Posts by dubmugga

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  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    sorry danielle but at least the east coast maori probably did have family ties to their surrounding iwi. ngai tahu just managed to beat the pakeha to the sth island and wipe out alot of the indigenous people here then claim ownership. cuntish behaviour in the extreme if you ask me .

    if history is written by the victors and the victors can carve up the spoils of war as they see fit, then perhaps maori iwi and hapu should accept they lost and as has been suggested move on from an 1840's mindset about who owned what and when.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    fuck those greedy ngai tahu cunts. they're as much indigenous to the sth island as my early irish ancestors.

    and yes it's sad but alot of maori are defined and stuck in an 1840's mindset. i think it would have been better if maori never signed the treaty at least in the form of hapu and iwi cos it institutionally factionalised them and never allowed for new hapu or iwi while fixing disputable tribal boundaries into pakeha law allowing the good ol divide and conquer tactic to prevail. it stopped maori from becoming one people and one nation.

    ngai tahu are a perfect example. they wont help anyone not descended from their register of families from the 1800's and did a number on alot of the smaller iwi and hapu allowing them to claim kaitiakiship over large swathes of the sth island they never had sovereignty over then de facto assimilate the smaller iwi into the greater tribe and renege on the deals.

    just look at that wally in his suit and tell me what culture he's representing while talking about his family?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    Don't be silly. History does not start with an "R" not like Riteing or Rithmatic.

    heh...reality starts with an R or should that be realty and so does errr... racialism ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    its all very well to say the foreshore belongs to the sea, but then who owns the sea. does the right of might rule apply ? where was i reading the chinese are sending out armed boats to protect their fishing fleets as they poach in foreign waters

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    kiwi culture is a myth. it doesnt exist anymore than the traditional idyllic one maori hold dear.

    the cultural war is between transplanted euro by way of the UK and indigenous polynesian.

    at present UK have dominance as shown symbolically by planting their flag over every ceremony of note.

    soon as the ol diggers who layed down their life for king and country die out or give us 2 more generations and we'll pwn you. POLYNIZATION i like to call it. we've already partially colonised your minds. resistance is futile. we will assimilate you all...MWAHAHAHAHAHAH...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    and the real elephant in the room is the non polynesians and non euros who call themselves NZers...

    ...lets hear what they think for a change eh ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    We don't need no stinkin' pictures.

    haha...sure you do. gotta keep your eyes on the prize. just cant have the great unwashed thinking we all have equal rights cos the fact is some of us were born more equal than others...

    ...true, the wall that needs broken is the bi-culturalist one and the elitist attitudes involved which often get played out as racism. i dont think most really know who the fight is between. it aint between peoples. its between cultures and the associated values.

    and as long as we got a union jack in our flag the treaty is still relevent and the fight will go on...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    so do they teach new immigrants any 'real' history ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    Personally, I think the best way out is a populist response of legislating to enshrine and extend a common law property right of access to all beaches for all New Zealanders.

    nah not all beaches and not all new zealanders. some of you commoners have no restecp :)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    yeah, im with the idiot, fuck urgency...i'm in no hurry to go anywhere and do anything these days. i'm quite happy in my private utopia.

    i'm slutted my goat died tho, especially after i chased it down the road and threw it in the back of the people mover to get it. stilll theres plenty more where he came from just roaming the hills up the back. gonna get my gun license and then watch out for sure...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

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