Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    This from Bomber's blog:

    the images of bright bushy young idealists running around the Ureweras with Ak47s is going to terrify soccer mums around the country

    Yeah, NZ is full of 'soccer mums', just like those all those NZ bureaucrats and politicians working in 'the Beltway'. Let's not use US cliches people ...

    The manipulation by the cops, by the government and by the SIS into raising the spectre of terrorism to terrify NZ hasn’t even begun – wait until the media find out who the ‘target’ supposedly was. We ain’t seen nothing yet folks.

    If Bomber knows who the target is, why doesn't he just fricken say who it is? Or is he under some sort of gag order?

    When the dust settles a lot of people will be dining out on stories of how they were in the thick of it, and how the cops had nothing man, and their mana will be increased x 10. I'm guessing four people will be convicted of firearms offences and that's it.

    FYI - I have had lunch with Tama Iti (I paid) and he seemed like a very nice chap; and in the 80s I gave $2000 to a Maori sovereignty group to fund one of their activities. This loan was made at the end of a two hour meeting in a tin garage in Mangere with 20 of them and one of me (young middle class white boy) where statements such as "when the revolution comes where will you be standing? With us, or up against the wall? Because when the revolution comes, we will be lining people up".

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    As an Auckland ratepayer I have no problem with the RWC final being staged elsewhere. I wouldn't be surprised either if the government did announce a $500m upgrade ("It's what we offered Auckland for a Waterfront Stadium, but they rejected it") of Welli's Cake Tin, making it the new 65,000 seat National Stadium.

    Labour would announce this after Banks' has painted himself into a corner, and the rest of the country are thoroughly sick of Auckland (already are, actually -- and wrongly), and it should lift their poll ratings in time for the Election.

    NB - any idea that Auckland is getting more than its fair share of Transit funding should be squashed immediately. It's merely catch up - Auckland has been underfunded for years.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    but couldn't think of an appropriate rhyme for Banks...

    ... 'thanks' ???

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Stoopid,

    Forget the council one. And I used to work for the council, administering the refuse transfer station (10 years ago).

    Heh heh. Any chance that's why you get bad service at the council tip, Jeremy? Maybe they hated their old boss and now they're taking their revenge?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A. B. B.,

    so Mayors have to secure an absolute majority of registered voters

    __sigh__ As I've said many time previously: the Mayor only has one vote and is a figurehead only. Unless his/her team also get voted in (as a majority) s/he is powerless.

    I/O - Your real name is?

    You tell me yours Procrastinator and I'll tell you mine. Don't linger with your answer.

    But I'm going to put my head through the nearest brick wall if I hear bloody Tim Shadbolt say again the problem is that the voting period is too long, the papers are "too complex" and perhaps we need to be handing out inducements to vote.

    Heh heh. I had a similar discussion today, with someone saying how hard it was to vote. They seriously said that the problem was that you had to mail it in, and who's got time to get to a postbox these days? I questioned how much easier it could get, since one was no longer obliged to actually go to a polling booth any more -- and that Manukau City even had a 'drive-thru' facility so you didn't even have to get out of your car to drop off your postal vote.

    not even a voucher for a free blow job from the AB of my choice could induce me to go for the lesser of two (or the least of twenty) evils?

    If you keep telling porkies like that Craig your nose will grow long enough to give us the second harbour crossing we need (or not) so desperately. You so would vote if you got that voucher ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    ah yes, the curse of democracy: does one vote for the candidate one wants, or does one vote strategicly ...?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Pacific Islands already being 'pillaged'…,

    Inspired by this post from Richard Llewelyn:

    I see that Alistair Campbell has taken the chance to settle a few old scores. Most of it is self-serving tripe of course, but it is disappointing (yet not surprising) to see him recycle so unquestioningly the utter irresponsible falsehoods about Pacific Islands being 'pillaged' by AB scouts. Wanker. Sheesh.

    I thought I'd better seek out the truth ... as a New Zealander I was deeply disappointed to discover the British have been right all along. The video evidence doesn't lie ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A. B. B.,

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Aussie comedy dissing Polynesians?,

    Either Maori or Pacific Island!!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Those Men Again,

    Yikes! That's amazing Graeme - got a link?


    140,000 ppl might be eligible for home insulation subsidies

    That should be 70,000 ppl might be eligible for home insulation subsidies, and 70,000 ppl might be eligible for home insulation interest free loans.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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