Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    America is a fine country in many respects.
    Just forgien policy really pisses everyone off.
    As my mother often says "Love the sinner, not the sin".

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    Thank you Emma - quite right.
    I only comment on what he put into the media not anything else.

    We all invoke our religion in the things we do (those of us who are)- The Pope has asked Catholics to cross themselves before driving - doesn't mean we have right of way at an intersection.

    Have you heard the song "On ward Christian Soldier marching as to war"?

    I don't draw a strong distinction between my G/G/uncles who lie in Flanders Fields after bayonet charges & military targeted suicide bombers.

    Not to crawl down the revisionist road but the bombing of Dresden etc was targeting the civilian population.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    Oh I shud clarify I have no special military knowledge and neither do any of my mate - well not that they've told me.
    I do remeber laughing when we saw his book in Withcolls (around 2000).
    He said he was told he's shit in camp but a great soldier in the field. True he was told that, but we couldn't say - you're absolute crap at everything you do.
    If only I could remeber his name. It's something odd.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    Hussan Butt
    He seems damaged and depressed or a fantasist lonley loser on the edge of everything and involved in nothing.
    I believe what he said about the whole drug thing but he tied terrorism to marriage. That doesn't fit.
    He reminds me of a guy who played soldiers with me for a year and then left & published a book (through Bill Rolston) on intellegence and later wrote for Investigate. I forget his name but it might as well be Hussan Butt.
    I hope Butt converts to fundy TV Christianity - he'll get everything he wants there.

    Irshad Manji - She is one impressive woman.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    The whole concept of police with automatic weapons concerns me.
    Semi-auto is fine = one aimed shot with an auto reload.
    Fully automatic weapons are designed to scare more than kill - to suppress or pin down = lots of innocent deaths.
    Also a good blast on full-auto and the impact area can increase greatly.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Taking the rise,


    The importance abouit addressing lies told about us is to address lies we tell about ourselves.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Taking the rise,

    While arguing about bare faced lies let's remeber Gore lied about us.
    The NZ will take in the population of Tuvalu and other threatened pacific nations. Na ah.

    NZ is clean & green, right? 100% Pure, right?
    Our National State of the Environment report is 10years over due.
    AKL water comes from the sewer - Waikato
    Had a Northern Oyster lately?

    Regional Councils give good reports of the extensive pollution and the RMA allows it to continue as it is designed to protect property rights not the Environment.

    Dear Old Tranny Cooper - did the botox go too deep?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Rules,

    Are these the poster children for the new (& fascist) ASBO - Anti Social Behaviour Order - (Black Square is an optional extra).

    Is this the work of Dr McTurk who made such a splash at the Christchurch City Council?

    Sorry to repeat myself but,
    Why do we know about the Salt family?
    Why were there 4/5 police and a camera crew around?
    No crime had been committed, but a poor family who had a few run-ins with the cops in the past have got more coverage than murder/rape etc.
    If they say they're getting harrassed by the police (& let's include the media & HNZ), they have a strong point.
    The issues as far as they've been covered are historical & rightly so have been dissmissed.

    Good on Bush for standing up for prisoners rights and reducing the absurdly long sentences. May it long continue.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Rules,

    Helen is doing a lot of undignified snapping. Surely a plan for the future, a clear direction is better than Cpt Blighs cat of nine tails.

    Corrections is primarily a failure as a result of Labours 'successful' lock'em up and don't spare the years.
    Aside from the pay-for-opinion surveys I think there is a real ground swell of support for Bradfords Bashing Bill.

    Are you arguing that Politicians are trust-worthy?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: This just in: incumbent…,

    Bush is pro illegal immigration.
    Immigrants are wanted in America to work for next to nothing.
    Bush is pro illegal immigration because it is cost effective to have an under the counter workforce to avoid normal moral costs of labour.
    This is why he must also keep their status as illegal. And why his immigration policy will fail - it's all in the design.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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