Posts by dubmugga

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  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    does anyone know whatever became of this ?

    or this

    cos i actually live here on iwi land. i suppose i should ask our landlords 'the trust' or the grumpy old cocky down the end of the road, or get all up in nick smiths grille...heh

    to be sure, in this instance, i like the idea of having the private beach down the private road protected by iwi ownership/native title and a grumpy pakeha farmer, whose house we have to drive to and ask for the key to get access to the spit or conversely walk across the estuary at low tide.

    i'm actually more worried about the german frau who owns pepin island setting up a biotech lab/aryan hostel...nah j/k

    and fair enough not letting people drive across the estuary either. its a delicate environment and looks shit when it's all churned up by tyre marks, not to mention the cockles getting squashed and yummy cockles they are too:)

    heres a pic.

    the grassy bit by the houses in the centre right is the turning circle where access to the estuary and boat ramp is, beyond that is the private road we live down.

    theres more pics here...

    ...and if you really like i'll sell you some prints of them, just dont come visit me cos you're not allowed, besides i just might eat you :)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dear John,

    if you squint hard enough you cant even tell the difference between key and goff. policies be damned, image is everything. hopefully they're grooming another helen in the wings except hopefully hotter, taller and with nicer teeth. gotta make key seem like a bully beating up on a vulnerable woman in the next election....irection

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    one last rant on it then i'm done...

    whats the difference between an unemployed defacto couple with kids misrepresenting their situation to WINZ with regards to living together so they can claim separate benefits cos they cant survive on a married couples one and the bill english thing ?

    he's basically claimed to be living somewhere else but staying with his wife in THEIR property of which he signed off (just prior to claiming the mp's accom benefit) as having no pecuniary interest in as he wasnt on the trust deed of ownership despite being entitled to 50percent under matrimonial law ?

    the difference is, one does what they have to do to survive and provide the most benefit to their kids and the other is a greedy poilitician who's disgusting actions in these times parallel unwarranted executive bonuses and have directly effected the current economic crisis.

    no amount of free advertising is gonna distract me from the fact that he is an immoral money grubbing career politician who gives southland a bad name by claiming to be from there.

    haha...i just spotted the banner at the top saying ask bill a question about the economy, maybe someone should ask him my one. then stand up and call bullshit to his face when he answers that he's done no wrong.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    dunno if its been said cos no way am i trolling thru 10 pages to find out but...

    fuck bill english! as if cheerleeading for the kiwi worker and general populace on public tv will make us forget what a greedy cunt he is for re working parliamentary entitlements to cop an extra few k on his salary

    coincidence ? i think not...damage control ?...hell yeah

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sunday blues, and we're on Sky,

    how capable of broadband speed is the new 3G cell networks or how cheap are satellites so everyone can get it equally whether living rural or urban ? just seems a bit back asswards looking, digging channels to lay thousands of kilometres of fibre optic cable

    of course if they persist, then it might be a good time to buy a few ditch diggers and get into the cable laying business:)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Peter Principle,

    now if only they'd appoint someone to review and eventually sack BS over at NZoA for doing a shit job with kiwi muzak...:)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    The Urales were among the 5% of Samoans who didn't go to church in the 1970s.

    ...and why would you ???

    The ministers used to yell and scream and rant trying their damndest to put the fear of god into you then alternate that with sweet humble pie.

    No wonder poly gen xers are so confused and their kids embraced hiphop wholesale...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    PS: I took out an unnecessary and probably defamatory reference to someone else from your post. Chill out dude, feel that sunny Nelson vibe

    ...oh i'm chill and yeah if i saw him i'd say it to his face too. We gots history

    and if i did have a complaint, its that polynization gets glossed over so much in the mainstream...

    btw Churtown sweet, TIMARU ???..hahaha GTFOH !!!

    and Kaps is all good but i bet he cant throw down a hoop like he used to.

    We have no punk, reggae or non-commercial roots music to combine our up-yours attitude into something vaguely organised.

    you got dubstep though its hardly upyours, its more a defeatist navel gazing. Thank fuck i'm first gen hiphop. I gots attitude for africa...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    *sigh* if only you werent just brown in name only what a different story you'd tell...

    I lived the 90's in aux and what started out full of promise soon became a nightmare. Nice token reference to that greatest of polynesian contributions to the cultural wealth and heritage...rapsingers heh. The rest is just so skewed white middle class i cant be bothered eh...

    Lookin forward to the update tho and a sort of where are they now type of thing. Last i heard, kapisi was a fat old atheist irrelevent to the current generation.

    As for me, i took my kids and broken heart and got the fuck outta dodge. Settled back into the lovely, boringly safe christchurch of my teenage youth, which i would have loved for someone to have done a comparable piece of then and now given its *ahem* conservative nature and became an internet badass...

    Now, i is in nelson sunning it up, tho not really cos im workin in welli and getting back not so very often but the kids are loving it, living in nelson that is. Got a classically kiwi 3 bedroom suburban house in the middle of a paddock, in the middle of nowhere, down a dead end private road with a private beach to boot and the kids catch an hour long bus ride to nelson boys and girls respectively. Not bad for a native of milton sth otago.

    Accepting myself as polynesian and a generational gapper has taught me how to work the angles and survive the stereotypes better than most. Still i have to wind my neck in sometimes, keep my mouth shut and take a bit of shit from the man but i tend to give as good as i get now cos i and mine are the future.

    BTW russel did you ever used to live down crummer road not far from toast heaven and where did you come from if not Auckland?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Just shoot me,

    wouldnt be surprised if mum and the kid have a mutual agreement involving $$$ to disagree in public.

    Beat up what would otherwise be just another fluffy story about the evils of marijuana and shit parenting...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

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