 820) (actually scratch that, since only 5 of mine have been relevant to the topic in hand) ... but let me 'school' you anyway: The first rule of [redacted] is never to talk about [redacted]. But PAS is not [redacted] so feel free to talk about PAS - and by extension the wondrous glory that is the internet. And part of the wondrous glory that is the internet is PAS. So by extension we must give thanks and praise to PAS and by extension Russel Brown, who created PAS. He is The Creator. In order to encourage others to experience the wondrous glory that is the internet/PAS so that they too may give thanks and praise to PAS/RB we must give thanks and praise to those 'outsiders' who deign to enter this hallowed PAS because in doing so they are acknowledging this glorious and wonderful thing that we've known about since like, forever. Like Goths auditioning for American Idol we hate the MSM but only until they acknowledge us, at which point we only pretend to hate them (for taking so long to acknowledge us). PAS is currently like a really cool nighclub that plays all the right music. It's the internet version of a danceparty (when danceparty's were cool) but we all know what happened there. The masses 'discovered' clubbing and then 'the marketeers' turned up and killed it. Luckily for PAS, thus far, RB is still on the door ... I could go on (and on) but there's a helicopter overhead and I can't see it. (When you can hear a helicopter right above your house at 2am but can't see it, it's best to hide in bed)

    International Observer, my apologies for the misquote. It was Rich of Observationz I was quoting.

    Heh heh - I suspected as much. I tried reading Rich's posts but he had made so many... but your clue should have been that the comment was both cogent and coherant :)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Geekstravaganza,

    BenWilson sed (on pg 5)

    International Observer

    The thing is, in the current IPV4 world, addresses are a scarce resource and cost money to provide. Should the majority (who don't need one) subsidise the majority who do?

    eh? I've only just joined this thread. Must've been someone else who said that ...?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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