Posts by Michael Savidge

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  • Hard News: Citizens,

    In regard to the Nat's sentencing policy, I think Key has wasted a golden opportunity here.

    I reckon he would have been much more effective had he incorporated some policy on preventative solutions as well. For all his twaddle on 'boot camps' in the past, he should know that there are already many organisations doing critical work in youth mentoring etc that are disgracefully underfunded. I know at least one highly-regarded and successful program that, even as a CYFS-accredited provider, receives less than 5% of its annual budget from govt funding. And the program can't expand at the rate it is being asked to by communities due to funding issues.

    If he had put the two issues together into a more, dare I say it, holistic policy announcement, he may have won over more than just the hang 'em high brigade.

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Up Front: Not Actually Blue at All,

    I can't wait for the stories that begin with "I woke up in Hong Kong/Bangkok/King's Cross..."

    Mine doesn't; although it does begin with a hangover. Chch, late 80's, the day after the U2/BB King "Love Comes to Town" tour.

    A good friend (let's call him Boofhead) has decided he needs/wants a tat. I'm delegated to drive him because I'm the only one not drinking at breakfast. So we go find a parlour (why are they called parlours?) and he proceeds to choose the ugliest, most moronic design in the place. From memory it involved a cross, barbed wire and flames.

    I hated him for being so banal and thick. In his defence, he was from Invercargill.

    So to try and bring some order back to the universe I decided I'd have to get one too. A better, cooler, downright groovier one than his.

    I chose an eye. With some great shading in the lid and an all-round sense of timelessness and grace. I had it done on my shoulder (as I think was generally de riguer for the times) with the clever extrapolation that it would keep an eye on that which was behind me. It was 35 bucks.

    And while I liked it then, and still do now, that description leaves me ever-so-slightly embarrassed.

    And ever since that day I have craved more ink. And, to date, I have stoutly resisted. I'm not sure why.

    As far as stigma goes I believe it still exists. It's just broadened its net to include the stupid as well as the scary.

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Debate and Onwards,

    I'm with Andrew Sullivan. Put her in front of the media with no script or prep and let's see what she's got. Can she handle, or understand, or analyse the real world as it unfolds before her?

    Actually, I think we all know how that would play out.

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Debate and Onwards,

    Ta much Uncle Bob!

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Debate and Onwards,

    I have yet to master the dark art of link embedding so can one of you maestros do me a solid?

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Debate and Onwards,

    I meant,

    Not even those who etc...?

    She didn't have to accept the nomination after all.

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Debate and Onwards,

    No person deserves to be held up to this sort of ridicule.

    Even those who believe they have the ability and right to rule over the masses?

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Island Life: No soup for you,

    I have American friends who refer to haemorrhoid scarring as grapes...

    Wrath indeed.

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Up Front: First Footing,

    But while a pair of Loake brogues will look the business (in many senses) when paired with a pinstriped Zegna suit, they would be somewhat out of place when worn with an open-necked black muslin shirt untucked beneath a three-piece acid-washed denim suit.

    Well, like, duh!

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Up Front: First Footing,

    Feet, people, feet.

    And tattoos. But only if they are on the feet.

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

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