Posts by Sofie Bribiesca

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  • Hard News: The perils of political confidence, in reply to Jackie Clark,

    celebrating Labour’s wins, whatever they may be.

    If the left and Winston can't hold the reigns this time we know they will come back to clean up the mess, like they always do. Because people are important and the left and Winston care. And before anyone baulks at Winston, he does care about the elderly constituents :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The perils of political confidence, in reply to DexterX,

    I'm not conceding anything. It is not my race. Although one thing I will concede, is that Brand Key is dangerous and we ain't seen nothing yet if this lot are allowed to continue.
    My hopes and aspirations are the same as they always have been. I only want what's fair for everyone in an equal I'm quite happy in that headspace.
    Treating a Nation like liabilities on a balance sheet does not a friendly society make. It creates a destitute one.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The perils of political confidence, in reply to DexterX,

    We have and are going to have a government of and one that benefits corporate players.


    Welcome to brandishing Key.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: A week being a long time in politics, in reply to Terry Baucher,

    The saga has reached the Guardian’s Media site

    Now we have The International Federation of Journalists condemning the Police.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Criminalising Journalism, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    I know folks around here hate Banks even more than Key,

    Nope. Banks is always the same. You know what you get with him.Banks is Banks Key on the other hand is the "smiling one". Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you will get. That's what I find dangerous for everyone, Nat supporter and otherwise.
    We rely on our politicians to be truthful.. The man should have been comfortable to comment.It's his job as PM. It's just insulting to everyone. Now the Media are treated with contempt by this complaint right after the Police are given carte blanche on surveillance. WTF!

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The perils of political confidence, in reply to Emma Hart,

    I can't help thinking that Duncan Garner might just be the happiest person in the country right now.

    Yes Duncan has learnt the art of persistence ,I'll give him that but the interview in the domain is not Duncan. Credit where credits due. It was Patrick Gower who interviewed Banks, and that shot at the end where he wonders off alone into the
    sunset, shoulders hunched like a man already accepting defeat. That's priceless.
    Righto off to check the next Post of RB's. Seems the cops are out in force on many news organisations.
    Oh shit already. 87 comments before I get to read it. dammit.:)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The perils of political confidence,

    So Winnie and Hone got the thumbs up on the Debate on TV One, from the audience . Winnie 36% Hone 27% Don B 14% Tariana 3% Russell got 13% and Dunne was 7%.
    Only caught the last half hour. Did anyone else watch it?

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The perils of political confidence, in reply to merc,

    I think Brand Key is significantly tarnished.

    And because, I'll proffer, the media is bothering to question a bigger picture than the sleepwalking a lot of them have been doing for some time. Yes Goff tried to suggest Policy would be their point of campaigning, media preferred smile and wave and cups of Tea , but start pushing the media around, it is their duty to question this. It is after all their profession which is now at issue. I mentioned 3 years ago, Key would be like the bully at kindy who throws all the toys out of the sandpit if he can't have them all. Now it would seem tantrums go with it.Too many egos, so little time.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The perils of political confidence, in reply to Rob Stowell,

    Not so sure on Minto (#3). Getting to be ok with Harawira. It's his mum I find... off-putting. And they're keeping her quiet, a blessing in itself :)

    Minto? I know John Key thinks little of him. At least Minto knows where he was in the 1981 springbok tour protests. I know he stands up for human rights. What's so bad about Minto?
    I guess Titiwhai has defiantly stood up for what she believes in. I also guess her belief that the Maori party was going to do what was needed under National was upset when Hone left it but I am sure she would support her son's decision. Maori Party do look like anything but what she hoped for. The 79 year old may still have a loud voice but how that equates to be a vote for Mana is beyond me and I don't see how she could influence all who are in Mana now. Hone is a man in his own right. He is not working for his Mother. Jus' sayin'

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The perils of political confidence, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    No, Goff could have just said “this is a side-show

    Oh heaven forbid, don't you go bringing sideshow Bob into the realm. ;)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

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