Posts by dubmugga

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  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    We allow many refugees in, but are biased in favour of Pacific people.


    ...cos we're so damn good looking :)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    But unlike you, I will refrain, because, unlike you, I can get along with people no matter where they're from.

    Hassling someone for what race they were born into is disgusting, and in fact, is racism. And you think it is okay.

    hahaha...bro unlike you, i don't buy into your western definitions of race or cultural superiority based solely on economic growth.

    ...methinks thou protesteth too much. I mean, for someone who can get along with people no matter where they're from, you seem to be struggling with a fulla from christchurch.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    I have a good time insulting western colonial culture and attacking it when it promotes racism and bigotry under the guise of academic study. Couldn't give a shit if they were white, black, green or yellow.

    Fix up, look sharp

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale, insist on, respectively, calling one of the greatest European thinkers of the last millenium some academically entrenched Euro guy,

    Elvis was a hero to most but he never meant shit to me...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    Kant's theory of Universal Law says that if something is right for one person, it is right for everyone else, and vice versa.

    Not sure if i agree with that but let me guess... Kant was an academically entrenched euro guy ? Things look different from the ivory towers across the other side of the world.

    A healthy economy is fine but unsustainable in todays climate so lets not chuck the baby out with the bathwater. Especially if its our bath.

    Cannibalism for whatever reasons had it's place back in the day. I'm not going to sit in moral judgment as to its relative merit today.

    I have read future eaters.

    Polynesians are some of the most resourceful and robust of peoples. We adopted whatever technology and implemented policies to whatever suited our situation, yes, sometimes at the expense of the environment. We still do. Some of us for sure are still slaves to custom enshrined in christian values and otherwise. Many of us have a free mind to make alternate informed choices.

    If Clydesdale wants to make bold claims under the guise of academic study thats fine but he damn well better have his facts and reasons straight. I don't believe he has.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    Cultural relativism has every place being here. Its what your whole premise of race and racism is based upon. Its how clydesdale chooses to interpret the data and put forth his views. You seem to be clouding the issue with race.

    Saved from cannibalism ? Oh didnt save anyone and by our cultural values cannibalism wasnt wrong or evil. It too was governed by economics and religion. The west does not nor did it ever have a monopoly on economy and the value of life despite what history says.

    Who exactly are these people who have no intention of coming here to work ? Those refugees that need saving ? Who and how do you vet them ? What criteria should we judge skills ? Solely by contribution to economic growth ? What about art, sport and cultural diversity ? Do you know what skills the market needs now and in the future ?

    Bro, get your ass in gov't if you answered yes to more than 60% of the above.

    As for why i am happy for people to come here and live off my taxes. (Yes even though i identify myself as Samoan, I do have a job and pay them. Its nice of you to infer i'm just another bludger though.) It's because we can afford it if we manage it wisely.

    Do you want a rich peoples playground where natives are reduced to menial labour and cant afford to live on the land that was theirs to begin with but stolen ?

    C'mon man, US policy on immigration is not something you should be holding up as a guiding light either, you funny guy you. Wetbacks and outsourced sweatshops anyone ?

    And yeah best believe in times of trouble i would eat you :)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    I have absolutely no indie rock cred. I was talking more hiphop street cred. Keeping it real :)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    "yeah we didn't have dole back in the day but if you gonna give out money for lying around doing fuck all we're gonna take it. We aint stupid."

    I think that was Clydesdale's point.

    It should be you have to have skills to offer, or you can stay where you are. The only exception being refugees. We've got to help people in need.

    No i think his point is that we as polynesians are stupid and the govt with it's immigration policies are as well. Do you think we should not take the dole if there are no jobs around as most of what we did traditionally as unskilled labour has now been taken over by 'clydesdales" graduates or over skilled imigrants whose qualifications aren't recognized ?

    My mother was Samoan who came over on a scholarship to train as a nurse. She wasnt a refugee but by your exception she shouldn't have been allowed in ?'re a funny guy !

    I think it's worse for the country to import western cultural elitists and foster them within academia and the business sector at the expense of developing polynesian potential.

    The other thing is the change in attitude between my mothers generation and NZ born pasifikans who have been minced up by the education system to believe they're stupid when in actuality its the system that culturally failed them.

    Most of the bludging, p addicted, criminals you speak of have no faith in your system anymore. Why is that ?

    We just shouldn't spoon-feed layabouts.

    And no, it is not a racial thing. We should treat everyone by the same standards. Lazy people from all races and creeds who think they can move here then just bludge off the country should be told to stay put.

    Then we can at least only have our own lazy people to complain about.

    And how do you judge a persons spoonfed layaboutness and laziness ? Maybe a question on the immigation form.

    "Does your race have a propensity towards laziness "

    or how about

    " Are you willing to be judged solely by one european standard"

    So who exactly are your own lazy people ?

    This is not a racial issue, stop making it one dub.'s about not letting people rip you off. Wherever they're from.

    Like i said, it's about culture. Race has little to do with it. And yeah funny you should talk about not getting ripped off considering how much indigenous people have been ripped and by whom

    Any suggestions on what we should do there ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    Cheers Sacha. Just listened and laughed the whole way through. If only he were smart enough to realise he was getting a new arse ripped by Ms Hill I'd give his study some creedence...

    ...but alas, stupid is as stupid does. Kudos for having the nuts to put his views out there though.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    I agree you are polynising our minds...

    and lets not forget strengthening your genepool as well

    It seems if anyone criticises anyone Polynesian they get lambbasted in the public arena.

    yeah of course. Especially if they use pseudo science, flawed statistics and an obvious cultural bias to do it.

    It's okay for you to insult British descendants and accuse us of things our ancestors did, but look at it another way:

    Everyone is an invidivual. People vary a lot when it comes to education, how they raise their children, what types of jobs they have, etc. However, if a lot of a race are unemployed, or work but are lazy, or beat the hell out of their children, you say we can't criticise you for that?

    Its so Handy when you can manipulate the the education system to lower self esteem amongst an indigenous population and produce a success rate needed to keep the unskilled labour market topped up especially if you can legislate it for generations and then measure the success of it by differing cultural standards.

    You brainwash tertiary students into feeling shame for their ancestors' colonisation of the country, and tell them that Maori supremacy is the only option, or even separatism; the last course I did the lecturer said the Maori wanted their own separate parliament.

    The brain washing, if it exists outside your mind, is to produce some colour back into a system thats been white washed for centuries. Maori supremacy isnt the only option. Separatism is just racist jibber jabber by a fed up and disgruntled minority within polynesia. I think self determination is a better word or is that 2 words ? And yes maori back in the day had their own gov't and bank which was manipulated and ultimately undermined by the british colonial one.

    With all the people that move to South Auckland and sit around on the dole, before they discover gangs and P, someone has to speak out.

    European immigrants don't do that.

    Hahaha... take your p and drugs and alcohol and get the fuck outta Sth Aux. Talk about cointel pro down under.

    I know there are smart Polynesians, who work, who raise their kids well, etc. No one's saying you're all bad apples. Someone is, however, saying that a lot of you are.

    Oh you mean, theres lots of house niggas and uncle toms willing to play good for the massa to sleep in the big house and eat the crumbs of the table ?

    Since we can't challenge your culture and get away with it, I suggest you fix the problems yourselves. First of all you have to admit there are problems.

    oh wer'e fixing and we know what the problems are but like i said its gonna take a generation or 2. All in gods good time bro.

    Being a dole bludger surely is against your real culture anyway.

    yeah we didn't have dole back in the day but if you gonna give out money for lying around doing fuck all we're gonna take it. We aint stupid.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

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