Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Speaker: Moving Right Along,

    In the olden days NZ would tour SA every 8-10 years, and vice versa.

    Er ... these would be the Apartheid years, right?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Those Men Again,

    APRA's British equivalent appears to have jumped the shark by taking a car repair firm to court because its mechanics listen to radios that are audible to members of the public. Unless there's something I've missed about this, it seems silly and counterproductive.

    You need to come down from your Ivory Tower RB and spend a little time in the real world. Why, only yesterday I observed a half dozen youths loitering on the footpath outside Beaurepairs, listening to Mai FM booming from the workshop. I can't be sure, but I think one of the young punks was actually recording it for later use - possibly to burn on to CD and sell at his local school for $10!!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    Good point JB.

    I've googled without success but wasn't there also another incident a few weeks back when Peters had failed to read a paper or press release issued to him? I recall him smirking on One News (walking into the House) when he was caught out having earlier in the day complained about not being consulted over some policy announcement Labour had made.

    It's a different kettle of fish but the 9/11 attack could have gone differently if people who should have been reading reports issued to them actually did.

    If our politicians/bureaucrats aren't reading the reports then lets cut the numebr of politicians and consultants by 50%. That might halve costs and double output.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,


    Jewishness is both a race and a...

    That's the bit that's always confused me. If an Innuit converts to Judaism are they then racially Jewish and not Innuit? What race do African Jews belong to? Can Roman Catholics be both a race and an ideology?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    Tom.. that mysoginist post will go down in PA History.


    I didn't think what he was saying was mysoginistic, but then as a male it's possible that my gender precludes me from seeing Tom for the Nazi he is.

    Lighten up. Do you and Danielle really believe a man can lecture women on childbirth or question the amount of money spent on breast cancer prevention vs the amount spent on prostate cancer prevention, without at least one woman present rolling her eyes and saying "Omigod! I can't believe you [a man] just said that!".

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    There are women out there who give a damn about rugby, the All Blacks, and the men who play the game.

    Heh heh .... and then there are men (like me) out there who don't give a damn about rugby, the All Blacks, and the men who play the game.
    (Not that it stops me from chuckling at the sight of 'real blokes' crying over a freakin' game of Rugby)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    Sometimes, you know, it's just nice to dance in the streets without having to worry about economic or social return.

    If you want to dance in the streets by all means do so. But do you really need a council grant to do it? Get your neighbours together, close off the street, and have a streetparty! And if you live on a main transport route then perhaps have the party at a local park instead.

    Just don't ask the council for permission to close off your cul-de-sac for a street party. Or you'll need to provide a traffic management plan, a letter signed by all residents, and approval from local authorities like Police and Ambulance. And pay for flyers to go throughout the greater area alerting the wider community of your intended road closure. Which may or may not alert undesirables to your forthcoming street party. So you'll probably need professional security, which will cost.

    Oh. I see why you'll need a council grant. $3000 should cover it.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    Many women became targets of violence as their partners took out their frustrations following the All Blacks' rugby World Cup loss.

    Women's refuges say the demand for their services has been since Sunday's defeat. "We've heard from police there has been an increase in domestic violence and they're our biggest source of referrals," said Catherine Delore, spokeswoman for the National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges.

    "The game isn't the only reason for abuse but it's always part of the excuse. The abusers tend to take out their anger on their nearest and dearest."

    So, how 'many' is many? Delore doesn't provide a figure, just offers a vague "demand is [up]". And did she even offer that, or is it the opinion of the reporter? The only actual quote from Delore is "We've heard from police there has been an increase in domestic violence and they're our biggest source of referrals." So ... have they actually had any 'extra' referrals as a result of the AB loss, or are they just saying 'the Police have told us there's been an increase in domestic violence'. So was that an 'official' statement from the Police, or just a comment from some cop on the phone she was speaking with?

    I know I'm not winning friends by going down this route, but the story pisses me off because it's possibly a beat up ie it seems very anecdotal but it was still picked up internationally. Even the hosts on Channel 9's brekky show were talking about it, as if we are a nation of wife beaters. Are we?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    They had obviously been expecting a chilly or non existent reception, and the look on their faces was great.

    And where the f%#k did this idea come from? I heard the same BS on Radio Live news. As if there was some expectation that disapointed fans were going to go to the airport to heckle the team as LOSERS!!?? Puh-lease!

    The best guess is that Giltrap still hasn't got over the V8 race not being staged.

    And thank #$%@ it wasn't. I was in the Gold Coast last week of September and they were already creating major traffic woes by setting up for this months Indy Whatever.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Like the mule with a spinning wheel,

    I'd much rather see the amount of money I pay to take my kids to the doctor, and the amount of money it'll cost them to go to university come down, well before there's tax cuts.

    Can't argue about the doctors visits but why should I pay for your kids to go to University? There are plenty of low income working class families who have little hope of their kids getting a University education (ah, yes, but anyone can saddle their child with a lifetime Student Loan, right?) so why should they forgo more money in their pocket now just so you can have a little sumpin' extra to subsidise your middle class academic fantasies? <I'm playing Devil's Advocate here, since I don't know your actual circumstances.>

    The government says it wishes people to save and not borrow, but at the same time continually raises the amount of tax money it takes from people. The words conflict with the actions.

    Which is why they've done nothing to raise the thresh-hold. More ppl over the thresh-hold means more tax collected. Ditto for rising petrol prices.

    actually the NZ economy is doing pretty well.

    Yeah, politics is a funny thing. After a certain period it becomes almost obligatory to vote in the opposition, just for a change. Labour's problem is that no matter how good thing's may actually be there's a perception that they've held on to the purse-strings too tightly and failed to deliver. Labour's solution to that perception problem lies with the surplus:
    Does anyone doubt the surplus will be spent next year in the lead up to the election in an unprecedented display of 'vote-buying'? And with just a little held over for 'non-political' (yeah, right) Government Department advertising??

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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