Posts by Naly D

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  • Hard News: A Weird Day in the Hood,

    Russell, have you stopped proof-reading?

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Pow! Vroom! Ka-Ching!,

    Yeah I was way wrong damnit.

    "Coincidentally, St. Louis already had a baseball team called the "Cardinals". The established National League team eventually decided against pressing a formal objection to another sports team in the city using the same name. Sports fans and local news broadcasters called the team "The St. Louis Football Cardinals" or "The Big Red" to distinguish the two teams."

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Pow! Vroom! Ka-Ching!,

    Yamis, I'm gonna try and beat Hadyn here but that's because when NFL teams were first formed, they were named after the baseball team of their town. That's why the Brooklyn Dodgers played the Philidelphia Eagles in the first ever televised NFL match!

    And Rich, we think alike re: V8 grid girls. Marry me?

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Pow! Vroom! Ka-Ching!,

    Ahhh ffs. Can someone fix my formatting?

    Just to make this secondary post worthwhile:

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Pow! Vroom! Ka-Ching!,

    See I think that Tua is the deserved favourite. Think about it. When have you seen Cameron not get cut in a fight? When have you seen him use his phenomenal speed and agility to evade punches? Once he gets hit by Tua's devastating right hook a couple of times he'll be like a stunned mullet standing in the middle of the ring.
    Cameron isn't that good a boxer [he'd beat me to a pulp but still], but the reason he receives so much exposure is because of his TV3 sponsorship.

    It's good to see that the A1GP might be getting a funding boost

    Hamilton V8 organisers take note.

    The HV8's seemed to be a pretty good family affair last year. Don't go to the Gold Coast round unless you're between 25-52 and a male though. Especially don't go if you're a female.

    What does a Grid girl do?

    Basically what Hadyn said but the umbrella part is pretty important in the open wheel [the wuns wot look loike baby-F1 cars] because the engine is directly behind the driver which will generally be at between 60 degrees and 150.
    I'm not sure why the V8's have them, because they don't shade the drivers at all, just themselves.


    I wonder what will happen when the companies cannot reign in their motorsport spending any more... Let's see ball sports survive then! Muahaha.
    Seriously though, Motorsport is open about its dependancy on corporates to survive. Many other sports, not so much. But hey, at least NZ is open to bringing back alcohol sponsorship, right?

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Every guy does it,

    Better? Or worse? I just can't tell.

    I don't know which is worse on that... The singer who can't sing, or the fact that the song was written like 'yeah let's just get everything we wanna say into it and not pay any attention to rhythm'

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Every guy does it,

    What the? Jason Hanson gets $ 1,650,000? I suppose he is the most used player on the Lions though right?

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Every guy does it,

    Not even close to a million and they get knocked down by big guys, a lot.

    Yeah I heard it was closer to $300,000. I'll ask K Rhodes!

    Punting and punt returns are my main qualm with Madden NFL 09. Like the amount of times I can get 10 - 20 yards on a return... Hm.

    Punters do score sometimes though, who was it last year that actually performed a drop goal? The Steelers?

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    Now, I'm not attacking you or anything but I'd just wanna raise some things:

    Most of those who listen (well call in at least) funnily enough seem to have SKY as they are typically talking about what they saw and it was only on SKY.

    They're also generally white, 40 or over, predominantly male [there are quite a few female, including a regular for Miles Davis] and will ring up with a grievance. If it's not Henry it's Tew. If it's not Tew it's Nonu. If it's not Nonu it's Hansen. Etc etc etc. It's hardly ever positive. It doesn't help when they also employ one of the most negative, cynical, sports-bashing 'journalists' I've ever heard [I'm looking at you Matt Gunn.] They also always know better than those involved in the sport. [Imagine a 2008 without Henry, Hansen and Smith, or Cowan, Weepu, Thomson, Nonu, Smith, Kahui, Sivivatu and Mackintosh?!] These are not teenagers trying to find a sport which interests them.

    Not if you are adminstering that sport anyway.

    So who is to blame then? The broadcaster doing their best to secure revenue and viewers for their company or the administrator attempting to promote their sport to the masses while ensuring it is financially stable enough to still have a competition? [Heres a hint: Both and neither]

    As an example, are SPARC, as the governing body, to blame for the inadequate rugby league competition and participation levels in New Zealand? Or is Rugby League NZ, as the ruling body? Or is SKY, as the broadcaster, because the kids can't watch the Warriors/Kiwis on the weekend as their families don't have the money?

    I live next to a radio though with is permanently tuned to RS.

    Must be pretty cheap rent huh? :P
    You should really stop listening to Radio Sport. BSport is miles better. :) Even Richard Loe's On the Field is better than Miles Davis or 'The Brendan Telfer Experience' ;)

    My wife and every single Korean that she and I know as a starter for ten.

    Ok sure, you got me there. But would they watch it if it was on free-to-air, in the afternoon and in warm, sunny conditions? [as your earlier post suggested was the way to fix it.]

    And Kyle, yep, you're right. Prime and SKY have the rights to the winter and summer olympics from 2009 - TBA.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    And re: TVNZ freeview and sport, not a hell of a lot. Look at all the sport they've given away over the past three years.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

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