Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Cracker: Psst... buddy... got any BZP?,

    All for harm reduction, but is it working?
    Needles on the foot path & bodies in the street.

    On the Presby thing - do you think Southland have reduced harm from alcohol by keeping the Trust?

    It paid for the start of Free Fees at SIT.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    I don't see this as a religious war.
    The aim isn't to convert or destroy the west or judeo-christian tradition (oh maybe that crusading thing - they might want to stop that). And the attacks aren't that big when compared to the activities of the west. Certainly not an eye for an eye.

    Gota link to : post 68 nihilism Marxist theory ??

    Old family friends used to support Sein Feinn & other groups like the ANC from NZ (an act now counted as Terrorisim itself in NZ).
    Religion was used as a handy handle for what was really a battle for political and economic equity.

    Of course the real reason there is peace in Ireland.
    Loyal or Republican no-one could compete with suicide bombers.
    And you don't want to be a second rate terrorist - it losses its edge if the cops sigh with relief when you tell them there's a bomb & you've got 20mins.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Psst... buddy... got any BZP?,

    I might be channelling some latent Presbyterianism (or tiny wee bit under a cloud) but ban BZP, peanuts & Silver Birch while we're at it.
    Peanuts are really dangerous for some it's like Kriptonite. So too Silver Birch - burn it.

    I was told CHCH is known as Needle City - not a shock at my old office, just off Manchester St, you had to look where you stepped because of all the bloody needles & used condoms. Never mind the 6 murders in 6 months after prostitution was legalised.

    Getting to work early (so I'm told) or leaving late sometimes got a knock on the window or your carpark was taken up by a shagin wagon.

    Christchurch is becoming more & more English every day.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    And where is the heroic anti-terror squad that murdered the bearded brazilian?

    The heros of the hour are parking wardens!
    Who towed one of the car bombs to what looked like a pretty safe site - if it went to plan.

    The Rainbow warrior terrorists were caught by nosey neighbours (& immigration until they let them go).
    There is no need for the SAS on every cnr or the 'Special Powers' that have been introduced in NZ & UK etc.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Psst... buddy... got any BZP?,

    Cantabs have the best public transport on Australasia (OZ & NZ).
    Although there is still alot of work to be done on cycle ways & not ones for lycra clad w@nk$rs but cyclists!
    Best buzz has to be Whisk-E-y - not that dodgey 10/12yr old stuff either but a good Jamesons.
    Was there Rugby on tonite? I must missed it.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not such as to engender confidence,

    I'm rejioning if your advocating martial law - not because I think it's good, but better to be the oppressor than the oppressed - you can't pay for therapy if your dead.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not such as to engender confidence,

    As yet Solomons & Timor Leste are not yet liberated.

    In both stated cases they are still occupied by the military and will be in at least the mid term - if not the foreseeable future.

    For all the good they have done (and some good may come from Howies wee tanty here as well).

    They have not succeeded in liberating the resident population and must stay to impose security.

    Such a step is to be taken only as a last resort, not the first.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not such as to engender confidence,


    Left & Right have played their parts in the past. I fear the problem is still one of Black vs White.

    This is military intervention in peoples lands and lives. All within the Federal State of Australia.

    I fear the real goal has more to do with the competition of Federal vs State power. As with the recent water debate in OZ.

    When was the last military intervention that worked to liberate the resident population?

    It's both a Trojan Horse to usurp land rights and a Show Pony of Power in the battle of Fed vs State control.

    The ozzy battler will kick up bobsydie(?) about water, but not about this.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not such as to engender confidence,


    Gerrymander has nothing on this little beauty. Your point is a nonsense.

    Have you judged bouts for Don King?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not such as to engender confidence,

    I thought ideas of Racial Hierarchy had gone from civilised minds.

    Might be worth looking at time-lines though.
    1840 Maori where enfranchised with the rights of British subjects - so the let the debate begin here.
    1967 Indigenous Australians got the vote.

    127 years of active legisative descrimination by removing basic human dignity has a price.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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