Posts by Joanna

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  • Hard News: The Finance Campaign,

    All the kids are doing it. Writing messages on puppies (or "pmail") is totally the new Facebook.

    Oh man, I've been trying to tell my agency that we're wasting our time with this newfangled telegraph thing, but they refuse to listen to my suggestions to go back to the old fashioned damp sack and big fire smoke signals...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Radiation: Desperate Heroes,

    More like here

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Radiation: Desperate Heroes,

    ...and as for that creepy character that fronts Ferrit. I wouldn't leave him alone in a room with young children.

    That's okay, I have a nice special place all prepared for him already. And I'm 27 so it's alright...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Finance Campaign,

    I'm going to join Robyn in a jumping up and down with excitement, but about things that will soon all be revealed, but have something to do with the Second Annual Wellingtonista Awards...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Radiation: Desperate Heroes,

    Family First said Cadbury, Ferrit, Burger King, CRC and Finish had asked that their ads not be shown during the programme...

    Um, wtf, Burger King? You wanna talk about really offensive content on television? Have you seen your ads lately?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Truth About Babies,

    >Passing the love on. That's what children are about.

    I don't think I can read this thread anymore, because it's making my ovaries twinge.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: TV: IP Everywhere,

    Che.... Can't some of you Wellington web wankers take a break from invoicing for our tax dollars

    Some of us Welly web wankers periodically get Che's site (and others, although I was surprised at how long it took to get Hubris shut off) blocked because it triggers dirty word filters, and you have to make friends with the IT people to get them to turn on access again.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meanwhile in Iraq ...,

    You know, I was fine with the US invading, all the torture, the scandal, the corruption with things like Haliburton, the cillivian casulties, the soldiers having their tours extended and extended and everything, but now I think that the US have gone too far. Releasing sharks with fricking laser beams into Iraqi waters? It's time to stand up and say no sharks for oil! Unless it's vegetable oil and there's chips involved too...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Times,

    Next thing you know high school kids will be experimenting with drinking alcohol when the teachers aren't looking, or smoking cigarettes on the tennis courts.

    And selling the sex to the myspace predators to buy the alcohol to bake their cakes with! Won't someone please think of the children?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Times,

    Ha! Once, a friend of mine took some coke and finally had the motivation/energy to erect some flatpack shelves that had been sitting around for months.

    So, coke is a gateway drug to shelving?

    Oooh! This is possibly the best reason to take drugs of that I have ever heard. Why, just last Monday, some companions and I had one or two quiet glasses of wine in the sun, and then decided it would be a good time to build a flatpack two-door cabinet that I'd purchased the day before - but all that resulted was polysterene balls all over the floor. We obviously should have been doing lines instead.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

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