Posts by Martin Lindberg

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  • Hard News: iPad Impressions,

    Just in on YouTube. Vodafone vs XT performance on teh iPad. (Yes, it's uploaded by a telecom manager, so take with a grain of salt. Still, anyone should be able to reproduce the tests easily.)

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: iPad Impressions,

    PAS is a public interaction space, and yet the interaction uses the same method of interface as if we were to write novels to each other.

    Something I'm pretty grateful for. Should typing only be used for books?

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: iPad Impressions,

    Would it be too rude to ask how much it cost?

    iPad prices from Dick Smith - same everywhere, really.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Who says chivalry is dead?,

    Why dope your body when you can dope your bike?

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Southerly: Everybody Needs Good Neighbours,

    Some years ago we were woken up at some late hour by America's A Horse with No Name being played at an incredible volume from the apartment below. Since I knew the guy enough to chat with every now and then I went downstairs and banged on his door. No reply, which was not surprising given that the door was probably vibrating more from the music than from my banging on it. I noticed that the door was unlocked so went inside to find the guy asleep on the couch with his headphones on. He got his first fright from me shaking him awake and his second one from taking off his headphones only to discover that the speakers were actually playing as well. I hate to think how his hearing is these days.

    I kinda still like America, though.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wanna Route?,

    There is a series of walkways from Cox's bay directly to Grey Lynn Park that most people don't know about

    Yep, you basically follow the creek till you hit Richmond Road right next to Countdown. You then need to cross the main road and ride past the Mitre 10 and there is a path leading to the bottom of Sackville and then on to Hakanoa.

    It's a wooden walkway over the creek and mud till you get to Richmond Road so try not to push any pedestrians off ;-).

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Cracker: P is for Politics.,

    Chris, facts. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Munter and the Munted,

    Keep the discussion going! I've never seen an episode, but it looks like I can get a good summary from here.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Disingenuous Press,

    Meanwhile DebhillCone finds that the insanity of nationally "standardizing" on a 5 year old is quite cold and heartless so she logically blames the nasty teachers union and the crazy militants who teach our children.

    What an appallingly awful piece of writing...

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Up Front: Can't We All Just Fucking Get Along?,

    I only saw Top Gun a few years after release, on video. I was genuinely astonished at how homoerotic it was.

    It's not homoerotic - it's manly.

    Common mistake ;-)

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

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