Posts by Russell Brown
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Hard News: Bikelash, paralysis – and progress, in reply to
But neither has the education roll-out on sharrows been that good by the CCC.
We have them on Point Chev Road, but I only discovered what they were for quite recently.
Hard News: 1984, Cambridge Analytica and…, in reply to
That article on China’s Social Credit scheme is absolutely terrifying. Thanks for posting.
Tze Ming Mok drew my attention to it a little while ago. And yes, really alarming – not least in that it may well scoop up people resident in New Zealand.
Hard News: Bikelash, paralysis – and progress, in reply to
Not willingly. And hopefully not recently. The Lisa Prager/Penny Bright show periodically forced itself on the Greens over the years and abused our/their tolerance. If that institutional memory of their appalling behaviour has been lost, that’s a shame.
Fair enough. I do recall being told off by Nandor years ago for not being a fan of Ike Finau's attack signs.
Hard News: Fentanyl: it's here, in reply to
This whole millennia drug culture concerns me. I am responsible for guidance and wisdom toward millennial teenager.
Things used to be a lot simpler, put it that way.
Hard News: Fentanyl: it's here, in reply to
If the problem is adulterated MDMA
Not generally adulterated – usually just a completely different substance than it was sold as.
But Know Your Stuff has been detecting what appear to be deliberately deceptive mixtures intended to confound tests.
These will fool the reagent test kits people can buy – it takes the spectrometer to detect them.
Know Your Stuff’s Jez Weston has just tweeted this explanation of why the result is being announced now, rather than at the time of detection:
I did the Fentanyl testing at a festival a while ago, but we had to wait to publish to hide which festival it was. This is frustrating. We want to provide timely warnings. Still earlier than everyone else though.
To explain: the legal risk for event organisers under Section 12 of the Misuse of Drugs Act means that they can’t publicly acknowledge testing on their premises. Announcing the result immediately would have outed the event at which it was derived, so it had to be delayed.
This is another example of the risk posed by the law it stands.
Hard News: Bikelash, paralysis – and progress, in reply to
Prager’s protest against felling the pine trees between West View Road and the Zoo is particularly barmy.
That was incredible. The pinus radiata there are at end of life – 55 have died in the past three years. And they're falling. It would be utterly reckless to leave them.
Everything in their stupid statement about taking over "community guardianship" of Western Springs Park was demonstrably wrong. I broke my usual rule and commented on their Facebook post noting every falsehood in detail. No response, oddly enough.
I’m sure the Green Party are stoked that she is using the back of their election signs for her placards.
I wonder if they're old or new ones? Some of the local Greens did get rather too close to that crowd for a while.
Here's AT's project page for Richmond Road (West Lynn) and Westmere.
It includes a survey for residents. I'd urge anyone who lives in the area and doesn't want these ghastly people to ruin the whole thing to do the survey.
Hard News: Bikelash, paralysis – and progress, in reply to
4 way stops – that means cars stop at every intersection, and never really get up to speed
Oh, I meant to say: the Occupy people’s new line, trotted out at the meeting yesterday, is now that it’s wrong to try and slow down traffic.
I wish I was joking.
Hard News: Friday Music: The Roundup, in reply to
Yeah, I bought the album and sat outside with a wine listening to it earlier – brilliant. Although I'm not sure how the occasional monologues will weather ...