Posts by Russell Brown
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Aaaaaaaaand … Bannon has stepped down from Breitbart.
Sen. Diane Feinstein has released the whole Fusion GPS transcript off her own bat.
The first headline appears to be that the FBI was interested in Steele's work because it already had a walk-in whistleblower from the Trump campaign saying similar things.
Thanks for this, Graeme.
Will it be legal to sell cannabis, or just to possess and use it? Will people be able to grow their own, or will they have to buy it from specific government licenced dealers? Will you be able to smoke it outside in public places, like tobacco, or will that be prohibited, like the public consumption of alcohol often is? How will it be taxed? Will cannabis advertising and sponsorship be banned? Will councils have a role in regulating where it can be sold, or used? Will they be able to set up enforceable non-cannabis zones (like they can with alcohol), or only unenforced zones (like non-smoking areas)?
Will there be a process for historic cannabis offences be expunged or redefined, as there is is now in California? I think that's worth considering. Related: should past convictions be disqualifying for licensed production or supply?
If home growing is permitted, what should the limit be? And how should any limit be defined – in terms of number of plants or area planted (both have been used in other jurisdictions)?
How concerned are we about runaway commerce? Should cannabis clubs like those in Europe be considered?
And I'd be interested your thoughts about building future room to move into any bill. Colorado authorities have closely monitored their market and made regular tweaks to the law based on what they're seeing. The Canadian government has been frank about its intention to begin with relatively conservative settings, with the potential to loosen them as the nature of the market becomes clearer. (The Canadians also appointed a commission headed by a former deputy Prime Minister to consult nationally before it even drafted its law.)
Okay, so this is clearly what that Fusion GPS op-ed was about.
Republican senators have made their first referral for prosecution from their Trump-Russia "investigation".
And it's ... Christopher Steele.
Yeah, of course he's the guy you'd charge after hearing all the evidence. This is beyond transparent.
Barnstormer of a New York Times story on White House efforts to undermine Comey and stop Sessions from recusing himself from the DoJ Trump-Russia investigation.
And Mueller seems to have it all. Sure looks like obstruction of justice to me …
White House comms staff urged everyone to grant access to Wolff because they thought "this was going to be a positive book for the President.”
These people are spectacularly stupid.
Hard News: Trump 2018, in reply to
Trump’s lawyer wouldn’t be suing Bannon for revealing secrets if they weren’t true would he …
And I totally believe that if Tony Blair denies something it can't possibly be true.
Trump attorney sends Bannon cease and desist letter over 'disparaging' comments
This is hilarious.