Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Cracker: Stoopid,

    Thanks Slarty, for confirming everything I thought I knew. I shall FW your post to my wife, who has conniptions every time we get near a Customs desk (such is my inability to not Fight The Power

    The airport security process is theater - it serves no significant purpose.

    No, it employs people who would otherwise be unemployed. And allows us to determine who will proudly wear the brown shirt - we'll need them to inform/torture fellow citizens when the Junta takes over

    We'd love to stop doing it, but the US would do something stupid and disproportionate in response (like issue a travel advisory warning their citizens not to travel to NZ).

    They went one better: don't implement these changes and we won't allow your planes to enter US airpsace

    every year NZ gets put on a "child sex trafficking register" because some right wing nutters in Washington don't agree with our decision to legalise prostitution.

    Yeah, but they were aided by local wing-nuts in the media who wrote stories about 12 year olds plying their trade in Papatoetoe (in the lead up to the final vote on the Prostitution Law Reform bill). Based on anecdotes, not facts. (Which is why I got het up earlier this week by the report that the AB loss led to an increase in domestic violence - another report based on anecdote)

    We would like to mandate that we stop exporting 15% of our electricity via aluminium ingots, thereby fulfilling our Kyoto requirement overnight

    Yes, in Brisbane recently I gazed upon the Comalco high rise and pondered how many of the floors had been paid for by NZ taxpayers. And didn't they threaten to quit NZ a few years back? And the Govt caved to their demands (for continued mega-cheap electricity) because they were fearful of losing local jobs? Wouldn't it have been cheaper to have found them new jobs?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    The headlines should read "All Blacks run up a $31K mini-bar tab"

    Yeah, but being Kiwis they probably thought they could get away with restocking the fridge in the morning from the local 7/11, before the maids got in.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Stoopid,

    oops, there should be more exclamation marks after F@#kers

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Stoopid,

    It's not about liability in case my phone gets lost. It's a CAA regulation that prohibits sending unaccompanied cellphones, unless they're processed as freight.

    Ah, yes ... The Global Terror Threat. The multiple orgasm that never stops for these petty bureaucrats. If ever there is a request made it can be denied with a shrug, a look of pain ("Oh, I'd so like to do this but..."), and an explanation that due to new regulations it can't be done. Followed by a matey whispered aside: "9/11 y'know - since then we have to be soo careful".

    Bullshit! Let me say what Damien can't say because he's on TV: "F@#k You!! You F@#kers"

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Those Men Again,

    You know what really needs banned? Mountain Climbing. Seriously, kills people, cripples them for life, huge costs to the hospitals and rescue crews; and yet there's shops in tourist towns set up to sell mountain climbing gear as if it's normal. The Government is involved in getting people to go there. It's MADNESS.

    Right on Tussock! But what do you expect when our very own PM indulges in a spot of Mountain Climbing from time to time? ("I may have climbed to the peak but I never inhaled the fresh mountain air"). I believe it all started at University, when she 'experimented' with hiking. Maybe we should ban that too, it's obviously a gateway.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Like the mule with a spinning wheel,

    many of them work more than they have to in order to buy stuff they don't really need

    1. farken wikid new phone
    2. farken wikid new iPod
    2. farken wikid new threads
    3. farken wikid new pills
    4. farken wikid new tachometer for the car
    5. farken wikid new blue light for under the car
    6. petrol for the farken wikid car

    Hmmm, maybe I should buy shares in Farken Wikid, they seem to produce everything the kids are buying these days.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    I think it was the SIS report on Zaoui.


    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • TV3's Sunrise and Newsday,

    I've watched it twice in a row and both time's I thought "Gee someone's given Triangle TV a major budget boost" before realising I was watching TV3. It really is quite a lo-fi approach. Anyone passing the TVNZ monolith must be wondering what all that giggling is about.
    And yes Jackie, James Colman is quite ... interesting (and I'm sooo not gay!!). How does he keep up that constant smile at that hour of the morning?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cullen To Spend Surplus On Cook Strait Tunnel,

    Sorry folks, you'll have to work for this one. Click on the link to see an example of a wonderous Infrastructure opportunity for our ever growing surplus. This would probably swallow it whole. (The utoob video is halfway down the page)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    but maybe rugby has gotten all the hits in the last month because the rest of PA has been a bit, well, quiet... so the rugby-atheists among us haven't had much to read, and even Tze Ming Mok's post was about bloody rugby, and I am so over it, and nationalism, and all those things.

    __**And That's The Truth, Ruth!__**

    I made a point of staying off AB threads, and in the rare moments I didn't I felt dirty afterwards. PAS is like P - you think you can stop, but find you can't.


    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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