Posts by dubmugga

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  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Indie cred ??? fuck indie cred, i got indie cred coming out my arse but i cant eat that shit...sooner or later it just becomes all about the money and protecting your claim to it. Your drive to rebel ends up as the lone voice in the wilderness.

    Maybe it's inevitable one sells out or be ostracised, excommunicated, blacklisted, maybe not.

    I'm sure BS may have had grand plans on reforming the system as a young turk and to an extent he has but maybe the reforms weren't sweeping enough or his vision lacked real scope.

    Maybe the lure of the darkside old boy ways is to strong. I'm hoping change of gov't = change of policy direction and personell.

    If the alternative is to spend 6 yrs or so clawing my way up thorugh party ranks to get a list seat and enter parliament. Then so be it. Cos basically it's my money NZoA are playing with and those brureaucrats looking to run agencies as fiefdoms need reminding they are in my public service.

    I got time and patience but it aint unlimited.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    some people emigrate to New Zealand and lean on the system, while having nothing to offer in return.

    Shouldn't we challenge that state of affairs?

    We're all about the challenges bro so I'm gonna challenge your state of affairs and your ' nothing to offer' fact.

    Everyone has worth and can add value. It's just a bit of shame the only real equal opportunities shown for us were in sports and entertainment. Up until about 20 yrs ago anything beyond that was virtually a closed shop, except of course for the 'jobs for the underclasses.'

    Maybe the study should have been 'NZ deliberately creates polynesian underclass to cater for unskilled employment market'

    Never mind the fact that polynesians have been coming here on evidence for about 700 yrs so it's not like emigration as such. More like moving to greener pastures but still within our traditional homelands.

    We didn't ask to be colonised and discriminated against in the employment and education sectors. Denied equal opportunity, assimilated into foreign cultural practises and still expected to thrive.

    But you had your best shot and this 'clydesdale' study is the last gasp of a dying class. 2 more generations and we'll be running things again. We'll have assimilated you into our mindset and worldview and NZ will once again be defined by a polynesian identity and culture.

    What you dont realise is we got time on our hands. We operate to a different clock. Yeah, maori time or island time if you will, but we see ourselves as the continuation of a stream of consciousness that stretches back millenia as opposed to the sum total of experience within a lifetime or two. We have patience, we can wait.

    The battle is for cultural supremacy. Transplanted foreign euro vs indigenous polynesian. Forget the racial stuff. Thats just more divide and conquer colonial bullshit. We are colonizing your minds and most of you are too ignorant or in denial to know it.

    POLYNIZATION y'all, get down with the brown !!!

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    re Yulia :

    What the article doesnt mention is that Glyn copied the thread into a PDF, edited it so that it looked like Will Edmond was making posts saying he was going to spike underaged girls drinks so they could be raped at his gigs, and then sent it to The Press.

    sad really, in a desperate look at me fail in public kind of way...

    ...whats next, a fake breakdown ???

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    Is it true polynesians inclusive of maori are over represented in the prison and procreation stakes while being under represented in the white collar and education achivement sectors ?

    Of course. You don't need a phd to see that. The question is why ?

    Brownbashing and muckraking in a election year is par for the course but how about addressing the real cause of a pasifikan problems instead...institutionalised racism and cultural elitism ?

    I'm afraid it's gonna take more than one generation removed from even acknowledging that before the playing field is level. Besides the system needs an underclass to do all the shit jobs.

    How convenient polynesians fit that bill so easily and that in order to succeed by euro/nz standards we have to sellout our culture and confrom to standards which are unsustainable in the wider global sense.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    surely you guys know the catholic church is the BEAST, the second incarnation of the antichrist followed by the third member of the unholy trinity, the FALSE PROPHET widely accepted as america/fake democracy...

    ...stands to reason they'd be in bed together

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Isnt it funny how the young turks become the old boys.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    ...not really a fan of ordered and sane, i prefer insanely chaotic. Its a more accurate reflection of the real world.

    I see Obama has distanced himself from the church now, surely that's an omen...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    Thing with Nick D is, he talks too much for my liking.

    dubmugga, if you really want to be outraged by condescending prats insulting the natives try Intrepid Journeys. Whoever keeps commissioning that cringe-inducing pile of crap should be pushed under a bus. Repeatedly.

    that'll be those visionaries at NZ on Air again...

    With such curmudgeonly thoughts, you'd expect me to be delighted that TVNZ is to be stripped of control of its prime-time charter funding...

    NZ On Air is now in charge of controlling that charter fund and its board is hand-picked by the government to be safe, steady and dull.

    It's no accident that the stunningly successful Flight of the Conchords series couldn't get made here, for example. It involved risk, and assumed the viewer might have a brain.

    That's the sort of decision Broadcasting Minister Trevor Mallard ought to be grumbling about

    ...sounds just like the crap music we get fed by state funded tastemakers in collusion with radio programmers.

    and now we're getting the latest locally adapted, dumbed down, lo budget version of 'NZ's got talent' to go along with the totally cringeworthy 'stars in their eyes'...

    ...can't fucking wait. Only thing worth watching for is if the luscious Miriama has a wardrobe malfunction and lets one of the puppies slip out for a perv

    I get so embarrassed sitting with foreign visitors watching our shit tv

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    ^^take one for the team !!!

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun, can't kill the antichrist with a bullet

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

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