Posts by Russell Brown
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Hard News: ACL: The best of times, the…, in reply to
If Grace could organise to get a promoter to presenter her in NZ as she deserves then she has that option surely?
Grace did very well in New Zealand. At least one other promoter (Splore) put a bid in and even helped her management organise the Queenstown side show, and I'm told ACL paid around $250,000 to secure her – which she is very clearly worth.
The Twitter comments above in this thread indicate that her not making her stage time was a big issue – hence the short set – and it turns out that Peking Duk like to pay for well-known-bloke endorsements to open their sets. But it just felt so off.
And from dance promoter Dave Roper:
Peking Duk are known to get a blokes 'bloke' to intro them ( well what do you call them? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ?) having got Shane Warne & Karl Stefanovic to intro them on stage in Australia. Probably works well at dude bro events like RnV.
Useful context from Scottie Duncan on Twitter:
Peking D were risible. But, to be fair, Grace came on over 15 mins late (I was backstage to witness the consternation from the promoter) and therefore played only one hour of her scheduled 1hr 15min set. The problem began there.
The very end of the Dan Carter message (and the beginning of Peking Duk) can be viewed here on Instagram.
Hard News: Splore 2018, in reply to
I met them by chance on Thursday, as they were leaving 95bFM and I was arriving. They seemed a fun bunch. And they admired my e-bike :-)
Hard News: Friday Music: The fractions…, in reply to
As for publishing fees, I really don’t get any justification why it’d be a significantly different percentage to radio play, given the “discount” applied to streaming, full stop.
As I understand it, the Big Three did their own negotiations with Spotify and came out with a split that heavily favours record labels and doesn't do much for publishers – ie, the inverse of the royalty system on US radio.
Kia ora, James. The few hours I spent talking to these students last year were rewarding and enjoyable. Best wishes to you and them.
Oh, hey, look!
My article about the King's Arms has just been published on Audioculture.