Posts by Tomorrowpeople

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  • Hard News: Conscious Party,

    Who is Paula Bennett?


    I was there on the night (APRA Awards).

    Some observations:
    More people were commenting on what Helen was wearing that what she said.
    She still received a reasonable response - OK it's mostly a 'Labour mates' crowd but there was no obvious heckling and the like.
    A less rousing speech but I think she know she can't rawk it up like several years ago, it doesn't wash.
    I doubt the Labour supporters at the APRAs will be switching to blue at the elections and I guess it still does show that one particular political party seems more in tune with the 'music biz' than others, albeit in a naive way.

    Ruia Aperahama made a very good speech I though, not just about Maori music but about NZ in general - some thoughtful and inclusive comments from him and if more people had his attitude NZ might be a better place - embrace your cultural uniqueness but share it around with everyone else and vice versa.
    Pretty common sense stuff there.

    Martin Phillipps done good!
    He looks healthy and I was transported back to 1990 for a moment there.
    He still has that blue Charvel guitar.
    I'm related to him by marriage now (via a Phillipps with 'two ls and two ps) and like most people in NZ once auditioned for the Chills.
    MArtin found my demo tape down the back of his couch some years ago, after the auditions had long closed - lol
    I digress - I will have to put 'Soft Bomb' and 'Submarine Bells' onto the iPhone...

    Flip Grater - she sang great!. This is someone I had overlooked previously as being 'another chick singer/songwriter', however I was pleasantly surprised by her ability and voice - reminiscent of Karin Peris from the Innocence Mission. She's no Bic, Anika, Anna or any of that ilk thank goodness. Anyway, I liked her. I guess sometime some people can really surprise you when they don't sing their own stuff...

    Bachelorette was pretty cool - big synths pumped up loud sound GREAT! (as did the synth bass in Kapisi's live set). I saw Roger Shepherd looking quite happy too.
    It still surprises me how synths still get a bad rap in NZ - you have to be a 'proper' keyboard player with a Hammond or some Nu-wave rave act with a cheesy toy keyboard to be cool? Nah!

    Speaking of Kapisi - not sure what is going on there.
    Kinda like Concord Dawn going heavy metal with a band - odd.
    Does it work? Kind of?
    Is it another sign of the times where the hip-hop or dance outfits are getting back to 'real music' instead of laptops and CDJs?
    Hop so.
    Nice to see Teremoana up there.

    The APRA award itself..... was a bit weird? Usually it's a song that doesn't have to be a hit that wins - it's about the writing, not the success?
    I mean FFS - the OpShop song is hardly any different than any other shlock relationship fodder right?
    As for Greg Haver - the Welsh producer (who did the OpShop record) - big deal. So he produced the Manics once and now tells NZ bands how to make records? Are we still doing that crap? Why not put someone local like Simon Holloway in the chair.
    Midn you, Dianne Swann looked good in the video - they should have given the award to her for 'looking good'.

    Elemeno P? WTF? Again, hardly what I'd call an original song worthy of entry. Throwaway. Maybe if these guys were 18 it would be OK. But. They. Are. Adults. Justin Pilbrow writes jingles - go figure. The man is talented for sure but if you want to hear some good stuff dig out the single by Pause, released on Deepgrooves around '95. For the record, the guys are top chaps and good on them, Scooty Pearson is a great drummer and I've had the pleasure of playing in with him in several bands. However, there are many more 'songs' in NZ that shoudl have made the cut.
    It is surprising that the members of APRA voted for these finalists.

    'Bright Grey' would have been my pick. I was never a fan of teh 'Foundation much but that track is tops - works great and fantastic hook.
    Gotta lose the beards though guys - that goes for young Finn too.
    'So 2003'.

    Positive thought of the night - Arthur Baysting's speech was pretty short.

    I always find the APRAs more of an 'awards' night than the Tuis - the Tuis are now just a corporate sponsor fest.

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: Farce About,

    No coincidence I think.
    Key opened his conference a while back with the actual Coldplay 'Clocks' version.
    No doubt someone said "let's use that track on the DVD" but on advice would have been told they had to license it (= $$$ and probably being turned down) so they have commissioned a 'sound-alike' to get round it.
    It's not a cover version...

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • __Faux__RADIATION: **Californication**,

    It's a good show - great writing , funny etc.

    Tak eteh T&A out and you'd not lose anaything although it does add to the overall feel of the show.

    As for the lame ass advertisers who pulled their ads as they found the content 'objetctional' - what a pack of turkeys.
    No one blinks an eye at Outrageous Fortune which has more swearing and a high amount of sexual content albeit not as much nudity.
    (One of the advertisers was Burger King who's ads feature soft caore sexual fantasies of women in bikinis. How ironic).

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    In the light of day - the whole story looks incredilbly shaky.

    Like, er, throwing a napalm bomb when you could use a fly swat to kill the fly....

    Big deal over nothing?

    Seems to be a kerfuffle about not much.

    Hopefully it will bring the stupid 'anti-terrorist' laws into the public spotlight.

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    Why not crack down on those street terrorists - the pushy, crusty hippies who try to get you to sign up to Greenpeace?

    Annoying, in-your-face, rude and condescending.

    "Bugger off, dolphin head!"

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    TV3 has an office in Wellington?


    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    The Summary Proceedings Act is the act under which police obtain search warrants. The obtained Search Warrants under that act for suspected breaches of the Arms Act and the Terrorism Suppression Act.

    So, they couldn't use that act to open a car boot with a woman's body in it?

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    Tame Iti is a 'colourful character', not much else.

    I'm surprised he didn't get asked on to Dancing with the Stars.

    PS: I was joking when I mentioned his name first time around in this thread. I didn't know he'd been arrested - lol

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    I am pro cycling BTW - more lanes, less competition with cars and trucks, buses etc.

    Cyclists just neeed to remember they must follow the road rules.

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    Sure, there are pedestrian idiots who endanger themselves.

    These would account for around 50% of pedestrians based on what I see every day.
    The number of people who will walk out onto the road before teh little green guy lights up is astounding. These peopel think tehy know the traffic light phasing so the can start walking when they see the cars are getting teh orange light. All you need is one lead foot in a car to race through the amber (and we all know thta is the norm) to take out a bunch of pedestrians.
    Next time you are in the CBD observe how many people actually WAIT for the green to cross...

    Nonetheless, Auckland is needlessly dangerous to pedestrians. Those things can both be true. And I'm not buying any argument along the lines of "nothing for you whining pedestrians until you shape up."

    I agree but some pedestrians are just stupid, just like the way they probably drive (through red lights).

    What I see is that in any given stretch of AK, the needs of people from far away to transit through are not well balanced with the needs of people who live and work there.

    Indeed - it all comes back to less cars and encouraging people to walk or use public transport ie. better footpaths, more crossings, safe crossings...

    Election issue anyone?

    While we are on the subject, can the cyclists please stop riding through the pedestrian crossings when people are trying to cross?

    The Craps tables at the B… • Since Nov 2006 • 188 posts Report

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