Posts by Sofie Bribiesca

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  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    .Okay, I've just had a look at the legislation.

    There are problems, but it isn't as bad as it could be.

    See right there .You will believe, it will be ok, don't panic. I mean it's not about me right? Yeah right.
    You know what, coming through Oz from Dubai, I had my nail file removed from luggage and taken. The guy getting off the plane despite repeated requests from stewards to sit down (with a dam suspicious violin case) was just fine.There are notices saying "do not joke with staff. I say Bollocks! Jus' sayin' Bollocks!

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    We've just given that power to the police to access that information from absolutely anyone they want.

    'ang on! Can we take the "we" and shove it right back where it originated this time please? The MUFNACT Party have consistently shoved under urgency with the usual cringe argh vomit of "that's what we campaigned on" and "we won" crapaholic justification. This is yet another example of many pieces of legislation from day one of this government, sorry take it back to week two, but consistently since then. They do have a slick machine that works behind them but seriously, WHY ARE ANY OF YOU SURPRISED?
    Expect every week to roll out Tolley, Ryall, Power,Smith with Brownlee, McCully, and Collins to boot. Watch this space, I'll remind ya next week.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    Christ on a stick.


    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    (And FWIW, I'm seriously tempted to cast my next party vote for the Greens or Maori Party.)

    Slowly, slowly catchy monkey. :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    Good rule of thumb: If it smells like week-old road-kill, don't put it in your mouth.

    Must write that one somewhere :) But I must say here, one of my fondest memories.......oh better still.....

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    Now Paul Weller for the BDO, I could do that.:)
    Jonny Rotten as well, starting to sound like.... like.....'cellent, 'some.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: PAMJ: Better Than What?,

    Of course! Not been up with the play lately. Thanx

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: PAMJ: Better Than What?,

    "Holy shit, better than WHAT?"

    Right thanx but now can you explain the PAMJ? Is this code or am I thick? :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: PAMJ: Better Than What?,

    Hospital, it turns out, is not such a bad place to be when you really need to be in hospital.

    Hey sister,
    it's a journey back eh? Recouperation is a trip in itself. You go girl :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: You People and Your Quaint…,

    If I have two children, nobody expects me to not be able to love both of them. But people seem to have an awful lot of trouble accepting that somebody can 'properly' love two lovers.

    Different thresholds. Why anybody would want to judge, seems way beyond me unless of course, that anybody happens to be in the relationship and was unaware of their situ. Keeping it honest would sort that though.

    As you were.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

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